VIDEOJUG.COM - HOW TO CONTROL AND MANAGE " Exam Stress" by George Turnbull


* How do I avoid panicking during an
* What should I do if I am tempted to
* Everyone has answered differently to me,what should I
* Hearing what other people have written makes me think I have answered incorrectly, what should I
* Everyone finishes before me, what can I do?

VideoJug: Exam Stress

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Exam Stress
How do I avoid panicking during an exam?

What should I do if I am tempted to cheat?

Don't cheat in an exam. There's a simple answer. You're only fooling yourself. The likelihood is that you'll get caught. A teacher - they call them invigilators in the examination room itself - is patrolling the examination room and there might be more than one. If you're trying to cheat by looking at something, a piece of paper, or whatever that you've taken in, there's always the temptation to look up and see if the invigilator is there. From the invigilator's standpoint, they will note that, and you could not only be disqualified from that examination you're sitting, but you could be disqualified from examinations for a number of years. Cheating in exams is a very, very serious thing, so don't do it. If you're at the point of having to cheat, then the likelihood is that you're not going to do well on the examination at all.
Everyone has answered differently to me,what should I do?

If everyone has answered differently to you, there's nothing you can do to influence the examination paper that you've just taken but there's an awful lot you can do with the one you're about to take. Avoid your friends outside the examination room, don't have these discusssions. Go home, put the examination paper in a drawer and don't look at it again until your own grandchildren ask to see it. It is of no importance anymore. The examiner will decide if you've done well on the examination or not. Concentrate on the next paper you're going to take and that's where you can make a difference.
Hearing what other people have written makes me think I have answered incorrectly, what should I do?

It doesn't mean anything. It's your examination, and it's your paper that's going to be marked, so concentrate on what you do. There are rushers and planners in examinations. Some people just go ahead without reading the question paper properly, and they give the wrong answers to the question because they've not read the paper carefully. They write many, many notes and It doesn't matter, it's a load of rubbish what they're writing. It won't affect your examination mark finally. So concentrate on your own paper and ignore everybody else.
Everyone finishes before me, what can I do?

It doesn't matter whether everybody walks out after 1 minutes, you're there for whatever time of the examination. It's your paper that's going to be marked, and it's your grade that you're interested in, not other people's grades. You don't know what they've done on the examination paper. Forget about everyone around about you and concentrate on your own paper.

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