Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize is not easy to get. Here is a list of Nobel Prize Laureates from Economics giving lectures on Economics of the world. And where the world is Heading in economics.
From famous economist, economists giving detailed info on game of microeconomics.
Talk about nobel peace prize which seems to be hit all over the world. Nobel peace prize laureate wins nobel prize and get's around 1-2 million dollar. From Kofi Annan to Mother Teresa getting famous by it. Bono won the prize also.
Ok! Break here, Just get to list of Nobel Laureates from Economics.
Alfred Nobel.

According to the Nobel Foundation statutes, the Nobel Laureates are required "to give a lecture on a subject connected with the work for which the prize has been awarded". The lecture should be given before, or no later than six months after, the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, which takes place in Stockholm or, in the case of the Peace Prize, in Oslo on 10 December. Click on the names of the Laureates in Economics below to see their Prize Lectures.
From famous economist, economists giving detailed info on game of microeconomics.
Talk about nobel peace prize which seems to be hit all over the world. Nobel peace prize laureate wins nobel prize and get's around 1-2 million dollar. From Kofi Annan to Mother Teresa getting famous by it. Bono won the prize also.
Ok! Break here, Just get to list of Nobel Laureates from Economics.
Alfred Nobel.

According to the Nobel Foundation statutes, the Nobel Laureates are required "to give a lecture on a subject connected with the work for which the prize has been awarded". The lecture should be given before, or no later than six months after, the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, which takes place in Stockholm or, in the case of the Peace Prize, in Oslo on 10 December. Click on the names of the Laureates in Economics below to see their Prize Lectures.
Video Lectures from Laureates in Economics
- 2008
- Increasing Returns
Prize Lecture by Paul Krugman » - 2007
- But Who Will Guard the Guardians?
Prize Lecture by Leonid Hurwicz » - Mechanism Design: How to Implement Social Goals
Prize Lecture by Eric S. Maskin » - Perspectives on Mechanism Design in Economic Theory
Prize Lecture by Roger B. Myerson » - 2006
- Macroeconomics for a Modern Economy
Prize Lecture by Edmund S. Phelps » - 2005
- War and Peace
Prize Lecture by Robert J. Aumann » - An Astonishing Sixty Years: The Legacy of Hiroshima
Prize Lecture by Thomas C. Schelling » - 2004
- Quantitative Aggregate Theory
Prize Lecture by Finn E. Kydland » - The Transformation of Macroeconomic Policy and Research
Prize Lecture by Edward C. Prescott » - 2003
- Risk and Volatility: Econometric Models and Financial Practice
Prize Lecture by Robert F. Engle III » - Time Series Analysis, Cointegration, and Applications
Prize Lecture by Clive W.J. Granger » - 2002
- Maps of Bounded Rationality
Prize Lecture by Daniel Kahneman » - Constructivist and Ecological Rationality in Economics
Prize Lecture by Vernon L. Smith » - 2001
- Behavioral Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Behavior
Prize Lecture by George A. Akerlof » - Signaling in Retrospect and the Informational Structure of Markets
Prize Lecture by A. Michael Spence » - Information and the Change in the Paradigm in Economics
Prize Lecture by Joseph E. Stiglitz » - 2000
- Microdata, Heterogeneity and the Evaluation of Public Policy
Prize Lecture by James J. Heckman » - Economic Choices
Prize Lecture by Daniel L. McFadden » - 1999
- A Reconsideration of the Twentieth Century
Prize Lecture by Robert A. Mundell »
Nobel Laureate , Nobel Laureate Genius , Sicence Nobel Laureates, Interviews of Nobel Laureates, Biographies of Nobel Laureates, Actual Lives of Nobel Laureates , NOBEL PEACE PRIZE , PHYSICS NOBEL PRIZE
* "Annan, U.N. Cited for Peace Work, Win Nobel". In Nobel Centennial. Copyright © 2003 Cable News Network LP, LLLP 2003. Accessed 5 November 2007. (Concerns the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Kofi Annan and the United Nations.)
* "The Definitive Guide to The Nobel Prizes". The Local ("Sweden's News in English"), 6 November 2007. Copyright © The Local Europe AB 2007. Accessed 5 November 2007.
* Encyclopædia Britannica's Guide to the Nobel Prizes. Copyright © 2007 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Accessed 5 November 2007.
* Lemmel, Birgitta. "The Nobel Prize Medals and the Medal for the Prize in Economics". Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2006. Accessed 9 November 2007.
* Liljestrand, Göran, and Carl Gustaf Bernhard. "The Prize in Physiology or Medicine". 139-278 of Nobel: The Man and His Prizes. 1950. Ed. Nobel Foundation and Wilhelm Odelberg (Coordinating Ed.). 3rd ed. New York: American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., 1972. ISBN 0444001174.
* "The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies". Copyright © Nobel Web AB 2007. Accessed 9 November 2007.
* Odelberg, Wilhelm. "Foreword: Alfred Nobel: The Man and His Prizes". The Who's Who of Nobel Prize Winners: 1901–2000. Ed. Louise S. Sherby. 4th ed. Westport, CT: Oryx Press, 2002. ISBN 1573564141 (10). ISBN 9781573564144 (13).
* Schück, Henrik, Ragnar Sohlman, Anders Österling, Carl Gustaf Bernhard, the Nobel Foundation, and Wilhelm Odelberg, eds. Nobel: The Man and His Prizes. 1950. 3rd ed. Coordinating Ed., Wilhelm Odelberg. New York: American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., 1972. ISBN 0444001174 (10). ISBN 9780444001177 (13). (Originally published in Swedish as Nobelprisen 50 år: forskare, diktare, fredskämpar.)
* "What the Nobel Laureates Receive". Copyright © Nobel Web AB 2007. Accessed 9 November 2007.
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