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The journals listed below offers free online access to developing economies, based on either programs such as HINARI (, or on a HighWire-based program offering access to countries appearing in the World Bank's list of "low income economies," ( 
Individual publishers use the list from the World Bank as a guideline for determining their policies, so some variation in access per publisher does occur. 

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  1. AAP Grand Rounds
  2. Experimental Biology and Medicine
  3. AAP News
  4. Health Affairs
  5. Academic Emergency Medicine
  6. Hypertension
  7. Academic Psychiatry
  8. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
  9. Advances in Physiology Education
  10. Journal of Clinical Investigation
  11. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
  12. Journal of Experimental Medicine
  13. American Journal of Psychiatry
  14. The Journal of General Physiology
  15. American Journal of Public Health
  16. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
  17. Annals of Internal Medicine
  18. Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  19. ASH Education Program Book
  20. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
  21. BMJ
  22. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
  23. British Journal of Radiology
  24. Molecular Biology of the Cell
  25. British Journal of Sports Medicine
  26. Molecular Endocrinology
  27. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
  28. NeoReviews
  29. Canadian Medical Association Journal
  30. New England Journal of Medicine
  31. Chest
  32. The Oncologist
  33. Circulation
  34. Pediatrics
  35. Clinical Chemistry
  36. Pediatrics in Review
  37. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
  38. Psychiatric Services
  39. Diabetes
  40. Psychosomatics
  41. Diabetes Care
  42. Recent Progress in Hormone Research
  43. Diabetes Spectrum
  44. Red Book Online
  45. Endocrine Reviews
  46. The Journal of Cell Biology
  47. Endocrinology

    [Reference Sites]

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