Google - 75 Note Taking Software - Download them and feel the difference in taking Notes ( No one would use Note Pad afterwards ). Great softwares. Do use or atleast try

  1. AM-Notebook 
  2. AskSam 
  3. AZZ Cardfile 
  4. Black Hole Organizer 
  5. ECCO Pro 
  6. InfoHandler 
  7. Info Select 
  8. Jot+ Notes 
  9. KeyNote 
  10. Literary Machine 
  11. MyInfo 
  12. Neomem 
  13. TaoNotes 
  14. TreeDBNotes 
  15. Treeline 
  16. Ultra Recall 
  17. WinOrganizer 
  18. Zoot
  19. Microsoft's OneNote
  20. ShortText 
  21. YourDraft 
  23. Sabifoo 
  24. Deusto 
  25. Backpack 
  26. BareWiki 
  27. Infogami 
  28. Zoho Planner 
  29. Change To Link 
  30. PasteHere 
  31. Pianist 
  32. JotCloud 
  33. Web Note 
  34. Performancing Firefox 
  35. Forty Internet Notebook 
  36. Backpack 
  37. JotSpot Live 
  38. TaskToy 
  39. Zoho Planner 
  40. Campfire 
  41. How-To 
  42. SyncNotes 
  43. Yahoo! Notepad 
  44. Notepad Bookmarklet 
  45. Google Desktop Scratch Pad 
  46. Pastebin 
  47. TNX 
  48. TextSnippets 
  49. PasteHere 
  50. Nopaste 
  51. Writeboard 
  52. Basecamp 
  53. Writely 
  54. Rallypoint 
  55. Zoho Writer 
  56. WideWord 
  57. YourDraft 
  58. gOffice Word Processing 
  59. Evoca 
  60. Odeo 
  61. Springdoo 
  62. Slawesome 
  63. Netvibes 
  64. PageFlakes 
  65. Protopage 
  66. Fold 
  67. Google Personalized 
  68. Google Notes Module 
  69. Dabble DB 
  70. TracksLife 
  71. Zoho Creator 
  72. FlexLists 
  73. Lazybase

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