ocw.mit.edu - List of All the courses available - Open Course Ware MIT

 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 16.00Introduction to Aerospace Engineering and Design Spring 2003
 16.01Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.02Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.03Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.04Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.050Thermal Energy Fall 2002
 16.06Principles of Automatic Control Fall 2003
 16.07DynamicsFall 2004
 16.100Aerodynamics Fall 2005
 16.120Compressible Flow Spring 2003
 16.13Aerodynamics of Viscous Fluids Fall 2003
 16.20Structural Mechanics Fall 2002
 16.21Techniques for Structural Analysis and Design Spring 2005
 16.225Computational Mechanics of Materials Fall 2003
 16.230JPlates and Shells Spring 2006
 16.30Estimation and Control of Aerospace Systems Spring 2004
 16.31Feedback Control Systems Fall 2001
 16.322Stochastic Estimation and Control Fall 2004
 16.323Principles of Optimal Control Spring 2006
 16.333Aircraft Stability and Control Fall 2004
 16.337JDynamics of Nonlinear Systems Fall 2003
 16.355JSoftware Engineering Concepts Fall 2005
 16.358JSystem Safety Spring 2005
 16.36Communication Systems Engineering Spring 2003
 16.37JData Communication Networks Fall 2002
 16.394JInfinite Random Matrix Theory Fall 2004
 16.399Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications Spring 2004
 16.410Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making Fall 2005
 16.412JCognitive Robotics Spring 2005
 16.413Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making Fall 2005
 16.422Human Supervisory Control of Automated Systems Spring 2004
 16.423JAerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering Spring 2006
 16.512Rocket Propulsion Fall 2005
 16.522Space Propulsion Spring 2004
 16.540Internal Flows in Turbomachines Spring 2006
 16.61Aerospace Dynamics Spring 2003
 16.621Experimental Projects I Spring 2003
 16.622Experimental Projects II Fall 2003
 16.652Inventions and Patents Fall 2005
 16.653Management in Engineering Fall 2004
 16.682Prototyping Avionics Spring 2006
16.72Air Traffic Control Fall 2006
 16.75JAirline Management Spring 2006
 16.76JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 16.76JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 16.77JAirline Schedule Planning Spring 2003
 16.810Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping January (IAP) 2005
 16.810Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping January (IAP) 2007
 16.812The Aerospace Industry Spring 2004
 16.83XSpace Systems Engineering Spring 2002
 16.851Satellite Engineering Fall 2003
 16.852JIntegrating the Lean Enterprise Fall 2005
16.862Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 16.863JSystem Safety Spring 2005
 16.881Robust System Design Summer 1998
 16.885JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2004
 16.885JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2005
 16.886Air Transportation Systems Architecting Spring 2004
 16.888Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization Spring 2004
 16.891JSpace Policy Seminar Spring 2003
 16.892JSpace System Architecture and Design Fall 2004
16.895JEngineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System Spring 2007
 16.901Computational Methods in Aerospace Engineering Spring 2005
 16.910JIntroduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211) Fall 2003
 16.920JNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212) Spring 2003
 16.940JComputational Geometry Spring 2003
 16.985JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21A.100Introduction to Anthropology Fall 2004
 21A.110Anthropological Theory Spring 2003
 21A.112Seminar in Ethnography and Fieldwork Fall 2003
 21A.211Magic, Witchcraft, and the Spirit World Fall 2003
 21A.212Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism Spring 2004
 21A.215Medical AnthropologyFall 2004
 21A.216JDilemmas in Bio-Medical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good? Spring 2005
 21A.217Anthropology of War and Peace Fall 2004
 21A.218JIdentity and Difference Fall 2002
21A.218JIdentity and Difference Spring 2007
 21A.219Law and Society Spring 2003
 21A.224JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2005
 21A.225JViolence, Human Rights, and Justice Fall 2004
 21A.226Ethnic and National Identity Spring 2005
 21A.230JThe Contemporary American Family Spring 2004
 21A.231JGender, Sexuality, and Society Spring 2006
21A.235American Dream: Exploring Class in the U.S. Spring 2007
 21A.240Race and ScienceSpring 2004
 21A.245JPower: Interpersonal, Organizational and Global Dimensions Fall 2005
 21A.260Culture, Embodiment and the Senses Fall 2005
 21A.336Marketing, Microchips and McDonalds: Debating Globalization Spring 2004
 21A.337JDocumenting Culture Spring 2004
 21A.338JGender, Power, and International Development Fall 2003
 21A.340JTechnology and Culture Fall 2006
 21A.342Environmental Struggles Fall 2004
 21A.344JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2006
 21A.344JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2003
 21A.348Photography and Truth Spring 2005
 21A.350JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 21A.430JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2006
 21A.441The Conquest of America Spring 2004
 21A.453Anthropology of the Middle East Spring 2004
 21A.460JMedicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and the African Diaspora Spring 2005
 21A.750JSocial Theory and Analysis Fall 2004
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
4.001JCityScope: New Orleans Spring 2007
 4.101Experiencing Architecture Studio Spring 2003
 4.104Architectural Design: Intentions Spring 2004
 4.104Architecture Studio: Intentions Spring 2005
 4.107MArch Portfolio SeminarFall 2003
 4.123Architectural Design, Level I: Perceptions and Processes Fall 2003
 4.125Architecture Studio: Building in Landscapes Fall 2002
 4.125AArchitecture Studio: Building in Landscapes Fall 2005
 4.125BArchitecture Studio: Building in Landscapes Fall 2005
 4.131Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essence: The Glass House Fall 2003
 4.131BArchitectural Design, Level II: Material and Tectonic Transformations: The Herreshoff Museum Fall 2003
 4.132Architecture Design, Level II: Cuba Studio Spring 2004
 4.143Immaterial Limits: Process and Duration Fall 2002
 4.144Architectural Design, Level II: New Orleans Studio Spring 2006
 4.155BArchitectural Design, Level III: A Student Center for MIT Fall 2004
 4.163JUrban Design Studio: Providence Spring 2005
 4.163JUrban Design Fall 2003
 4.166Beijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2006
 4.170Ecuador WorkshopFall 2006
 4.171The Space Between Workshop Fall 2004
 4.171Ecuador WorkshopFall 2006
 4.173Digital Mock-Up WorkshopSpring 2004
 4.175Case Studies in City FormFall 2005
 4.181Architectural Design Workshop - Rethinking Office Development Spring 2003
 4.181Architecture Design Workshop: Researching User Demand for Innovative Offices Fall 2002
 4.183Sustainable Design and Technology Research Workshop Spring 2004
 4.184Architectural Design Workshop: Collage - Method and Form Spring 2004
 4.184Architectural Design Workshops: Computational Design for Housing Spring 2002
 4.185JBeijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2004
 4.191Introduction to Integrated Design Fall 2006
 4.195Special Problems in Architectural Design Spring 2005
 4.196Architecture Design, Level II: Cuba Studio Spring 2004
 4.206Introduction to Design Computing Spring 2004
 4.211JThe Once and Future City Spring 2006
 4.212Design FabricationSpring 2003
 4.213JAdvanced Seminar: Urban Nature and City Design Fall 2005
 4.215JSensing Place: Photography as Inquiry Spring 2006
 4.215JSites in Sight: Photography as Inquiry Fall 2003
 4.220Urban Housing: Paris, London, New York Fall 2004
 4.235JUrban Design Politics Spring 2003
 4.240JUrban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting, and Representing the City Fall 2004
 4.241JTheory of City FormSpring 2004
 4.243JMedia Technology and City Design and Development Spring 2002
 4.250JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Spring 2006
 4.252JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Fall 2006
 4.255JSite and Urban Systems Planning Spring 2006
 4.257JProperty Rights in Transition Spring 2005
 4.273Introduction to Design Inquiry Fall 2001
 4.273Introduction to Design Inquiry Fall 2004
 4.285Research Topics in Architecture: Citizen-Centered Design of Open Governance Systems Fall 2002
 4.285Power of Place: Media Technology, Youth, and City Design and Development Spring 2001
 4.296Furniture MakingSpring 2005
 4.297Special Problems in Architecture Studies Fall 2000
4.301Introduction to the Visual Arts Spring 2007
 4.302BSAD Foundations in the Visual Arts Fall 2003
 4.303Dialogue in Art, Architecture, and Urbanism Fall 2003
 4.303The Production of Space: Art, Architecture and Urbanism in Dialogue Fall 2006
 4.322Introduction to SculptureFall 2003
 4.341Introduction to Photography Fall 2002
 4.343Photography and Related Media Fall 2002
 4.351Introduction to VideoSpring 2004
 4.366Advanced Projects in the Visual Arts: Personal Narrative Spring 2004
 4.367Studio Seminar in Public Art Spring 2006
 4.370Interrogative Design Workshop Fall 2005
4.401Introduction to Building Technology Spring 2006
4.406Ecologies of Construction Spring 2007
 4.411Building Technology Laboratory Spring 2004
 4.42JFundamentals of Energy in Buildings Fall 2003
4.430Daylighting Fall 2006
 4.440Basic Structural Theory Spring 2003
 4.441Building Technologies II: Building Structural Systems I Spring 2003
 4.442Building Technologies III: Building Structural Systems II Fall 2002
 4.448Analysis of Historic Structures Fall 2004
 4.461Building Technology I: Materials and Construction Fall 2004
 4.462Building Technologies II: Building Structural Systems I Spring 2003
 4.463Building Technologies III: Building Structural Systems II Fall 2002
 4.463Building Technology III: Building Structural Systems Fall 2004
 4.491Form-Finding and Structural Optimization: Gaudi Workshop Fall 2004
 4.493Emergent Materials IISpring 2005
 4.493Natural Light in Design January (IAP) 2006
 4.500Introduction to Design Computing Spring 2006
 4.501Architectural Construction and Computation Fall 2005
 4.510Digital Design Fabrication Fall 2005
 4.511Digital Mock-Up Workshop Spring 2006
 4.520Computational Design I: Theory and Applications Fall 2005
 4.521Computational Design I: Theory and Applications Fall 2005
 4.580Inquiry into Computation and Design Fall 2006
 4.602Modern Art and Mass Culture Spring 2004
 4.607Thinking About Architecture: In History and At Present Fall 2002
 4.608JTopics in the Avant-Garde in Literature and Cinema Spring 2003
 4.614Religious Architecture and Islamic Cultures Fall 2002
 4.615The Architecture of Cairo Spring 2002
 4.638Drawings & Numbers: Five Centuries of Digital Design Fall 2002
 4.645Selected Topics in Architecture: Architecture from 1750 to the Present Fall 2004
 4.65120th Century Art Fall 2002
 4.661Theory and Method in the Study of Architecture and Art Fall 2002
 4.665Contemporary Architecture and Critical Debate Spring 2002
 4.A21Stories Without Words: Photographing the First Year Fall 2006
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
PE.210SCUBA Spring 2007
 PE.710Tennis Spring 2007
 PE.720Weight Training Spring 2006
 PE.730Archery Spring 2006
 PE.740Fencing Spring 2007
 PE.810Sailing Spring 2007
 PE.910Physical Intelligence January (IAP) 2002
 PE.920PE for MESpring 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 20.010JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 20.011JStatistical Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems (BE.011J) Spring 2004
 20.102Macroepidemiology (BE.102) Spring 2005
 20.104JChemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health (BE.104J) Spring 2005
20.106JSystems Microbiology Fall 2006
 20.109Laboratory Fundamentals in Biological Engineering Spring 2006
 20.110JThermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems Fall 2005
 20.180Biological Engineering Programming Spring 2006
 20.181Computation for Biological Engineers Fall 2006
 20.201Mechanisms of Drug Actions Fall 2005
 20.309Biological Engineering II: Instrumentation and Measurement Fall 2006
 20.310JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 20.320Biomolecular Kinetics and Cell Dynamics Spring 2006
20.330JFields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems Spring 2007
 20.340JMaterials for Biomedical Applications Spring 2006
 20.342Molecular Structure of Biological Materials (BE.442) Fall 2005
 20.370JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 20.371JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
 20.400JPerspectives in Biological Engineering Spring 2006
 20.410JMolecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 20.411JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
 20.420JBiomolecular Kinetics and Cellular Dynamics (BE.420J) Fall 2004
 20.430JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 20.440Analysis of Biological Networks (BE.440) Fall 2004
 20.441Biomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 20.442Molecular Structure of Biological Materials (BE.442) Fall 2005
 20.450Molecular and Cellular Pathophysiology (BE.450) Spring 2005
20.451JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 20.453JBiomedical Information Technology (BE.453J) Spring 2005
 20.462JMolecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2006
 20.470JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 20.482JFoundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology Spring 2006
 20.483JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 20.490JFoundations of Computational and Systems Biology Spring 2004
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 7.012Introduction to BiologyFall 2004
 7.013Introductory BiologySpring 2006
 7.014Introductory BiologySpring 2005
 7.02Experimental Biology & Communication Spring 2005
 7.02CIExperimental Biology - Communications Intensive Spring 2005
 7.03GeneticsFall 2004
 7.06Cell BiologySpring 2007
 7.08JBiological Chemistry IISpring 2004
 7.13Experimental Microbial GeneticsFall 2003
 7.16Experimental Molecular Biology: Biotechnology II Spring 2005
 7.18Topics in Experimental BiologyFall 2005
 7.22Developmental BiologyFall 2005
 7.24JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 7.27Principles of Human DiseaseSpring 2006
 7.28Molecular BiologySpring 2005
 7.29JCellular Neurobiology Spring 2005
 7.30JFundamentals of Ecology Fall 2003
 7.340Avoiding Genomic Instability: DNA Replication, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer Fall 2006
 7.340Immune Evasion: How Sneaky Pathogens Avoid Host Surveillance Spring 2004
 7.340Nano-life: An Introduction to Virus Structure and Assembly Fall 2005
 7.340Ubiquitination: The Proteasome and Human Disease Fall 2004
 7.340Under the Radar Screen: How Bugs Trick Our Immune Defenses Spring 2007
 7.341Brightening up Life: Harnessing the Power of Fluorescence Imaging to Observe Biology in Action Fall 2006
7.341DNA Damage Checkpoints: The Emergency Brake on the Road to Cancer Fall 2007
 7.342Cancer Biology: From Basic Research to the Clinic Fall 2004
 7.342G-Protein Coupled Receptors: Vision and Disease Spring 2007
 7.342Reading the Blueprint of Life: Transcription, Stem Cells and Differentiation Fall 2006
 7.343Neuron-glial Cell Interactions in Biology and Disease Spring 2007
 7.343Photosynthesis: Life from Light Fall 2006
 7.343Protein Folding, Misfolding and Human Disease Fall 2004
 7.344Antibiotics, Toxins, and Protein Engineering Spring 2007
 7.344RNA Interference: A New Tool for Genetic Analysis and Therapeutics Fall 2004
7.344The Fountain of Life: From Dolly to Customized Embryonic Stem Cells Fall 2007
 7.345Evolution of the Immune System Spring 2005
 7.349Biological Computing: At the Crossroads of Engineering and Science Spring 2005
 7.36JFoundations of Computational and Systems Biology Spring 2004
 7.38JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 7.391Concept-Centered TeachingFall 2005
 7.391Concept-Centered TeachingSpring 2006
 7.51Graduate Biochemistry Fall 2001
 7.547JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
 7.548JPerspectives in Biological Engineering Spring 2006
 7.58Molecular BiologySpring 2005
 7.59JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 7.60Cell Biology: Structure and Functions of the Nucleus Spring 2006
 7.66JCognitive & Behavioral Genetics Spring 2001
 7.67JGenetic Neurobiology Fall 2005
 7.68JCellular and Molecular Neurobiology: The Brain and Cognitive Sciences III Spring 2003
 7.69JDevelopmental Neurobiology Spring 2005
 7.72Developmental BiologyFall 2005
 7.81JSystems BiologyFall 2004
 7.88JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 7.90JComputational Functional Genomics Spring 2005
 7.91JFoundations of Computational and Systems Biology Spring 2004
 7.92JNeurology, Neuropsychology, and Neurobiology of Aging Spring 2005
 7.931Concept-Centered TeachingFall 2005
 7.931Concept-Centered TeachingSpring 2006
 7.98JNeural Plasticity in Learning and Development Spring 2002
 7.A12Freshman Seminar: Structural Basis of Genetic Material: Nucleic Acids Fall 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 9.00Introduction to Psychology Fall 2004
 9.00PIntroduction to Psychology Fall 2001
 9.01Introduction to Neuroscience Fall 2004
 9.01Neuroscience and Behavior Fall 2003
 9.011The Brain and Cognitive Sciences I Fall 2002
 9.012The Brain and Cognitive Sciences II Spring 2006
 9.012The Brain and Cognitive Sciences II Spring 2002
 9.013JCellular and Molecular Neurobiology: The Brain and Cognitive Sciences III Spring 2003
 9.02Brain Laboratory Spring 2002
 9.03Neural Basis of Learning and Memory Fall 2003
 9.031Neural Basis of Learning and Memory Fall 2003
 9.036The Visual System Spring 2005
9.04Neural Basis of Vision and Audition Fall 2006
 9.044JBrain Mechanisms for Hearing and Speech Fall 2005
 9.05Neural Basis of Movement Spring 2003
 9.07Statistical Methods in Brain and Cognitive Science Spring 2004
 9.081Human Memory and Learning Fall 2002
 9.09JCellular Neurobiology Spring 2005
 9.10Cognitive Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.100Cognitive Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.110JNeurology, Neuropsychology, and Neurobiology of Aging Spring 2005
 9.12Experimental Molecular Neurobiology Fall 2006
 9.14Brain Structure and its Origins Spring 2005
 9.15Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission Fall 2003
 9.150Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission Fall 2003
 9.16Cellular Neurophysiology Spring 2002
 9.18Developmental Neurobiology Spring 2005
 9.181JDevelopmental Neurobiology Spring 2005
 9.19JCognitive & Behavioral Genetics Spring 2001
 9.20Animal Behavior Fall 2005
 9.201Advanced Animal Behavior Spring 2000
 9.22JA Clinical Approach to the Human Brain Fall 2006
 9.250Evolutionary Psychology Spring 1999
 9.29JIntroduction to Computational Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.301JNeural Plasticity in Learning and Development Spring 2002
 9.322JGenetic Neurobiology Fall 2005
 9.35Sensation and Perception Spring 2004
 9.357Special Topics in Vision Science Fall 2001
 9.373Somatosensory and Motor Systems Spring 2002
 9.402Language and Thought Fall 2002
 9.458Parkinson's Disease Workshop Summer 2006
 9.459Scene Understanding Symposium Spring 2006
 9.51Affective Priming at Short and Extremely Short Exposures Spring 2003
 9.520Statistical Learning Theory and Applications Spring 2006
 9.520Statistical Learning Theory and Applications Spring 2003
 9.520-ANetworks for Learning: Regression and Classification Spring 2001
 9.52-AInvestigating the Neural Substrates of Remote Memory using fMRI Spring 2003
 9.52-BTopics in Brain and Cognitive Sciences Human Ethology Spring 2001
 9.52-CComputational Cognitive Science Spring 2003
 9.530Cellular and Molecular Computation Spring 2000
 9.531JSystems BiologyFall 2004
 9.56JAbnormal Language Fall 2004
 9.57JLanguage Acquisition Fall 2001
 9.591JLanguage Processing Fall 2004
 9.59JPsycholinguistics Spring 2005
 9.601JLanguage Acquisition I Spring 2002
 9.611JNatural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge Spring 2003
 9.63Laboratory in Cognitive Science Fall 2005
 9.63Laboratory in Cognitive Science Fall 2002
 9.641JIntroduction to Neural Networks Spring 2005
 9.65Cognitive Processes Spring 2004
 9.660JComputational Cognitive Science Fall 2004
 9.66JComputational Cognitive Science Fall 2004
 9.67Object and Face Recognition Spring 2001
 9.675The Development of Object and Face Recognition Spring 2006
 9.68Affect: Biological, Psychological, and Social Aspects of Feelings Spring 2005
 9.69Foundations of Cognition Spring 2003
 9.70Social Psychology Spring 2005
 9.71Functional MRI of High-Level Vision Fall 2004
 9.713JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 9.74Foundations of Human Memory and Learning Spring 2002
 9.75JPsychology of Gender Spring 2003
 9.85Infant and Early Childhood Cognition Fall 2005
 9.911Reasonable Conduct in Science January (IAP) 2002
 9.912Special Topics in Brain and Cognitive Sciences Fall 2001
 9.912JIntroduction to Computational Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.913Pattern Recognition for Machine Vision Fall 2004
 9.913-AIntensive Neuroanatomy January (IAP) 2002
 9.916Modularity, Domain-specificity, and the Organization of Knowledge Fall 2001
 9.916The Neural Basis of Visual Object Recognition in Monkeys and Humans Spring 2005
 9.916-AProbability and Causality in Human Cognition Spring 2003
 9.93Cognitive Neuroscience of Remembering: Creating and Controlling Memory January (IAP) 2002
 9.93Marathon Moral Reasoning Laboratory January (IAP) 2007
 9.95-AResearch Topics in Neuroscience January (IAP) 2003
 9.96Experimental Methods of Adjustable Tetrode Array Neurophysiology January (IAP) 2001
 9.97Introduction to Neuroanatomy January (IAP) 2003
 9.98Language and Mind January (IAP) 2003
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 10.002JIntroduction to Numerical Analysis for Engineering (13.002J) Spring 2005
 10.010JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 10.302Transport Processes Fall 2004
 10.32Separation Processes Spring 2005
 10.333JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 10.34Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Fall 2005
 10.34Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Fall 2006
10.37Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering Spring 2007
 10.391JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 10.391JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 10.392JFundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 10.40Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Fall 2003
 10.420Molecular Aspects of Chemical Engineering Fall 2004
 10.442Biochemical Engineering Spring 2005
 10.445Separation Processes for Biochemical Products Summer 2005
 10.44JStatistical Thermodynamics of Complex Liquids Spring 2004
 10.450Process Dynamics, Operations, and Control Spring 2006
 10.467Polymer Science Laboratory Fall 2005
 10.490Integrated Chemical Engineering I Fall 2006
 10.491Integrated Chemical Engineering II Spring 2006
 10.492-1Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics I: Process Control by Design Fall 2004
 10.492-2Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics I: Introduction to Biocatalysis Fall 2004
 10.52Mechanics of Fluids Spring 2006
 10.520Molecular Aspects of Chemical Engineering Fall 2004
 10.536JThermal Hydraulics in Power Technology Spring 2007
 10.537Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 10.538JBiomolecular Kinetics and Cellular Dynamics (BE.420J) Fall 2004
 10.539JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 10.542Biochemical Engineering Spring 2005
 10.543JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 10.545Separation Processes for Biochemical Products Summer 2005
 10.547JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
 10.548JTumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena Fall 2005
 10.569Synthesis of Polymers Fall 2006
 10.571JAtmospheric Physics and Chemistry Spring 2006
 10.652JKinetics of Chemical Reactions Spring 2003
 10.675JComputational Quantum Mechanics of Molecular and Extended Systems Fall 2004
 10.702Experimental Biology & Communication Spring 2005
 10.702CIExperimental Biology - Communications Intensive Spring 2005
 10.74JRadiative Transfer Spring 2006
 10.792JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 10.805JTechnology, Law, and the Working Environment Spring 2006
 10.806Management in Engineering Fall 2004
10.816Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 5.04Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II Fall 2004
 5.05Principles of Inorganic Chemistry III Spring 2005
 5.068Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry Spring 2005
 5.08JBiological Chemistry IISpring 2004
 5.111Principles of Chemical Science Fall 2005
 5.112Principles of Chemical Science Fall 2005
 5.12Organic Chemistry ISpring 2005
 5.12Organic Chemistry I Spring 2003
 5.13Organic Chemistry IIFall 2003
 5.13Organic Chemistry II Spring 2003
5.13Organic Chemistry II Fall 2006
 5.301Chemistry Laboratory Techniques January (IAP) 2004
 5.302Introduction to Experimental Chemistry January (IAP) 2005
 5.310Laboratory Chemistry Spring 2003
 5.311Introductory Chemical Experimentation Fall 2005
 5.32Intermediate Chemical Experimentation Spring 2003
 5.33Advanced Chemical Experimentation and Instrumentation Fall 2005
 5.43Advanced Organic ChemistrySpring 2007
 5.44Organometallic ChemistryFall 2004
 5.451Chemistry of Biomolecules IFall 2005
5.46Organic Structure Determination Spring 2007
 5.48JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 5.512Synthetic Organic Chemistry II Spring 2005
5.60Thermodynamics & Kinetics Spring 2007
 5.601JThermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems Fall 2005
 5.61Physical ChemistryFall 2004
 5.62Physical Chemistry IISpring 2004
 5.675JComputational Quantum Mechanics of Molecular and Extended Systems Fall 2004
 5.68JKinetics of Chemical Reactions Spring 2003
 5.73Introductory Quantum Mechanics I Fall 2002
 5.73Introductory Quantum Mechanics I Fall 2005
 5.74Introductory Quantum Mechanics II Spring 2007
 5.74Introductory Quantum Mechanics II Spring 2004
 5.76Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure Spring 1996
 5.841Crystal Structure RefinementFall 2006
5.92Energy, Environment, and Society Spring 2007
 5.95JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 5.S15Kitchen ChemistrySpring 2006
5.S16Advanced Kitchen Chemistry Spring 2002
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 1.00Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving Fall 2005
 1.00Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving Spring 2005
 1.001Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving Fall 2005
 1.010Uncertainty in Engineering Fall 2004
 1.010Computing and Data Analysis for Environmental Applications Fall 2003
 1.011Project Evaluation Spring 2005
 1.012Introduction to Civil Engineering Design Spring 2002
 1.015JDesign of Systems Operating in Random Environments Spring 2006
 1.017Computing and Data Analysis for Environmental Applications Fall 2003
 1.018JFundamentals of Ecology Fall 2003
1.020Ecology II: Engineering for Sustainability Spring 2007
 1.021JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 1.032Advanced Soil Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.033Mechanics of Material Systems: An Energy Approach Fall 2003
 1.040Project Management Spring 2004
1.040Project Management Spring 2007
 1.044JFundamentals of Energy in Buildings Fall 2003
 1.050Solid Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.051Structural Engineering Design Fall 2003
 1.053JDynamics and Control I Spring 2007
 1.053JDynamics and Vibration (13.013J) Fall 2002
 1.054Mechanics and Design of Concrete Structures Spring 2004
 1.060Engineering Mechanics II Spring 2006
 1.061Transport Processes in the Environment Fall 2004
 1.081JChemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health (BE.104J) Spring 2005
1.084JSystems Microbiology Fall 2006
 1.101Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Design I Fall 2006
 1.101Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Design I Fall 2005
 1.103Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory Spring 2004
 1.105Solid Mechanics Laboratory Fall 2003
 1.124JFoundations of Software Engineering Fall 2000
 1.126JPattern Recognition and Analysis Fall 2006
 1.128JComputational Geometry Spring 2003
 1.130Wavelets, Filter Banks and Applications Spring 2003
 1.133M. Eng. Concepts of Engineering Practice Fall 2003
 1.138JWave Propagation Fall 2006
 1.142JSystems Optimization: Models and Computation (SMA 5223) Spring 2004
 1.151Probability and Statistics in Engineering Spring 2005
1.155Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 1.201JIntroduction to Transportation Systems Fall 2006
 1.203JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 1.203JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 1.206JAirline Schedule Planning Spring 2003
 1.212JAn Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems Spring 2005
 1.221JTransportation Systems Fall 2004
 1.223JTransportation Policy, Strategy, and Management Fall 2004
 1.224JCarrier Systems Fall 2003
 1.225JTransportation Flow Systems Fall 2002
 1.234JAirline Management Spring 2006
 1.252JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2002
 1.252JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2006
 1.253JTransportation Policy and Environmental Limits Spring 2004
 1.258JPublic Transportation Service and Operations Planning Spring 2006
 1.259JTransit Management Fall 2006
 1.260JLogistics Systems Fall 2006
 1.264JDatabase, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies Fall 2006
 1.273JSupply Chain Planning (SMA 6305) Spring 2005
 1.274JManufacturing System and Supply Chain Design Spring 2005
 1.284JAnalyzing & Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2005
 1.284JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2004
 1.284JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2006
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analyses and Modeling Fall 2003
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2005
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2004
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2006
 1.322Soil Behavior Spring 2005
 1.34Waste Containment and Remediation Technology Spring 2004
 1.361Advanced Soil Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.364Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Fall 2003
 1.366Advanced Soil Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.401JProject Management Spring 2004
1.401JProject Management Spring 2007
 1.432JSystem and Project Management Fall 2003
 1.46Strategic Management in the Design and Construction Value Chain Fall 2003
 1.464E-Commerce and the Internet in Real Estate and Construction Spring 2004
 1.541Mechanics and Design of Concrete Structures Spring 2004
 1.561Motion Based Design Fall 2003
 1.56JStructural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology Fall 2006
 1.57Mechanics of Material Systems: An Energy Approach Fall 2003
 1.571Structural Analysis and Control Spring 2004
 1.573JStructural Mechanics (13.10J) Fall 2002
 1.61Transport Processes in the Environment Fall 2004
 1.63Advanced Fluid Dynamics of the Environment Fall 2002
 1.685JNonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring 2007
 1.72Groundwater Hydrology Fall 2005
 1.725JChemicals in the Environment: Fate and Transport Fall 2004
 1.731Water Resource Systems Fall 2006
 1.76Aquatic Chemistry Fall 2005
 1.77Water Quality Control Spring 2006
 1.782Environmental Engineering MEng Project Fall 2003
 1.814JSystems Perspectives on Industrial Ecology Spring 2006
 1.817JPlanning for Sustainable Development Spring 2006
 1.818JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 1.818JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 1.85Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering Spring 2006
1.851JWater and Sanitation Infrastructure in Developing Countries Spring 2007
 1.89Environmental Microbiology Fall 2004
1.963A Sustainable Transportation Plan for MIT Spring 2007
 1.963Environmental Engineering Applications of Geographic Information Systems Fall 2004
 1.963Globalization of the Engineering and Construction Industry Fall 2006
 1.964Design for Sustainability Fall 2006
 1.978From Nano to Macro January (IAP) 2006
 1.978From Nano to Macro: Introduction to Atomistic Modeling Techniques January (IAP) 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
CMS.600New Media Literacies Spring 2007
 CMS.600Videogame Theory and Analysis Fall 2006
 CMS.602Topics in Comparative Media: American Pro Wrestling Spring 2007
 CMS.610Media Industries and Systems Spring 2006
 CMS.796Major Media Texts Fall 2006
 CMS.801Media in Transition Fall 2004
 CMS.840Shakespeare, Film and Media Fall 2002
 CMS.845Theory and Practice of Non-linear and Interactive Narrative Spring 2003
 CMS.845JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2006
 CMS.845JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2004
CMS.871Media in Cultural Context Spring 2007
CMS.871Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships Fall 2007
 CMS.874Visualizing Cultures Spring 2003
 CMS.876History of Media and Technology Spring 2005
 CMS.876History of Media and Technology: Sound, the Minority Report -- Radical Music of the Past 100 Years Spring 2006
 CMS.880From Print to Digital: Technologies of the Word, 1450-Present Fall 2005
 CMS.910Technologies of Humanism Spring 2003
 CMS.917JDocumenting Culture Spring 2004
 CMS.920Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
 CMS.922Media Industries and Systems Spring 2006
 CMS.930Media, Education, and the Marketplace Fall 2001
 CMS.930Media Education and the Marketplace Fall 2005
 CMS.950Workshop I Fall 2005
 CMS.997Topics in Comparative Media: American Pro Wrestling Spring 2007
CMS.998New Media Literacies Spring 2007
 CMS.998Videogame Theory and Analysis Fall 2006
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 12.000Solving Complex Problems Fall 2003
12.003Physics of Atmospheres and Oceans Fall 2007
 12.005Applications of Continuum Mechanics to Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Spring 2006
 12.006JNonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos Fall 2006
 12.007Geobiology Spring 2003
 12.010Computational Methods of Scientific Programming Fall 2005
 12.085Seminar in Environmental Science Fall 2005
12.090Special Topics in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences: The Environment of the Earth's Surface Spring 2007
 12.091Medical Geology/Geochemistry: An Exposure January (IAP) 2006
 12.091Radon Research in Multidisciplines: A Review January (IAP) 2007
 12.091Trace Element Analysis of Geological, Biological & Environmental Materials by Neutron Activation Analysis: An Exposure January (IAP) 2005
 12.097Chemical Investigations of Boston Harbor January (IAP) 2006
 12.102Environmental Earth Science Fall 2005
 12.103Strange Bedfellows: Science and Environmental Policy Fall 2005
 12.108Structure of Earth Materials Fall 2004
 12.109Petrology Fall 2005
 12.110Sedimentary Geology Fall 2004
12.110Sedimentary Geology Spring 2007
 12.113Structural Geology Fall 2005
 12.114Field Geology I Fall 2005
 12.119Analytical Techniques for Studying Environmental and Geologic Samples Spring 2006
 12.141Electron Microprobe Analysis by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry January (IAP) 2006
 12.163Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution Fall 2004
 12.201Essentials of Geophysics Fall 2004
 12.215Modern Navigation Fall 2006
 12.301Climate Physics and Chemistry Fall 2006
 12.306Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Spring 2006
 12.333Atmospheric and Ocean Circulations Spring 2004
 12.400The Solar System Spring 2006
 12.402JIntroduction to AstronomySpring 2006
 12.409Hands-On Astronomy: Observing Stars and Planets Spring 2002
 12.453Crosby Lectures in Geology: History of Africa Fall 2005
 12.458Molecular Biogeochemistry Fall 2006
 12.463Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution Fall 2004
12.479Trace-Element Geochemistry Fall 2006
12.480Thermodynamics for Geoscientists Fall 2006
 12.490Advanced Igneous Petrology Fall 2005
 12.491Advanced Seminar in Geology and Geochemistry: Organic Geochemistry Fall 2005
12.491Biogeochemistry of Sulfur Fall 2007
 12.501Essentials of Geophysics Fall 2004
 12.510Introduction to Seismology Spring 2005
 12.517Dynamics of Complex Systems: Biological and Environmental Coevolution Preceding the Cambrian Explosion Spring 2005
 12.517Dynamics of Complex Systems: Complexity in Ecology Spring 2000
 12.517Dynamics of Complex Systems: Ecological Theory Spring 2001
 12.520Geodynamics Fall 2006
 12.524Mechanical Properties of Rocks Fall 2005
 12.540Principles of the Global Positioning System Spring 2003
 12.570Seminar in Geophysics: Mantle Convection Spring 1998
 12.570Seminar in Geophysics: Thermal and Chemical Evolution of the Earth Spring 2005
 12.570Structure and Dynamics of the CMB Region Spring 2004
 12.581Phase Transitions in the Earth's Interior Spring 2005
 12.620JClassical Mechanics: A Computational Approach Fall 2002
 12.740Paleoceanography Spring 2006
12.742Marine Chemistry Fall 2006
12.746Marine Organic Geochemistry Spring 2005
12.753Geodynamics Seminar Spring 2001
12.753Geodynamics Seminar Spring 2005
12.753Geodynamics Seminar Spring 2006
 12.757Science and Communication Spring 2005
12.759Marine Chemistry Seminar Spring 2006
 12.800Fluid Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean Fall 2004
 12.802Wave Motions in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2004
 12.804Large-scale Flow Dynamics Lab Fall 2005
 12.806JAtmospheric Physics and Chemistry Spring 2006
 12.808Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography Fall 2004
 12.811Tropical Meteorology Spring 2005
 12.812General Circulation of the Earth's Atmosphere Fall 2005
 12.815Atmospheric Radiation Fall 2006
12.820Turbulence in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2007
12.820Turbulence in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2006
12.822Turbulence in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2006
 12.842Climate Physics and Chemistry Fall 2006
 12.848JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2004
12.848JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2007
 12.864Inference from Data and Models Spring 2005
 12.950Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling Spring 2004
 12.990Prediction and Predictability in the Atmosphere and Oceans Spring 2003
 12.S56GPS: Civilian Tool or Military Weapon? Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 14.02Principles of Macroeconomics Fall 2002
 14.02Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2004
 14.03Intermediate Applied Microeconomics Fall 2004
14.04Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Fall 2006
 14.05Intermediate Applied Macroeconomics Fall 2005
 14.06Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Spring 2004
 14.06Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Spring 2003
 14.11Putting Social Sciences to the Test: Field Experiments in Economics Spring 2006
14.11Special Topics in Economics: The Challenge of World Poverty Fall 2006
 14.12Economic Applications of Game Theory Fall 2005
 14.121Microeconomic Theory IFall 2005
 14.122Microeconomic Theory II Fall 2002
 14.123Microeconomic Theory IIISpring 2005
 14.124Microeconomic Theory IV Spring 2003
 14.126Game TheoryFall 2004
 14.127Behavioral Economics and Finance Spring 2004
 14.128Dynamic Optimization & Economic Applications (Recursive Methods) Spring 2003
14.129Advanced Contract Theory Spring 2005
 14.13Economics and PsychologySpring 2004
 14.147Topics in Game TheorySpring 2005
 14.20Industrial Organization and Public Policy Spring 2003
 14.23Government Regulation of Industry Spring 2003
 14.27Economics and E-commerce Fall 2000
 14.271Industrial Organization IFall 2005
 14.28Competition in Telecommunications Fall 2003
 14.296JCollective Choice I Fall 2005
 14.30Introduction to Statistical Method in Economics Spring 2006
 14.30Introduction to Statistical Method in Economics Spring 2003
 14.32EconometricsSpring 2007
 14.33Economics Research and Communication Fall 2004
 14.33Economics Research and Communication Spring 2005
 14.381Statistical Method in Economics Fall 2006
 14.382Econometrics ISpring 2005
 14.384Time Series Analysis Fall 2002
14.386New Econometric Methods Spring 2007
 14.41Public EconomicsFall 2004
 14.42Environmental Policy and Economics Spring 2004
 14.420Environmental Policy and Economics Spring 2004
 14.44Energy EconomicsSpring 2007
 14.444Energy EconomicsSpring 2007
 14.451Macroeconomic Theory ISpring 2007
 14.452Macroeconomic Theory IISpring 2007
 14.453Macroeconomic Theory III Fall 2002
 14.453Macroeconomic Theory IIIFall 2006
 14.454Macroeconomic Theory IVFall 2004
14.462Advanced Macroeconomics II Spring 2007
 14.462Advanced Macroeconomics II Spring 2004
 14.471Public Economics I Fall 2003
 14.472Public Economics IISpring 2004
 14.475Environmental Economics and Government Responses to Market Failure Spring 2005
 14.48JEconomics of Education Spring 2007
 14.49Information Technology and the Labor Market Spring 2005
14.54International Trade Fall 2006
14.581International Economics I Spring 2007
 14.64Labor Economics and Public Policy Spring 2006
 14.661Labor Economics IFall 2006
 14.661Labor Economics I Fall 2003
14.662Labor Economics II Spring 2007
 14.70JMedieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective Spring 2006
 14.72Capitalism and Its CriticsFall 2006
 14.731Economic HistoryFall 2006
 14.74Foundations of Development Policy Spring 2004
 14.771Development Economics: Microeconomic Issues and Policy Models Fall 2002
 14.778JEconomic Institutions and Growth Policy Analysis Fall 2005
 14.781JPolitical Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy Fall 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 6.001Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring 2005
6.002Circuits and Electronics Spring 2007
 6.003Signals and Systems Fall 2003
 6.004Computation Structures Fall 2002
 6.011Introduction to Communication, Control, and Signal Processing Spring 2004
 6.012Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Fall 2005
 6.012Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Fall 2003
 6.013Electromagnetics and Applications Fall 2002
 6.013Electromagnetics and Applications Fall 2005
 6.021JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 6.022JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
6.023JFields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems Spring 2007
 6.024JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 6.025JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 6.033Computer System Engineering (SMA 5501) Spring 2005
 6.034Artificial Intelligence Spring 2005
 6.034Artificial Intelligence Fall 2006
 6.035Computer Language Engineering (SMA 5502) Fall 2005
 6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2006
 6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2005
 6.042JMathematics for Computer Science Fall 2005
 6.042JMathematics for Computer Science Spring 2005
 6.042JMathematics for Computer Science (SMA 5512) Fall 2002
 6.045JAutomata, Computability, and Complexity Spring 2005
 6.046JIntroduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) Fall 2005
 6.050JInformation and Entropy Spring 2003
 6.061Introduction to Electric Power Systems Spring 2003
 6.071JIntroduction to Electronics, Signals, and Measurement Spring 2006
6.07JProjects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences Spring 2007
 6.090Building Programming Experience: A Lead-In to 6.001 January (IAP) 2005
 6.092Bioinformatics and Proteomics January (IAP) 2005
 6.092Java Preparation for 6.170 January (IAP) 2006
 6.095JComputational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution Fall 2005
 6.096Algorithms for Computational Biology Spring 2005
 6.097Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum Electronics Spring 2006
 6.101Introductory Analog Electronics Laboratory Fall 2002
 6.111Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Spring 2004
 6.111Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Fall 2002
 6.152JMicro/Nano Processing Technology Fall 2005
 6.161Modern Optics Project Laboratory Fall 2005
 6.163Strobe Project Laboratory Fall 2005
 6.170Laboratory in Software Engineering Fall 2005
 6.171Software Engineering for Web Applications Fall 2003
 6.186Mobile Autonomous Systems Laboratory January (IAP) 2005
 6.231Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control Fall 2002
 6.241Dynamic Systems & Control Fall 2003
 6.243JDynamics of Nonlinear Systems Fall 2003
 6.245Multivariable Control Systems Spring 2004
 6.251JIntroduction to Mathematical Programming Fall 2002
 6.252JNonlinear Programming Spring 2003
 6.252JNonlinear Programming Spring 2004
 6.253Convex Analysis and Optimization Spring 2004
 6.263JData Communication Networks Fall 2002
 6.264JQueues: Theory and Applications Spring 2006
 6.270Autonomous Robot Design Competition January (IAP) 2005
 6.281JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 6.281JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 6.301Solid-State Circuits Spring 2003
 6.302Feedback Systems Fall 2002
 6.331Advanced Circuit Techniques Spring 2002
 6.334Power Electronics Spring 2003
 6.336JIntroduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211) Fall 2003
 6.337JIntroduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2006
 6.338JApplied Parallel Computing (SMA 5505) Spring 2005
 6.339JNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212) Spring 2003
 6.341Discrete-Time Signal Processing Fall 2005
 6.345Automatic Speech Recognition Spring 2003
 6.370Robocraft Programming Competition January (IAP) 2005
 6.374Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits Fall 2003
 6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2006
 6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2005
 6.432Stochastic Processes, Detection, and Estimation Spring 2004
 6.435System Identification Spring 2005
 6.436JFundamentals of Probability Fall 2005
 6.441Transmission of Information Spring 2003
 6.443JQuantum Information Science Spring 2006
6.450Principles of Digital Communications I Fall 2006
 6.451Principles of Digital Communication II Spring 2005
 6.452Principles of Wireless Communications Spring 2006
 6.453Quantum Optical Communication Fall 2004
 6.521JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 6.524JMolecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 6.541JSpeech Communication Spring 2004
 6.542JLaboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech Fall 2005
 6.551JAcoustics of Speech and Hearing Fall 2004
 6.561JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 6.581JFoundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology Spring 2006
 6.630Electromagnetics Fall 2006
 6.632Electromagnetic Wave Theory Spring 2003
 6.635Advanced Electromagnetism Spring 2003
 6.637Optical Signals, Devices, and Systems Spring 2003
 6.637Modern Optics Project Laboratory Fall 2005
 6.641Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion Spring 2005
 6.642Continuum Electromechanics Fall 2004
6.651JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2006
 6.651JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2003
 6.661Receivers, Antennas, and Signals Spring 2003
 6.685Electric Machines Fall 2005
 6.691Seminar in Electric Power Systems Spring 2006
 6.720JIntegrated Microelectronic Devices Fall 2002
 6.728Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics Fall 2006
 6.730Physics for Solid-State Applications Spring 2003
 6.763Applied Superconductivity Fall 2005
 6.772Compound Semiconductor Devices Spring 2003
 6.774Physics of Microfabrication: Front End Processing Fall 2004
 6.776High Speed Communication Circuits Spring 2005
 6.780Semiconductor Manufacturing Spring 2003
 6.781JSubmicrometer and Nanometer Technology Spring 2006
 6.801Machine Vision Fall 2004
 6.803The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2002
 6.803The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2006
 6.804JComputational Cognitive Science Fall 2004
 6.805Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier Fall 2005
 6.806Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier Fall 2005
 6.821Programming Languages Fall 2002
 6.823Computer System Architecture Fall 2005
6.824Distributed Computer Systems Engineering Spring 2006
 6.825Techniques in Artificial Intelligence (SMA 5504) Fall 2002
 6.826Principles of Computer Systems Spring 2002
 6.827Multithreaded Parallelism: Languages and Compilers Fall 2002
 6.828Operating System Engineering Fall 2006
 6.829Computer Networks Fall 2002
 6.830Database Systems Fall 2005
 6.831User Interface Design and Implementation Fall 2004
 6.833The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2002
 6.833The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2006
 6.834JCognitive Robotics Spring 2005
 6.837Computer Graphics Fall 2003
 6.838Algorithms for Computer Animation Fall 2002
 6.840JTheory of ComputationFall 2006
 6.841JAdvanced Complexity Theory Fall 2001
 6.844Computability Theory of and with Scheme Spring 2003
 6.852JDistributed Algorithms Fall 2005
 6.854JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2001
 6.854JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2005
 6.855JNetwork Optimization Spring 2003
 6.856JRandomized Algorithms Fall 2002
 6.857Network and Computer Security Fall 2003
 6.859Integer Program Combination Optimization Fall 2004
 6.863JNatural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge Spring 2003
 6.864Advanced Natural Language Processing Fall 2005
 6.866Machine Vision Fall 2004
 6.867Machine Learning Fall 2002
 6.871Knowledge-Based Applications Systems Spring 2005
 6.872JEngineering Biomedical Information: From Bioinformatics to Biosurveillance Fall 2005
 6.872JMedical Computing Spring 2003
 6.873JMedical Decision Support Spring 2003
 6.873JMedical Decision Support Fall 2005
 6.874JComputational Functional Genomics Spring 2005
 6.875Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Spring 2005
 6.876JAdvanced Topics in Cryptography Spring 2003
 6.877JComputational Evolutionary Biology Fall 2005
 6.881Representation and Modeling for Image Analysis Spring 2005
 6.883Pervasive Human Centric Computing (SMA 5508) Spring 2006
 6.883Program Analysis Fall 2005
 6.884Complex Digital Systems Spring 2005
 6.891Computational Evolutionary Biology Fall 2004
 6.892Computational Models of Discourse Spring 2004
 6.895Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution Fall 2005
 6.895Essential Coding Theory Fall 2004
 6.895Theory of Parallel Systems (SMA 5509) Fall 2003
 6.896Theory of Parallel Hardware (SMA 5511) Spring 2004
 6.897Selected Topics in Cryptography Spring 2004
 6.901Inventions and Patents Fall 2005
 6.911Transcribing Prosodic Structure of Spoken Utterances with ToBI January (IAP) 2006
 6.912Introduction to Copyright Law January (IAP) 2006
 6.930Management in Engineering Fall 2004
 6.933JThe Structure of Engineering Revolutions Fall 2001
6.938Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 6.946JClassical Mechanics: A Computational Approach Fall 2002
 6.972Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Optimization Spring 2006
 6.972Game Theory and Mechanism Design Spring 2005
 6.973Organic Optoelectronics Spring 2003
 6.974Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum Electronics Spring 2006
 6.976High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems Spring 2003
 6.977Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Theory and Design Fall 2002
 6.977Ultrafast Optics Spring 2005
 6.978JCommunications and Information Policy Spring 2006
 6.979Introduction to Electric Power Systems Spring 2003
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 ESD.013JElectromagnetics and Applications Fall 2005
 ESD.018JProject Management Spring 2004
ESD.018JProject Management Spring 2007
 ESD.053JChemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health (BE.104J) Spring 2005
 ESD.10Introduction to Technology and Policy Fall 2006
 ESD.123JSystems Perspectives on Industrial Ecology Spring 2006
 ESD.126Energy Systems and Economic Development Spring 2001
 ESD.128JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2004
ESD.128JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2007
 ESD.129Space Policy Seminar Spring 2003
 ESD.136JTechnology, Law, and the Working Environment Spring 2006
 ESD.141Technology Policy Negotiations Spring 2006
 ESD.163JManaging Nuclear Technology Spring 2004
 ESD.166JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 ESD.166JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 ESD.192JAnalyzing & Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2005
 ESD.192JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2006
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analyses and Modeling Fall 2003
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2005
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2004
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2006
 ESD.201JTransportation Systems Fall 2004
 ESD.203JTransportation Policy, Strategy, and Management Fall 2004
 ESD.204JCarrier Systems Fall 2003
 ESD.205JTransportation Flow Systems Fall 2002
 ESD.210JIntroduction to Transportation Systems Fall 2006
 ESD.215JAirline Schedule Planning Spring 2003
 ESD.216JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 ESD.216JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 ESD.221JAn Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems Spring 2005
 ESD.222JTransportation Policy and Environmental Limits Spring 2004
 ESD.225JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2002
 ESD.225JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2006
 ESD.226JPublic Transportation Service and Operations Planning Spring 2006
 ESD.227JTransit Management Fall 2006
 ESD.260JLogistics Systems Fall 2006
 ESD.264JDatabase, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies Fall 2006
 ESD.267JSupply Chain Planning (SMA 6305) Spring 2005
 ESD.268JManufacturing System and Supply Chain Design Spring 2005
 ESD.284JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2004
 ESD.290Special Topics in Supply Chain Management Spring 2005
ESD.30JEngineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System Spring 2007
 ESD.33Systems Engineering Summer 2004
ESD.34System Architecture January (IAP) 2007
 ESD.342Advanced System Architecture Spring 2006
 ESD.353JSpace System Architecture and Design Fall 2004
 ESD.355JSoftware Engineering Concepts Fall 2005
 ESD.35JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2004
 ESD.35JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2005
 ESD.36JSystem and Project Management Fall 2003
 ESD.52JIntroduction to the History of Technology Fall 2006
 ESD.565JIntegrating eSystems & Global Information Systems Spring 2002
 ESD.60Lean/Six Sigma Processes Summer 2004
 ESD.61JIntegrating the Lean Enterprise Fall 2005
 ESD.65JAerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering Spring 2006
 ESD.68JCommunications and Information Policy Spring 2006
ESD.72Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 ESD.77Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization Spring 2004
 ESD.79JQuantum ComputationFall 2003
 ESD.801Leadership Development Fall 2002
 ESD.801Leadership Development Fall 2005
 ESD.84Engineering Systems Doctoral Seminar Fall 2002
 ESD.85JIntegrating Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Technologies Fall 2005
 ESD.86Models, Data and Inference for Socio-Technical Systems Spring 2007
 ESD.932Engineering Ethics Spring 2006
 ESD.932Technology Policy Organizations Spring 2005
 ESD.933Technology Policy Negotiations and Dispute Resolution Spring 2005
ESD.933JOrganizing for Innovative Product Development Spring 2007
 ESD.935Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment Spring 2002
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21F.010Introduction to European and Latin American Fiction Fall 2006
 21F.011Topics in Indian Popular Culture: Spectacle, Masala, and Genre Fall 2006
 21F.013Out of Ground Zero: Catastrophe and Memory Fall 2005
 21F.017Germany and its European Context Fall 2002
 21F.019Communicating Across Cultures Spring 2005
 21F.020JAfter ColumbusFall 2003
 21F.021Communicating Across Cultures Spring 2005
 21F.022JInternational Women's Voices Spring 2004
 21F.024JThe Linguistic Study of Bilingualism Fall 2006
 21F.027JVisualizing Cultures Spring 2003
 21F.030East Asian Cultures: From Zen to Pop Fall 2005
 21F.031JTopics in the Avant-Garde in Literature and Cinema Spring 2003
 21F.034Media Education and the Marketplace Fall 2005
 21F.034Media, Education, and the Marketplace Fall 2001
 21F.035Topics in Culture and Globalization Fall 2003
 21F.037Japanese Popular Culture Spring 2003
 21F.037Topics in Culture and Globalization Fall 2003
 21F.039Japanese Popular Culture Spring 2003
 21F.040A Passage to India: Introduction to Modern Indian Culture and Society Spring 2005
 21F.041Topics in South Asian Literature and Culture Fall 2004
 21F.043JIntroduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience Fall 2005
 21F.044Traditional Chinese Literature: Poetry, Fiction, and Drama Spring 2007
 21F.056Visual Histories: German Cinema 1945 to Present Fall 2003
 21F.059Paradigms of European Thought and Culture Fall 2003
 21F.061Advanced Topics: Plotting Terror in European Culture Spring 2004
 21F.065Japanese Literature and Cinema Spring 2006
 21F.067JCultural Performances of Asia Fall 2005
 21F.069JRace and Gender in Asian America Spring 2006
 21F.084JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2005
 21F.084JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2006
 21F.098JWorking in a Global Economy Fall 2005
 21F.101Chinese I (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.102Chinese II (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.103Chinese III (Regular) Fall 2005
 21F.103Chinese III (Regular) Fall 2003
 21F.104Chinese IV (Regular) Spring 2004
 21F.104Chinese IV (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.105Chinese V (Regular): Chinese Cultures & Society Fall 2003
 21F.106Chinese VI (Regular): Discovering Chinese Cultures and Societies Spring 2003
 21F.107Chinese I (Streamlined) Fall 2005
 21F.108Chinese II (Streamlined) Spring 2006
 21F.109Chinese III (Streamlined) Fall 2005
 21F.110Chinese IV (Streamlined) Spring 2004
 21F.114Chinese VI (Streamlined) Spring 2005
 21F.151Chinese I (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.152Chinese II (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.157Chinese I (Streamlined) Fall 2005
 21F.158Chinese II (Streamlined) Spring 2006
 21F.191Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia Fall 2004
 21F.213High-Intermediate Academic Communication Spring 2004
 21F.214High-Intermediate Academic Communication Spring 2004
 21F.222Expository Writing for Bilingual Students Fall 2002
 21F.223Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation Fall 2004
 21F.224Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation Fall 2004
21F.225Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering (ELS) Spring 2007
21F.226Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering (ELS) Spring 2007
 21F.227Advanced Workshop in Writing for Social Sciences and Architecture (ELS) Spring 2007
 21F.228Advanced Workshop in Writing for Social Sciences and Architecture (ELS) Spring 2007
21F.232Advanced Speaking and Critical Listening Skills (ELS) Spring 2007
21F.233Advanced Speaking and Critical Listening Skills (ELS) Spring 2007
 21F.301French I Fall 2004
 21F.302French II Fall 2004
 21F.311Introduction to French Culture Fall 2004
 21F.312Introduction to French Culture Fall 2004
 21F.351French I Fall 2004
 21F.352French II Fall 2004
 21F.401German I Fall 2003
 21F.402German II Spring 2005
 21F.403German III Spring 2004
 21F.404German IV Spring 2005
 21F.405Germany Today: Intensive Study of German Language & Culture January (IAP) 2005
 21F.414German Culture, Media, and Society Fall 2006
 21F.452German II Spring 2005
 21F.501Beginning Japanese I Fall 2004
 21F.502Beginning Japanese II Spring 2005
 21F.503Intermediate Japanese I Fall 2004
 21F.505Advanced Japanese I Fall 2005
 21F.506Advanced Japanese II Spring 2005
 21F.593Japanese Literature and Cinema Spring 2006
 21F.701Spanish 1 Fall 2003
 21F.702Spanish 2 Spring 2004
 21F.703Spanish III Spring 2006
 21F.704Spanish 4 Spring 2005
 21F.705Oral Communication in Spanish Spring 2004
 21F.711Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition: Perspectives on Technology and Culture Spring 2005
 21F.712Spanish Conversation and Composition Fall 2003
 21F.714Spanish for Bilingual Students Spring 2003
 21F.716Introduction to Contemporary Hispanic Literature Spring 2005
 21F.717Introduction to Spanish Culture Fall 2004
 21F.730Twentieth and Twentyfirst-Century Spanish American Literature Spring 2003
 21F.740The New Spain: 1977-Present Fall 2005
 21F.751Spanish 1 Fall 2003
 21F.752Spanish 2 Spring 2004
 21F.991Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia Fall 2004
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 HST.021Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology January (IAP) 2006
 HST.035Principle and Practice of Human Pathology Spring 2003
 HST.071Human Reproductive Biology Fall 2005
 HST.121Gastroenterology Fall 2005
 HST.131Introduction to Neuroscience Fall 2005
 HST.151Principles of Pharmacology Spring 2005
 HST.176Cellular and Molecular Immunology Fall 2005
HST.410JProjects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences Spring 2007
 HST.422JA Clinical Approach to the Human Brain Fall 2006
 HST.452JStatistical Physics in Biology Spring 2005
 HST.502Survival Skills for Researchers: The Responsible Conduct of Research Spring 2003
 HST.502Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series: Topics in Medical Ethics and Responsible Conduct in Research Fall 2005
 HST.508Genomics and Computational Biology Fall 2002
 HST.508Quantitative Genomics Fall 2005
 HST.510Genomics, Computing, Economics, and Society Fall 2005
 HST.512Genomic Medicine Spring 2004
 HST.515JAerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering Spring 2006
 HST.522JBiomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 HST.523JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
HST.524JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 HST.525JTumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena Fall 2005
 HST.535Principles and Practice of Tissue Engineering Fall 2004
 HST.541JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 HST.542JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
 HST.544JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 HST.558JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 HST.560JPrinciples of Radiation Interactions Fall 2004
 HST.561JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 HST.569Biomedical Optics Fall 2006
 HST.583Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis Fall 2004
 HST.584JMagnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques Spring 2006
 HST.590Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series: Developing Professional Skills Fall 2006
 HST.590Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series: Topics in Medical Ethics and Responsible Conduct in Research Fall 2005
 HST.710JSpeech Communication Spring 2004
 HST.712JLaboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech Fall 2005
 HST.714JAcoustics of Speech and Hearing Fall 2004
 HST.720Physiology of the Ear Fall 2004
 HST.721The Peripheral Auditory System Fall 2005
 HST.722JBrain Mechanisms for Hearing and Speech Fall 2005
 HST.723Neural Coding and Perception of Sound Spring 2005
 HST.725Music Perception and Cognition Spring 2004
 HST.730Molecular Biology for the Auditory System Fall 2002
 HST.750Modeling Issues in Speech and Hearing Spring 2006
 HST.920JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
HST.921Information Technology in the Health Care System of the Future Spring 2007
HST.922Information Technology in the Health Care System of the Future Spring 2007
 HST.930JSocial Studies of Bioscience and Biotech Fall 2005
 HST.935Narrative Ethics: Literary Texts and Moral Issues in Medicine January (IAP) 2007
 HST.947Medical Artificial Intelligence Spring 2005
 HST.949JComputational Evolutionary Biology Fall 2005
 HST.950JEngineering Biomedical Information: From Bioinformatics to Biosurveillance Fall 2005
 HST.950JMedical Computing Spring 2003
 HST.951JMedical Decision Support Spring 2003
 HST.951JMedical Decision Support Fall 2005
 HST.952Computing for Biomedical Scientists Fall 2002
 HST.958JBiomedical Information Technology (BE.453J) Spring 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21H.101American History to 1865Fall 2005
 21H.102The Emergence of Modern America 1865-Present Spring 2003
 21H.104JRiots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History Fall 2004
 21H.105American Classics Fall 2002
 21H.105American ClassicsSpring 2006
 21H.112The American RevolutionSpring 2006
 21H.116JThe Civil War and Reconstruction Fall 2005
 21H.126America in Depression and War Spring 2003
 21H.131America in the Nuclear Age Fall 2000
 21H.150JIntroduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience Fall 2005
 21H.153JRace and Gender in Asian America Spring 2006
 21H.206American Consumer Culture Fall 2001
 21H.221The Places of Migration in United States History Fall 2006
 21H.223War & American Society Fall 2002
 21H.224Law and Society in US History Spring 2003
 21H.225JGender and the Law in U.S. History Spring 2004
 21H.231JAmerican Urban History I Spring 2005
 21H.232JAmerican Urban History II Fall 2004
 21H.234JDowntownSpring 2005
 21H.301The Ancient World: GreeceFall 2004
 21H.302The Ancient World: RomeSpring 2005
 21H.306The Emergence of Europe: 500-1300 Fall 2003
 21H.311The Renaissance, 1300-1600Fall 2004
 21H.326The Making of Russia in the Worlds of Byzantium, Mongolia, and Europe Spring 1998
 21H.342The Royal FamilyFall 2003
 21H.346France 1660-1815: Enlightenment, Revolution, Napoleon Fall 2005
 21H.402The Making of a Roman Emperor Fall 2005
 21H.405JThe Ancient CitySpring 2005
 21H.411History of Western Thought, 500-1300 Fall 2004
 21H.416JMedieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective Spring 2006
 21H.418From Print to Digital: Technologies of the Word, 1450-Present Fall 2005
 21H.421Introduction to Environmental History Spring 2004
 21H.433The Age of Reason: Europe in the 18th and 19th Centuries Spring 2005
 21H.443European Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries Spring 2006
 21H.447Nazi Germany and the Holocaust Fall 2004
 21H.466Imperial and Revolutionary Russia, 1800-1917 Fall 2002
 21H.467JSoviet Politics and Society, 1917-1991 Spring 2003
 21H.504East Asia in the World Spring 2003
 21H.522Japan in the Age of the Samurai: History and Film Fall 2006
 21H.560Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia Fall 2004
21H.571The Making of Modern South Asia Fall 2006
21H.575JWomen in South Asia from 1800 to Present Fall 2006
 21H.580From the Silk Road to the Great Game: China, Russia, and Central Eurasia Fall 2003
 21H.601Islam, the Middle East, and the West Fall 2006
 21H.615The Middle East in 20th Century Spring 2003
 21H.802Modern Latin America, 1808-Present: Revolution, Dictatorship, Democracy Spring 2005
 21H.907Trials in History Fall 2000
 21H.909People and Other AnimalsFall 2005
 21H.912The World Since 1492Fall 2004
 21H.912The World Since 1492 Spring 2003
21H.914Jewish History from Biblical to Modern Times Fall 2007
 21H.917JVisualizing Cultures Spring 2003
 21H.927JThe Economic History of Work and Family Spring 2005
 21H.931Seminar in Historical Methods Spring 2004
 21H.931Seminar in Historical Methods Spring 2002
 21H.931Seminar in Historical Methods Spring 2003
 21H.952JReadings in American History Since 1877 Fall 2003
 21H.968JNature, Environment, and Empire Spring 2005
 21H.991JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2004
 21H.991JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2003
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 24.00Problems of Philosophy Fall 2005
 24.01Classics in Western Philosophy Spring 2006
 24.02Moral Problems and the Good Life Fall 2006
 24.03Relativism, Reason, and Reality Spring 2005
 24.04JJusticeSpring 2006
 24.06JBioethics Spring 2006
24.09Minds and Machines Spring 2007
 24.111Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics Spring 2005
 24.118Paradox and Infinity Fall 2006
 24.120Moral Psychology Fall 2005
 24.200Ancient Philosophy Fall 2004
 24.201Topics in the History of Philosophy: Kant Fall 2005
 24.209Philosophy In Film and Other Media Spring 2004
 24.211Theory of Knowledge Fall 2003
 24.213Philosophy of Film Fall 2004
 24.221Metaphysics Fall 2005
 24.221Metaphysics: Free Will Fall 2004
 24.237Feminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 24.241Logic IFall 2005
 24.242Logic II Spring 2004
 24.251Introduction to Philosophy of Language Spring 2006
 24.251Introduction to Philosophy of Language Spring 2005
 24.261Philosophy of Love in the Western World Fall 2004
 24.262Feeling and Imagination in Art, Science, and Technology Spring 2004
 24.263The Nature of Creativity Fall 2005
 24.264Film as Visual and Literary Mythmaking Fall 2005
 24.400Proseminar in Philosophy I Fall 2003
 24.500Other Minds Spring 2003
24.500Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Perceptual Experience Spring 2007
 24.500Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Self-Knowledge Spring 2005
 24.611JPolitical Philosophy: Global Justice Spring 2003
 24.729Topics in Philosophy of Language: Vagueness Fall 2005
 24.805Topics in Theory of Knowledge: A Priori Knowledge Spring 2005
 24.810Topics in Philosophy of Science: Social Science Fall 2006
 24.892Classification, Natural Kinds, and Conceptual Change: Race as a Case Study Spring 2004
 24.900Introduction to Linguistics Spring 2005
 24.900Introduction to Linguistics Spring 2004
 24.901Language and its Structure I: Phonology Fall 2002
 24.902Language and its Structure II: Syntax Fall 2003
 24.903Language and its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics Spring 2005
 24.904JLanguage Acquisition Fall 2001
 24.905JPsycholinguistics Spring 2005
 24.906JThe Linguistic Study of Bilingualism Fall 2006
 24.907JAbnormal Language Fall 2004
24.910Topics in Linguistic Theory: Laboratory Phonology Spring 2007
 24.910Topics in Linguistics Theory Spring 2003
 24.919Topics in Linguistics: Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities Spring 2004
24.921Special Topics in Linguistics: Genericity Spring 2007
 24.933Language and its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics Spring 2005
 24.942Grammar of a Less Familiar Language Spring 2003
 24.945JLanguage Processing Fall 2004
 24.946Linguistic Theory and the Japanese Language Fall 2004
 24.949JLanguage Acquisition I Spring 2002
 24.951Introduction to Syntax Fall 2003
24.952Advanced Syntax Spring 2007
 24.953Argument Structure and Syntax Spring 2003
24.954Pragmatics in Linguistic Theory Fall 2006
 24.960Syntactic Models Spring 2006
 24.961Introduction to Phonology Fall 2002
 24.962Advanced Phonology Spring 2005
24.963Linguistic Phonetics Fall 2005
 24.964Topics in Phonology Fall 2004
 24.966JLaboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech Fall 2005
 24.968JSpeech Communication Spring 2004
 24.973Advanced Semantics Spring 2005
 24.979Topics in Semantics Fall 2002
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21L.000JWriting About Literature Fall 2006
 21L.001Foundations of Western Culture I: Homer to Dante Spring 2000
 21L.002Foundations of Western Culture II Fall 2002
 21L.002-2Foundations of Western Culture II: Renaissance to Modernity Spring 2003
 21L.002-3Foundations of Western Culture II: Modernism Spring 2004
 21L.003Introduction to Fiction Spring 2002
 21L.003Introduction to FictionFall 2003
 21L.003-1Reading Fiction: Dysfunctional Families Spring 2007
21L.003-2Reading Fiction Spring 2007
 21L.003-2Reading FictionFall 2006
 21L.004Major PoetsFall 2005
 21L.004Major PoetsFall 2001
 21L.005Introduction to DramaFall 2004
 21L.006American Literature Fall 2002
21L.007World Literatures: Contact Zone Fall 2006
 21L.007JAfter ColumbusFall 2003
 21L.009ShakespeareSpring 2004
 21L.010Writing About Literature Fall 2006
 21L.011The Film ExperienceFall 2006
 21L.012Forms of Western Narrative Spring 2004
 21L.015Introduction to Media Studies Fall 2005
 21L.015Introduction to Media Studies Fall 2003
21L.016Learning from the Past: Drama, Science, Performance Spring 2007
 21L.310Bestsellers: Detective Fiction Fall 2006
21L.315Prizewinners Spring 2007
 21L.325Small Wonders: Staying Alive Spring 2007
 21L.420Literary Studies: The Legacy of England Spring 2006
 21L.421ComedyFall 2001
 21L.421ComedySpring 2001
 21L.422TragedyFall 2002
 21L.423JIntroduction to Anglo-American Folk Music Fall 2005
 21L.430Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
 21L.432Understanding Television Spring 2003
 21L.435Shakespeare, Film and Media Fall 2002
 21L.448Darwin and Design Fall 2002
 21L.448JDarwin and Design Fall 2003
 21L.449End of Nature Spring 2002
 21L.450Literature and Ethical Values Fall 2002
 21L.451Introduction to Literary Theory Spring 2004
 21L.455Classical Literature: The Golden Age of Augustan Rome Fall 2004
21L.458The Bible Spring 2007
 21L.460Medieval Literature: Dante, Boccaccio, Chaucer Spring 2005
 21L.460Medieval Literature: Medieval Women Writers Spring 2004
 21L.470Eighteenth-Century Literature: Versions of the Self in 18th-C Britain Spring 2003
 21L.471Major English NovelsSpring 2007
 21L.471Major English NovelsSpring 2004
 21L.471Major English Novels: Reading Romantic Fiction Spring 2002
 21L.472Major European Novels Fall 2001
 21L.476Romantic PoetrySpring 2005
 21L.481Victorian Literature and Culture Spring 2003
 21L.48520th-Century Fiction Fall 2002
 21L.486Modern DramaSpring 2006
 21L.487Modern PoetrySpring 2002
 21L.488Contemporary Literature Spring 2003
 21L.488Contemporary Literature: British Novels Now Spring 2007
 21L.489JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2006
 21L.489JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2004
 21L.489JTheory and Practice of Non-linear and Interactive Narrative Spring 2003
 21L.501The American Novel Fall 2002
 21L.501The American NovelFall 2006
 21L.504JRace and Identity in American Literature: Keepin' it Real Fake Spring 2007
 21L.512American Authors: American Women Authors Spring 2003
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Beyond the Limits of the Lyric Fall 2006
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Interpreting Poetry Fall 2003
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Literature and Photography: The Image Fall 2005
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Virginia Woolf's Shakespeare Spring 2001
 21L.702Studies in Fiction: Stowe, Twain, and the Transformation of 19th-Century America Fall 2004
 21L.703English Renaissance Drama: Theatre and Society in the Age of Shakespeare Fall 2003
 21L.703Studies in Drama: Stoppard and Churchill Spring 2004
 21L.703Studies in Drama: Theater and Science in a Time of War Spring 2005
 21L.704Studies in Poetry - British Poetry and the Sciences of the Mind Fall 2004
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: "Does Poetry Matter" Fall 2002
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: "What's the Use of Beauty?" Fall 2005
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: From the Sonneteers to the Metaphysicals Spring 2006
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: Gender and Lyric -- Renaissance Men and Women Writing about Love Spring 2003
 21L.705Major Authors: After the Masterpiece: Novels by Melville, Twain, Faulkner, and Morrison Fall 2006
 21L.705Major Authors: Melville and Morrison Fall 2003
 21L.705Major Authors: Oscar Wilde and the '90's Spring 2003
 21L.705Masterworks in American Short Fiction Fall 2005
 21L.706Studies in FilmFall 2005
 21L.707Arthurian Literature and Celtic Colonization Spring 2005
 21L.707Writing Early American Lives: Gender, Race, Nation, Faith Fall 2005
 21L.708Technologies of Humanism Spring 2003
21L.715Media in Cultural Context Spring 2007
21L.715Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships Fall 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 3.00Thermodynamics of Materials Fall 2002
 3.012Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2005
3.014Materials Laboratory Fall 2006
 3.016Mathematics for Materials Scientists and Engineers Fall 2005
 3.021JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 3.034Organic & Biomaterials Chemistry Fall 2005
 3.044Materials Processing Spring 2005
 3.051JMaterials for Biomedical Applications Spring 2006
3.052Nanomechanics of Materials and Biomaterials Spring 2007
 3.053JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 3.064Polymer Engineering Fall 2003
 3.080Economic & Environmental Issues in Materials Selection Fall 2005
 3.082Materials Processing Laboratory Spring 2003
 3.091Introduction to Solid State Chemistry Fall 2004
 3.093Information Exploration: Becoming a Savvy Scholar Fall 2006
 3.094Materials in Human Experience Spring 2004
 3.11Mechanics of Materials Fall 1999
 3.14Physical Metallurgy Fall 2003
 3.15Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials and Devices Fall 2006
 3.155JMicro/Nano Processing Technology Fall 2005
 3.172Inventions and Patents Fall 2005
 3.185Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering Fall 2003
 3.20Materials at Equilibrium (SMA 5111) Fall 2003
 3.205Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials Fall 2006
 3.21Kinetic Processes in Materials Spring 2006
 3.22Mechanical Properties of Materials Spring 2004
 3.225Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Summer 2002
 3.320Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials (SMA 5107) Spring 2005
 3.35Fracture and Fatigue Fall 2003
 3.37Welding and Joining Processes Fall 2002
 3.40JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2004
 3.40JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2003
 3.43JIntegrated Microelectronic Devices Fall 2002
 3.45Magnetic Materials Spring 2004
 3.46Photonic Materials and Devices Spring 2006
 3.53Electrochemical Processing of Materials Spring 2001
 3.560JSystems Perspectives on Industrial Ecology Spring 2006
 3.564JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
3.577Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 3.60Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials Fall 2005
 3.80JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 3.83JSystem Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Summer 2003
3.91Mechanical Behavior of Plastics Spring 2007
3.961JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 3.962JMolecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2006
 3.96JBiomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 3.97JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
 3.986The Human Past: Introduction to Archaeology Fall 2006
 3.987Human Origins and Evolution Spring 2006
 3.A08Attraction and Repulsion: The Magic of Magnets Fall 2005
 3.A26Freshman Seminar: The Nature of Engineering Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 18.01Single Variable CalculusFall 2006
 18.01Single Variable CalculusFall 2005
 18.013ACalculus with Applications Spring 2005
 18.014Calculus with Theory I Fall 2002
 18.02Multivariable CalculusSpring 2006
 18.022CalculusFall 2005
 18.024Calculus with Theory II Spring 2003
 18.03Differential EquationsSpring 2006
 18.034Honors Differential Equations Spring 2004
 18.034Honors Differential Equations Spring 2007
 18.04Complex Variables with Applications Fall 2003
 18.04Complex Variables with Applications Fall 1999
 18.05Introduction to Probability and Statistics Spring 2005
 18.06Linear AlgebraSpring 2005
 18.062JMathematics for Computer Science Fall 2005
 18.062JMathematics for Computer Science Spring 2005
 18.062JMathematics for Computer Science (SMA 5512) Fall 2002
 18.06CILinear Algebra - Communications Intensive Spring 2004
 18.075Advanced Calculus for Engineers Fall 2004
18.085Computational Science and Engineering I Fall 2007
 18.086Mathematical Methods for Engineers II Spring 2006
 18.091Mathematical Exposition Spring 2005
 18.094JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 18.100BAnalysis IFall 2006
 18.100CAnalysis ISpring 2006
 18.101Analysis IIFall 2005
 18.103Fourier Analysis - Theory and Applications Spring 2004
 18.104Seminar in Analysis: Applications to Number Theory Fall 2006
 18.112Functions of a Complex Variable Fall 2006
 18.117Topics in Several Complex Variables Spring 2005
 18.125Measure and IntegrationFall 2003
 18.152Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Fall 2005
 18.152Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Fall 2004
 18.155Differential AnalysisFall 2004
 18.156Differential AnalysisSpring 2004
 18.175Theory of ProbabilitySpring 2007
 18.238Geometry and Quantum Field Theory Fall 2002
 18.303Linear Partial Differential Equations Fall 2006
 18.304Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics Spring 2006
 18.305Advanced Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering Fall 2004
 18.306Advanced Partial Differential Equations with Applications Spring 2004
 18.307Integral EquationsSpring 2006
 18.310Principles of Applied Mathematics Fall 2004
 18.311Principles of Applied Mathematics Spring 2006
 18.312Algebraic Combinatorics Spring 2005
 18.314Combinatorial AnalysisFall 2005
 18.315Combinatorial Theory: Hyperplane Arrangements Fall 2004
 18.315Combinatorial Theory: Introduction to Graph Theory, Extremal and Enumerative Combinatorics Spring 2005
 18.318Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics Spring 2006
 18.319Geometric CombinatoricsFall 2005
 18.325Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Methods in Nanophotonics Fall 2005
 18.327Wavelets, Filter Banks and Applications Spring 2003
 18.330Introduction to Numerical Analysis Spring 2004
 18.335JIntroduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2004
 18.335JIntroduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2006
 18.336Numerical Methods of Applied Mathematics II Spring 2005
 18.337JApplied Parallel Computing (SMA 5505) Spring 2005
 18.338JInfinite Random Matrix Theory Fall 2004
 18.353JNonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos Fall 2006
 18.361JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 18.366Random Walks and Diffusion Fall 2006
 18.376JWave Propagation Fall 2006
 18.377JNonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring 2007
 18.385JNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Fall 2004
 18.400JAutomata, Computability, and Complexity Spring 2005
 18.404JTheory of ComputationFall 2006
 18.405JAdvanced Complexity Theory Fall 2001
 18.409Behavior of AlgorithmsSpring 2002
 18.410JIntroduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) Fall 2005
 18.413Error-Correcting Codes Laboratory Spring 2004
 18.415JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2001
 18.415JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2005
 18.416JRandomized Algorithms Fall 2002
 18.417Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology Fall 2004
 18.426JAdvanced Topics in Cryptography Spring 2003
 18.433Combinatorial Optimization Fall 2003
 18.435JQuantum ComputationFall 2003
 18.437JDistributed Algorithms Fall 2005
 18.440Probability and Random Variables Fall 2005
 18.441Statistical Inference Spring 2002
 18.443Statistics for Applications Fall 2006
 18.443Statistics for Applications Fall 2003
 18.465Topics in Statistics: Nonparametrics and Robustness Spring 2005
 18.465Topics in Statistics: Statistical Learning Theory Spring 2007
 18.466Mathematical Statistics Spring 2003
 18.700Linear AlgebraFall 2005
 18.701Algebra IFall 2003
 18.702Algebra IISpring 2003
 18.704Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory: Rational Points on Elliptic Curves Fall 2004
 18.725Algebraic GeometryFall 2003
 18.727Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces Spring 2006
 18.755Introduction to Lie Groups Fall 2004
 18.781Theory of NumbersSpring 2003
 18.785Analytic Number TheorySpring 2007
 18.786Topics in Algebraic Number Theory Spring 2006
 18.901Introduction to TopologyFall 2004
 18.904Seminar in TopologyFall 2005
 18.905Algebraic TopologyFall 2006
 18.906Algebraic Topology IISpring 2006
 18.950Differential GeometrySpring 2005
 18.965Geometry of ManifoldsFall 2004
18.966Geometry of Manifolds Spring 2007
 18.969Topics in GeometryFall 2006
 18.994Seminar in GeometryFall 2004
 18.996Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications Spring 2004
 18.996Topics in Theoretical Computer Science : Internet Research Problems Spring 2002
 18.996ASimplicity TheorySpring 2004
 18.996VPGeneral Relativity and Gravitational Radiation Fall 2002
 18.997Topics in Combinatorial Optimization Spring 2004
18.S34Problem Solving Seminar Fall 2007
 18.S66The Art of Counting Spring 2003
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 2.000How and Why Machines Work Spring 2002
 2.001Mechanics & Materials I Fall 2006
 2.002Mechanics and Materials II Spring 2004
 2.003Modeling Dynamics and Control I Spring 2005
 2.003JDynamics and Control I Spring 2007
 2.003JDynamics and Vibration (13.013J) Fall 2002
 2.004Modeling Dynamics and Control II Spring 2003
 2.007Design and Manufacturing I Spring 2005
 2.008Design and Manufacturing II Spring 2003
 2.008Design and Manufacturing II Spring 2004
 2.011Introduction to Ocean Science and Engineering Spring 2006
 2.016Hydrodynamics (13.012) Fall 2005
 2.017JDesign of Systems Operating in Random Environments Spring 2006
 2.019Design of Ocean Systems Fall 2005
 2.030JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 2.032DynamicsFall 2004
 2.034JNonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring 2007
 2.035Special Topics in Mathematics with Applications: Linear Algebra and the Calculus of Variations Spring 2007
 2.036JNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Fall 2004
 2.050JNonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos Fall 2006
 2.062JWave Propagation Fall 2006
 2.067Advanced Structural Dynamics and Acoustics (13.811) Spring 2004
 2.068Computational Ocean Acoustics (13.853) Spring 2003
 2.080JStructural Mechanics (13.10J) Fall 2002
 2.081JPlates and Shells Spring 2006
 2.082Ship Structural Analysis & Design (13.122) Spring 2003
 2.084JStructural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology Fall 2006
 2.093Computer Methods in Dynamics Fall 2002
 2.094Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids Spring 2002
 2.096JIntroduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211) Fall 2003
 2.097JNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212) Spring 2003
 2.098Optimization Methods (SMA 5213) Fall 2004
 2.110JInformation and Entropy Spring 2003
 2.111JQuantum ComputationFall 2003
 2.12Introduction to Robotics Fall 2005
2.14Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems Spring 2007
2.140Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems Spring 2007
 2.141Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems Fall 2006
 2.154Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles (13.49) Fall 2004
 2.156JDynamics of Nonlinear Systems Fall 2003
 2.158JComputational Geometry Spring 2003
 2.159JFoundations of Software Engineering Fall 2000
 2.160Identification, Estimation, and Learning Spring 2006
 2.171Analysis and Design of Digital Control Systems Fall 2006
 2.20Marine Hydrodynamics (13.021) Spring 2005
 2.22Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles (13.42) Spring 2005
2.23Hydrofoils and Propellers Spring 2007
 2.24Ocean Wave Interaction with Ships and Offshore Energy Systems (13.022) Spring 2002
 2.25Advanced Fluid Mechanics Fall 2005
 2.26Compressible Fluid Dynamics Spring 2004
 2.27Turbulent Flow and Transport Spring 2002
2.29Numerical Fluid Mechanics Spring 2007
 2.29Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics (13.024) Spring 2003
 2.391JSubmicrometer and Nanometer Technology Spring 2006
 2.51Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer Fall 2001
 2.57Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes Fall 2004
 2.58JRadiative Transfer Spring 2006
 2.59JThermal Hydraulics in Power Technology Spring 2007
 2.60Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 2.61Internal Combustion Engines Spring 2004
2.611Marine Power and Propulsion Fall 2006
2.612Marine Power and Propulsion Fall 2006
 2.62JFundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 2.64JSuperconducting Magnets Spring 2003
 2.65JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 2.65JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 2.66JFundamentals of Energy in Buildings Fall 2003
 2.670Mechanical Engineering Tools January (IAP) 2004
 2.672Projects Laboratory Spring 2004
 2.673JBiological Engineering II: Instrumentation and Measurement Fall 2006
 2.693Principles of Oceanographic Instrument Systems -- Sensors and Measurements (13.998) Spring 2004
 2.701Introduction to Naval Architecture (13.400) Fall 2004
 2.71OpticsFall 2004
 2.710OpticsFall 2004
 2.717JOptical Engineering Spring 2002
 2.72Elements of Mechanical Design Spring 2006
 2.737MechatronicsSpring 1999
 2.739JProduct Design and Development Spring 2006
 2.75Precision Machine Design Fall 2001
 2.76Multi-Scale System Design Fall 2004
 2.760Multi-Scale System Design Fall 2004
 2.761JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 2.771JBiomedical Information Technology (BE.453J) Spring 2005
 2.772JStatistical Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems (BE.011J) Spring 2004
 2.772JThermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems Fall 2005
2.782JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 2.785JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
 2.790JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 2.791JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 2.792JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
2.793JFields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems Spring 2007
 2.794JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 2.795JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 2.797JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 2.798JMolecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 2.79JBiomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 2.800TribologyFall 2004
 2.830JControl of Manufacturing Processes (SMA 6303) Spring 2004
 2.851JSystem Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Summer 2003
 2.852Manufacturing Systems Analysis Spring 2004
 2.854Manufacturing Systems I (SMA 6304) Fall 2004
 2.875Mechanical Assembly and Its Role in Product Development Fall 2004
 2.882System Design and Analysis based on AD and Complexity Theories Spring 2005
 2.890JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 2.96Management in Engineering Fall 2004
2.963Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 2.964Economics of Marine Transportation Industries Fall 2006
 2.9712nd Summer Introduction to Design January (IAP) 2003
 2.993Designing Paths to Peace Fall 2002
 2.993Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: The Art and Science of Boat Design January (IAP) 2007
 2.993JIntroduction to Numerical Analysis for Engineering (13.002J) Spring 2005
 2.994MADM with Applications in Material Selection and Optimal Design January (IAP) 2007
 2.996Sailing Yacht Design (13.734) Fall 2003
 2.996Designing Paths to Peace Fall 2002
 2.997Decision Making in Large Scale Systems Spring 2004
 2.THAUndergraduate Thesis for Course 2-A January (IAP) 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 MAS.110Fundamentals of Computational Media Design Spring 2003
 MAS.160Signals, Systems, and Information for Media Technology Fall 2001
 MAS.450Holographic Imaging Spring 2003
 MAS.478Special Topics in Multimedia Production: Experiences in Interactive Art Fall 2003
 MAS.622JPattern Recognition and Analysis Fall 2006
 MAS.630Affective Computing Spring 2002
 MAS.666Developmental Entrepreneurship Fall 2003
 MAS.712How to Learn (Almost) Anything Spring 2001
 MAS.714JTechnologies for Creative Learning Fall 2004
 MAS.742Industrial Design Intelligence: A Cognitive Approach to Engineering Fall 2003
 MAS.845Special Topics in Cinematic Storytelling Spring 2004
 MAS.857JOptical Engineering Spring 2002
 MAS.863How to Make (Almost) Anything Fall 2002
 MAS.865JQuantum Information Science Spring 2006
 MAS.878Special Topics in Multimedia Production: Experiences in Interactive Art Fall 2003
 MAS.961Ambient Intelligence Spring 2005
 MAS.961Designing Sociable Media Spring 2001
 MAS.961Numeric Photography Fall 1998
 MAS.961Seminar on Deep Engagement Fall 2004
 MAS.962Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications Fall 2006
 MAS.962Digital Typography Fall 1997
 MAS.962Special Topics in Media Technology: Computational Semantics Fall 2002
 MAS.962The Nature of Constructionist Learning Spring 2003
 MAS.963Ambient Intelligence Spring 2004
 MAS.963Out of Context: A Course on Computer Systems That Adapt To, and Learn From, Context Fall 2001
 MAS.963Techno-identity: Who we are and how we perceive ourselves and others Spring 2002
 MAS.963Technological Tools for School Reform Fall 2005
 MAS.964Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications Fall 2002
 MAS.964Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications Fall 2006
 MAS.965Relational Machines Spring 2005
 MAS.965Social Visualization Fall 2004
 MAS.965Special Topics in Media Technology: Cooperative Machines Fall 2003
 MAS.966Digital Anthropology Spring 2003
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21M.011Introduction to Western Music Spring 2006
 21M.030Introduction to World Music Fall 2006
21M.051Fundamentals of Music Spring 2007
 21M.065Introduction to Musical Composition Fall 2005
 21M.113Developing Musical Structures Fall 2002
21M.220Early Music Spring 2007
 21M.223JIntroduction to Anglo-American Folk Music Fall 2005
 21M.250Schubert to Debussy Fall 2006
 21M.262Modern Music: 1900-1960 Fall 2006
 21M.263Music Since 1960 Spring 2006
21M.271Symphony and Concerto Spring 2007
 21M.291Music of India Spring 2007
 21M.293Music of Africa Fall 2005
 21M.294Popular Musics of the World Spring 2005
 21M.301Harmony and Counterpoint I Spring 2005
 21M.302Harmony and Counterpoint II Spring 2005
 21M.361Composing with Computers Spring 2003
21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance Spring 2007
 21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance Spring 2005
21M.515Vocal Repertoire and Performance Spring 2007
 21M.603Principles of Design Fall 2005
 21M.604Playwriting I Spring 2005
 21M.606Introduction to Stagecraft Spring 2003
21M.616Learning from the Past: Drama, Science, Performance Spring 2007
 21M.621Theater and Cultural Diversity in the U.S. Spring 2004
 21M.670Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and Autobiography Spring 2003
 21M.675Dance Theory and Composition Fall 2003
 21M.710Script Analysis Fall 2005
 21M.714Studies in Drama: Theater and Science in a Time of War Spring 2005
 21M.732Costume Design for the Theater Fall 2004
 21M.733Design for the Theater: Scenery Spring 2005
 21M.734Design for the Theater: Scenery Spring 2005
 21M.734Lighting Design for the Theatre Fall 2003
 21M.735Technical Design: Scenery, Mechanisms, and Special Effects Spring 2004
21M.775Hip Hop Fall 2007
21M.785Playwrights' Workshop Spring 2007
 21M.873Theater Arts Topics Fall 2004
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 22.002Management in Engineering Fall 2004
 22.00JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 22.01Introduction to Ionizing Radiation Fall 2006
 22.012Seminar: Fusion and Plasma Physics Spring 2006
 22.02Introduction to Applied Nuclear Physics Spring 2003
 22.033Nuclear Systems Design Project Fall 2002
22.05Neutron Science and Reactor Physics Fall 2006
 22.058Principles of Medical Imaging Fall 2002
 22.071JIntroduction to Electronics, Signals, and Measurement Spring 2006
 22.101Applied Nuclear Physics Fall 2006
 22.101Applied Nuclear Physics Fall 2003
 22.103Microscopic Theory of Transport Fall 2003
 22.105Electromagnetic Interactions Fall 2005
 22.106Neutron Interactions and Applications Spring 2005
 22.251Systems Analysis of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Fall 2005
 22.312Engineering of Nuclear Reactors Fall 2004
 22.313JThermal Hydraulics in Power Technology Spring 2007
 22.314JStructural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology Fall 2006
 22.33Nuclear Systems Design Project Fall 2002
 22.351Systems Analysis of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Fall 2005
 22.38Probability And Its Applications To Reliability, Quality Control, And Risk Assessment Fall 2005
 22.39Integration of Reactor Design, Operations, and Safety Fall 2006
 22.40JFundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 22.51Interaction of Radiation with Matter Spring 2003
 22.52JStatistical Thermodynamics of Complex Liquids Spring 2004
 22.55JPrinciples of Radiation Interactions Fall 2004
 22.561JMagnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques Spring 2006
 22.56JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
22.611JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2006
 22.611JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2003
22.615MHD Theory of Fusion Systems Spring 2007
 22.616Plasma Transport Theory Fall 2003
 22.68JSuperconducting Magnets Spring 2003
 22.71JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2004
 22.71JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2003
 22.811JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 22.811JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 22.812JManaging Nuclear Technology Spring 2004
22.82Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 22.903Photon and Neutron Scattering Spectroscopy and Its Applications in Condensed Matter Spring 2005
 22.920A Hands-On Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance January (IAP) 1997
 22.921Nuclear Power Plant Dynamics and Control January (IAP) 2006
22.A09Career Options for Biomedical Research Fall 2006
 22.S27Seminar: Fusion and Plasma Physics Spring 2006
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 8.01Physics IFall 2003
 8.01Physics I: Classical Mechanics Fall 1999
 8.012Physics I: Classical MechanicsFall 2005
 8.01LPhysics I: Classical MechanicsFall 2005
 8.01TPhysics IFall 2004
 8.01XPhysics I: Classical Mechanics with an Experimental Focus Fall 2002
 8.02Electricity and Magnetism Spring 2002
8.02Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Spring 2007
 8.022Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Fall 2004
 8.022Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Fall 2002
 8.022Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Fall 2006
 8.02TElectricity and MagnetismSpring 2005
 8.02XPhysics II: Electricity & Magnetism with an Experimental Focus Spring 2005
 8.03Physics IIISpring 2003
 8.03Physics III: Vibrations and Waves Fall 2004
 8.033RelativityFall 2006
 8.04Quantum Physics ISpring 2006
 8.044Statistical Physics ISpring 2004
 8.05Quantum Physics IIFall 2004
 8.06Quantum Physics IIISpring 2005
 8.07Electromagnetism IIFall 2005
 8.08Statistical Physics IISpring 2005
 8.09Classical MechanicsFall 2006
 8.13-14Experimental Physics I & II "Junior Lab" Fall 2004
 8.20Introduction to Special Relativity January (IAP) 2005
 8.224Exploring Black Holes: General Relativity & Astrophysics Spring 2003
 8.225JEinstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century Spring 2006
8.231Physics of Solids I Fall 2006
 8.251String Theory for Undergraduates Spring 2007
 8.261JIntroduction to Computational Neuroscience Spring 2004
 8.282JIntroduction to AstronomySpring 2006
 8.284Modern AstrophysicsSpring 2006
 8.286The Early UniverseSpring 2004
 8.311Electromagnetic TheorySpring 2004
 8.321Quantum Theory I Fall 2002
 8.322Quantum Theory II Spring 2003
 8.323Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I Spring 2003
 8.324Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II Fall 2005
8.325Relativistic Quantum Field Theory III Spring 2007
 8.325Relativistic Quantum Field Theory III Spring 2003
 8.333Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles Fall 2005
 8.334Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Mechanics of Fields Spring 2004
 8.351JClassical Mechanics: A Computational Approach Fall 2002
 8.371JQuantum Information Science Spring 2006
 8.395JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 8.422Atomic and Optical Physics II Spring 2005
 8.511Theory of Solids IFall 2004
 8.512Theory of Solids IISpring 2004
 8.513Many-Body Theory for Condensed Matter Systems Fall 2004
 8.514Strongly Correlated Systems in Condensed Matter Physics Fall 2003
 8.575JStatistical Thermodynamics of Complex Liquids Spring 2004
 8.591JSystems BiologyFall 2004
 8.592JStatistical Physics in Biology Spring 2005
 8.594JIntroduction to Neural Networks Spring 2005
8.613JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2006
 8.613JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2003
 8.701Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics Spring 2004
 8.811Particle Physics IIFall 2005
 8.851Strong Interactions: Effective Field Theories of QCD Spring 2006
 8.871Selected Topics in Theoretical Particle Physics: Branes and Gauge Theory Dynamics Fall 2004
 8.901Astrophysics ISpring 2006
 8.902Astrophysics IIFall 2004
 8.942CosmologyFall 2001
 8.952Particle Physics of the Early Universe Fall 2004
 8.962General RelativitySpring 2006
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 17.000JPolitical Philosophy: Global Justice Spring 2003
 17.006Feminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 17.007JFeminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 17.01JJusticeSpring 2006
 17.03Introduction to Political Thought Spring 2004
 17.037American Political Thought Spring 2004
 17.038American Political Thought Spring 2004
 17.042Citizenship and Pluralism Fall 2003
 17.045JPower: Interpersonal, Organizational and Global Dimensions Fall 2005
 17.100JPolitical Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy Fall 2005
 17.118JFeminist Political Thought Fall 2000
 17.125The Politics of Global Financial Relations Fall 2007
 17.148Political Economy of Globalization Spring 2006
 17.158Political Economy of Western Europe Spring 2003
 17.176JEconomic Development, Policy Analysis, and Industrialization Fall 2004
 17.181Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy Spring 2006
 17.182Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy Spring 2006
 17.184JEconomic Institutions and Growth Policy Analysis Fall 2005
 17.188JLabor and Politics Fall 2005
 17.195GlobalizationFall 2005
 17.196GlobalizationFall 2005
 17.199JWorking in a Global Economy Fall 2005
 17.20Introduction to the American Political Process Spring 2004
 17.20Introduction to the American Political Process Fall 2006
 17.245The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights Fall 2006
 17.249JLaw and Society Spring 2003
 17.251Congress and the American Political System I Fall 2004
 17.261Congress and the American Political System II Fall 2005
 17.262Congress and the American Political System II Fall 2005
 17.265Public Opinion and American Democracy Spring 2007
 17.30JFundamentals of Public Policy Fall 2004
 17.312JIntegrating Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Technologies Fall 2005
 17.315Comparative Health Policy Fall 2004
 17.317U.S. Social Policy Spring 2006
 17.32Environmental Politics and Policy Spring 2003
 17.40American Foreign Policy: Past, Present, and Future Fall 2004
 17.405Seminar on Politics and Conflict in the Middle East Fall 2003
 17.406Seminar on Politics and Conflict in the Middle East Fall 2003
 17.407Chinese Foreign Policy Fall 2005
 17.408Chinese Foreign Policy Fall 2005
 17.410Globalization, Migration, and International Relations Spring 2006
 17.411Globalization, Migration, and International Relations Spring 2006
 17.418Field Seminar in International Relations Theory Fall 2005
 17.42Causes and Prevention of War Spring 2005
 17.420Advances in International Relations Theory Spring 2003
 17.422Field Seminar in International Political Economy Fall 2003
 17.424International Political Economy of Advanced Industrial Societies Spring 2007
 17.428American Foreign Policy: Theory and Method Fall 2004
 17.432Causes of War: Theory and Method Fall 2003
 17.433International Relations of East Asia Spring 2005
 17.434International Relations of East Asia Spring 2005
 17.436Territorial Conflict Fall 2004
 17.460Defense PoliticsSpring 2006
 17.462Innovation in Military Organizations Spring 2001
 17.466Organization Theory and the Military Spring 2003
 17.471American National Security Policy Fall 2002
 17.484Comparative Grand Strategy and Military Doctrine Fall 2004
 17.50Introduction to Comparative Politics Fall 2006
 17.504Ethnic Politics IFall 2003
 17.506Ethnic Politics II Spring 2007
 17.508The Rise and Fall of Democracy/ Regime Change Spring 2002
 17.509Social Movements in Comparative Perspective Spring 2005
 17.522Politics and Religion Fall 2006
 17.523Ethnicity and Race in World Politics Fall 2005
 17.524NationalismFall 2004
 17.53Democratization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Fall 2001
 17.537Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan Spring 2003
 17.538Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan Spring 2003
 17.544Comparative Politics and China Fall 2002
 17.547Government and Politics of China Fall 2002
 17.55Introduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2005
 17.550JProperty Rights in Transition Spring 2005
 17.551Political Economy of Chinese Reform Spring 2003
 17.552Political Economy of Chinese Reform Spring 2003
 17.554Political Economy of Latin America Fall 2002
 17.556Political Economy of Development Spring 2003
 17.559Comparative Security and Sustainability Fall 2004
 17.55JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2006
 17.560Comparative Security and Sustainability Fall 2004
 17.57JSoviet Politics and Society, 1917-1991 Spring 2003
 17.582Civil WarSpring 2005
 17.584Civil-Military Relations Spring 2003
 17.869Political Science Scope and Methods Fall 2003
 17.871Political Science Laboratory Spring 2004
 17.872Quantitative Research in Political Science and Public Policy Spring 2004
 17.874Quantitative Research Methods: Multivariate Spring 2004
17.878Qualitative Research: Design and Methods Fall 2007
 17.878Qualitative Research: Design and Methods Spring 2005
 17.881Game Theory and Political Theory Fall 2004
 17.882Game Theory and Political Theory Fall 2004
 17.884JCollective Choice I Fall 2005
 17.905Forms of Political Participation: Old and New Spring 2005
17.906Reading Seminar in Social Science: The Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of Global Energy Spring 2007
 17.908Reading Seminar in Social Science: Intelligence and National Security Fall 2005
 17.908Reading Seminar in Social Science: Race, Crime, and Citizenship in American Law Spring 2007
 17.910Reading Seminar in Social Science: International Political Economy Fall 2006
 17.914International Politics in the New Century - via Simulation, Interactive Gaming, and 'Edutainment' January (IAP) 2005
 17.918New Global Agenda: Exploring 21st Century Challenges through Innovations in Information Technologies January (IAP) 2006
 17.950Understanding Modern Military Operations Spring 2005
 17.951Intelligence: Practice, Problems and Prospects Spring 2005
 17.951Special Graduate Topic in Political Science: Political Behavior Fall 2005
 17.951Special Graduate Topic in Political Science: Public Opinion Spring 2004
17.951Reading Seminar in Social Science: The Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of Global Energy Spring 2007
 17.952Great Power Military Intervention Spring 2004
 17.953U.S. Military Budget and Force Planning Fall 2004
 17.955Civil Society, Social Capital, and the State in Comparative Perspective Fall 2004
 17.959Organizational Analysis Fall 2005
 17.960Foundations of Political Science Fall 2004
 17.960Foundations of Political Science Spring 2005
 17.THTThesis Research Design Seminar Fall 2004
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 STS.001Technology in American History Spring 2006
 STS.002Toward the Scientific Revolution Fall 2003
 STS.003The Rise of Modern Science Spring 2005
 STS.005Disease and Society in America Fall 2005
 STS.006JBioethics Spring 2006
 STS.011American Science: Ethical Conflicts and Political Choices Fall 2004
 STS.014Principles and Practice of Science Communication Spring 2006
 STS.029JThe Civil War and Reconstruction Fall 2005
 STS.035The History of Computing Spring 2004
 STS.036Industrial Landscapes Fall 2004
 STS.038Energy and Environment in American History: 1705-2005 Fall 2006
 STS.042JEinstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century Spring 2006
 STS.049JTechnology and Gender in American History Spring 2004
 STS.062JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2006
 STS.062JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2003
 STS.066Brains and Culture: Love, Lies & Neurotransmitters Fall 2002
 STS.067Scientific Visualization across Disciplines: A Critical Introduction Spring 2005
 STS.069Technology in a Dangerous World Fall 2002
 STS.075JTechnology and Culture Fall 2006
 STS.085Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier Fall 2005
 STS.086JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 STS.210JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2004
 STS.210JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2003
 STS.250JSocial Theory and Analysis Fall 2004
 STS.310History of Science Fall 2005
 STS.320Environmental Conflict and Social Change Fall 2005
 STS.330History and Anthropology of Medicine and Biology Fall 2006
 STS.340JIntroduction to the History of Technology Fall 2006
 STS.350Social Study of Science and Technology Spring 2004
 STS.360Ethnography Spring 2003
 STS.410JReadings in American History Since 1877 Fall 2003
 STS.415JNature, Environment, and Empire Spring 2005
 STS.420JThe Structure of Engineering Revolutions Fall 2001
 STS.428Technology and Change in Rural America Fall 2004
 STS.429Food and Power in the Twentieth Century Spring 2005
 STS.436Cold War Science Spring 2004
 STS.445JTechnologies for Creative Learning Fall 2004
 STS.449JSocial Studies of Bioscience and Biotech Fall 2005
 STS.461JIntegrating Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Technologies Fall 2005
 STS.462Social and Political Implications of Technology Spring 2006
 STS.464Cultural History of Technology Spring 2005
 STS.467Research Seminar in Deep Sea Archaeology Spring 2002
STS.471JEngineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System Spring 2007
 STS.S28Godzilla and the Bullet Train: Technology and Culture in Modern Japan Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 15.010Economic Analysis for Business Decisions Fall 2004
 15.011Economic Analysis for Business Decisions Fall 2004
 15.012Applied Macro- and International Economics Spring 2002
 15.014Applied Macro- and International Economics Spring 2004
 15.020Competition in Telecommunications Fall 2003
 15.021JReal Estate Economics Spring 2004
 15.023JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2004
15.023JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2007
 15.024Applied Economics for Managers Summer 2004
 15.040Game Theory for Managers Spring 2004
 15.053Optimization Methods in Management Science Spring 2007
 15.057Systems Optimization Spring 2003
 15.060Data, Models, and Decisions Fall 2002
 15.062Data Mining Spring 2003
 15.063Communicating With Data Summer 2003
 15.066JSystem Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Summer 2003
 15.067Competitive Decision-Making and Negotiation Spring 2003
 15.070Advanced Stochastic Processes Fall 2005
 15.072JQueues: Theory and Applications Spring 2006
 15.073JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 15.073JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 15.075Applied Statistics Spring 2003
 15.081JIntroduction to Mathematical Programming Fall 2002
 15.082JNetwork Optimization Spring 2003
 15.083JInteger Program Combination Optimization Fall 2004
 15.084JNonlinear Programming Spring 2004
 15.084JNonlinear Programming Spring 2003
 15.085JFundamentals of Probability Fall 2005
 15.093Optimization Methods (SMA 5213) Fall 2004
 15.094JSystems Optimization: Models and Computation (SMA 5223) Spring 2004
 15.098Special Seminar in Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes Spring 2006
 15.099Readings in Optimization Fall 2003
 15.136JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
 15.220International Management Spring 2002
15.223Global Markets, National Policies, and the Competitive Advantages of Firms Fall 2007
 15.224Global Markets, National Politics and the Competitive Advantage of Firms Spring 2003
 15.269Literature, Ethics and Authority Fall 2005
 15.269BLiterature, Ethics and Authority Fall 2002
 15.279Management Communication for Undergraduates Spring 2005
 15.280Communication for Managers Fall 2002
 15.281Advanced Managerial Communication Spring 2004
 15.289Communication Skills for Academics Spring 2002
15.301Managerial Psychology Fall 2006
 15.301Managerial Psychology Laboratory Fall 2004
 15.301Managerial Psychology Laboratory Spring 2003
 15.310Managerial Psychology Laboratory Spring 2003
15.310Managerial Psychology Fall 2006
 15.310Managerial Psychology Laboratory Fall 2004
 15.311Organizational Processes Fall 2003
 15.316Building and Leading Effective Teams Summer 2005
 15.322Leading Organizations II Fall 2003
 15.328Team Project Fall 2003
 15.341Individuals, Groups, and Organizations Fall 2006
 15.342JOrganizations and Environments Fall 2004
 15.343Managing Transformations in Work, Organizations, and Society Spring 2002
 15.347Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods I Fall 2004
 15.348Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods II Spring 2004
 15.351Managing the Innovation Process Fall 2002
 15.352Managing Innovation: Emerging Trends Spring 2005
 15.356How to Develop "Breakthrough" Products and Services Spring 2004
 15.358The Software Business Fall 2005
15.389Global Entrepreneurship Lab Fall 2007
 15.391Early Stage Capital Fall 2003
 15.394Designing and Leading the Entrepreneurial Organization Spring 2003
 15.402Finance Theory II Spring 2003
 15.414Financial Management Summer 2003
15.426JReal Estate Finance and Investment Fall 2006
15.427JReal Estate Capital Markets Spring 2007
15.428JAdvanced Topics in Real Estate Finance Spring 2007
 15.431Entrepreneurial Finance Spring 2002
 15.433Investments Spring 2003
 15.501Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting Spring 2004
 15.511Financial Accounting Summer 2004
 15.514Financial and Managerial Accounting Summer 2003
 15.515Financial Accounting Fall 2003
 15.516Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting Spring 2004
 15.518Taxes and Business Strategy Fall 2002
 15.521Management Accounting and Control Spring 2003
 15.535Business Analysis Using Financial Statements Spring 2003
 15.561Information Technology Essentials Spring 2005
 15.564Information Technology I Spring 2003
 15.565JIntegrating eSystems & Global Information Systems Spring 2002
 15.566Information Technology as an Integrating Force in Manufacturing Spring 2003
 15.568APractical Information Technology Management Spring 2005
 15.568BManagement Information Systems: Generating Business Value from Information Technology Spring 2003
 15.575Research Seminar in IT and Organizations: Economic Perspectives Spring 2004
 15.578JIntegrating eSystems & Global Information Systems Spring 2002
 15.598IT and Business Transformation Spring 2003
 15.615Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager Spring 2003
 15.616Innovative Businesses and Breakthrough Technologies - The Legal Issues Fall 2004
 15.617The Law of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets Spring 2004
 15.628Patents, Copyrights, and the Law of Intellectual Property Spring 2003
 15.647Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager Spring 2003
 15.649The Law of Mergers and Acquisitions Spring 2003
 15.660Strategic HR Management Spring 2003
 15.665BPower and Negotiation Fall 2002
 15.667Negotiation and Conflict Management Spring 2001
 15.668People and Organizations Fall 2005
 15.677JUrban Labor Markets and Employment Policy Spring 2005
 15.678JPolitical Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy Fall 2005
 15.760AOperations Management Spring 2002
 15.760BIntroduction to Operations Management Spring 2004
 15.761Operations Management Summer 2002
 15.762JSupply Chain Planning (SMA 6305) Spring 2005
 15.763JManufacturing System and Supply Chain Design Spring 2005
 15.764The Theory of Operations Management Spring 2004
 15.769Operations Strategy Spring 2003
 15.769Operations Strategy Fall 2005
 15.770JLogistics Systems Fall 2006
 15.778Management of Supply Networks for Products and Services Summer 2004
 15.783JProduct Design and Development Spring 2006
 15.792JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 15.795Seminar in Operations Management Fall 2002
 15.810Introduction to Marketing Spring 2005
 15.810Marketing Management Fall 2004
 15.812Marketing Management Fall 2002
 15.818PricingSpring 2005
 15.821Listening to the Customer Fall 2002
 15.822Strategic Marketing Measurement Fall 2002
 15.834Marketing Strategy Spring 2003
 15.835Entrepreneurial Marketing Spring 2002
 15.840Special Seminar in Marketing: Marketing Management Spring 2004
 15.871System Dynamics for Business Policy Fall 2003
 15.874System Dynamics for Business Policy Fall 2003
 15.875Applications of System Dynamics Spring 2004
 15.902Strategic Management I Fall 2006
 15.904Strategic Management II Fall 2005
15.905Technology Strategy Spring 2007
 15.912Technology Strategy Spring 2005
 15.928Strategic Management and Consulting Proseminar: Theoretical Foundations Spring 2003
 15.963Organizations as Enacted Systems: Learning, Knowing and Change Fall 2002
 15.965Ethical Practice: Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and the Purpose of the Corporation Spring 2007
 15.967Managing and Volunteering In the Non-Profit Sector Spring 2005
 15.968The Sociology of Strategy Spring 2005
 15.969Dynamic Leadership: Using Improvisation in Business Fall 2004
 15.970Digital Anthropology Spring 2003
 15.971Developmental Entrepreneurship Fall 2003
 15.974Leadership Lab Spring 2003
 15.974Practical Leadership Fall 2004
 15.975Special Seminar in Management The Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans January (IAP) 2005
15.978Leadership Tools and Teams: A Product Development Lab Spring 2007
15.980JOrganizing for Innovative Product Development Spring 2007
 15.990Architecture and Communication in Organizations Fall 2003
 15.996Cross-Cultural Leadership Fall 2004
 15.997Advanced Corporate Risk Management Spring 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
SP.235Chemistry of Sports Spring 2007
 SP.240Composing Your Life: Exploration of Self through Visual Arts and Writing Spring 2006
 SP.242Gender Issues in Academics and Academia Spring 2004
 SP.246Current Events and Social Issues Fall 2004
 SP.251PE for MESpring 2005
 SP.253AIDS and Poverty in Africa Spring 2005
 SP.255Physics of Rock Climbing Spring 2006
SP.258Gödel, Escher, Bach Spring 2007
 SP.259Information and Communication Technology in Africa Spring 2006
 SP.260Women's Novels: A Weekly Book Club Spring 2006
 SP.261Poetry in Translation Spring 2006
 SP.287Kitchen ChemistrySpring 2006
 SP.298Art of ColorSpring 2005
 SP.2H3Ancient Philosophy and Mathematics Fall 2006
 SP.322Prohibition and Permission Spring 2007
SP.401Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies Fall 2007
 SP.401Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies Spring 2005
 SP.406Sexual and Gender Identities Fall 2006
 SP.412JFeminist Political Thought Fall 2000
 SP.430Literary Interpretation: Virginia Woolf's Shakespeare Spring 2001
 SP.454JIdentity and Difference Fall 2002
SP.454JIdentity and Difference Spring 2007
 SP.455JGender, Sexuality, and Society Spring 2006
 SP.456JThe Contemporary American Family Spring 2004
 SP.457JGender, Power, and International Development Fall 2003
SP.459JWomen in South Asia from 1800 to Present Fall 2006
 SP.461JInternational Women's Voices Spring 2004
 SP.472Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and Autobiography Spring 2003
 SP.484JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 SP.492Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
SP.493Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships Fall 2007
 SP.512Major Authors: After the Masterpiece: Novels by Melville, Twain, Faulkner, and Morrison Fall 2006
 SP.512Major Authors: Melville and Morrison Fall 2003
 SP.514Medieval Literature: Medieval Women Writers Spring 2004
 SP.517American Authors: American Women Authors Spring 2003
 SP.518JRace and Identity in American Literature: Keepin' it Real Fake Spring 2007
 SP.575JWriting About Race Spring 2003
 SP.576JAdvanced Essay Workshop Spring 2005
 SP.601JFeminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 SP.603JRace and Gender in Asian America Spring 2006
 SP.607JGender and the Law in U.S. History Spring 2004
 SP.608JCultural Performances of Asia Fall 2005
 SP.610JThe Economic History of Work and Family Spring 2005
 SP.620JMedicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and the African Diaspora Spring 2005
 SP.621JViolence, Human Rights, and Justice Fall 2004
 SP.622JDilemmas in Bio-Medical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good? Spring 2005
 SP.660Gender and Race, Work, and Public Policy Spring 2005
 SP.694Issues of Representation: Women, Representation, and Music in Selected Folk Traditions of the British Isles and North America Fall 2005
 SP.721D-Lab: Development, Dialogue and Delivery Fall 2004
 SP.722D-Lab: Development, Design and Dissemination Spring 2005
 SP.724Prototypes to Products Fall 2005
 SP.764Practical Electronics Fall 2004
 SP.765Practical Electronics Fall 2004
 SP.769Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Fall 2004
 SP.772Internet Technology in Local and Global Communities Spring 2005
SP.776Design for Demining Spring 2007
 SP.777Water Jet Technologies Spring 2005
SP.778Toy Product Design Spring 2007
 SP.783Engineering Capacity in Community-Based Healthcare Fall 2005
SP.784Wheelchair Design in Developing Countries Spring 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 11.001JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Spring 2006
 11.002JFundamentals of Public Policy Fall 2004
11.004JCityScope: New Orleans Spring 2007
 11.007Resolving Public Disputes Spring 2005
 11.011The Art and Science of Negotiation Spring 2006
 11.013JAmerican Urban History I Spring 2005
 11.014JAmerican Urban History II Fall 2004
 11.015JRiots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History Fall 2004
 11.016JThe Once and Future City Spring 2006
 11.020Poverty, Public Policy and Controversy Fall 2003
 11.021JThe Ancient CitySpring 2005
 11.026JDowntownSpring 2005
 11.027City to City: Comparing, Researching and Writing about Cities Spring 2006
 11.122Environment and Society Fall 2002
 11.123Big Plans Spring 2003
 11.124Introduction to Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science Fall 2004
 11.125Exploring K-12 Classroom Teaching Spring 2005
 11.126JEconomics of Education Spring 2007
 11.127Computer Games and Simulations for Investigation and Education Spring 2005
 11.128Information Technology and the Labor Market Spring 2005
 11.129Educational Theory and Practice I Fall 2006
 11.131Educational Theory and Practice III Spring 2007
 11.163JLaw and Society Spring 2003
 11.164Human Rights in Theory and Practice Spring 2005
 11.166Law, Social Movements, and Public Policy: Comparative and International Experience Fall 2002
 11.167Economic Development & Technical Capabilities Spring 2004
 11.188A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems Fall 2005
 11.201Gateway: Planning Action Fall 2002
 11.201Gateway: Planning Action Fall 2005
 11.202Gateway: Planning Economics Fall 2004
 11.203Microeconomics for Planners Fall 2004
 11.204Planning, Communications, and Digital Media Fall 2004
 11.208Introduction to Computers in Public Management II January (IAP) 2002
 11.220Quantitative Reasoning and Statistical Method for Planning I Spring 2006
 11.225Argumentation and Communication Fall 2006
 11.229Advanced Writing Seminar Spring 2004
 11.233Crafting Research Questions and Qualitative Methodology Fall 2005
11.233Research Design for Policy Analysis and Planning Fall 2007
 11.235Analyzing Projects and Organizations: How Organizations Behave Fall 2006
 11.237Gender and Race, Work, and Public Policy Spring 2005
 11.248Information Technology and the Labor Market Spring 2005
 11.249Economics of Education Spring 2007
 11.252Computer Games and Simulations for Investigation and Education Spring 2005
 11.255Negotiation and Dispute Resolution in the Public Sector Spring 2005
 11.262JOrganizations and Environments Fall 2004
 11.301JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Fall 2006
 11.302JUrban Design Politics Spring 2003
 11.304JSite and Urban Systems Planning Spring 2006
 11.307Beijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2006
 11.308JAdvanced Seminar: Urban Nature and City Design Fall 2005
 11.309JSensing Place: Photography as Inquiry Spring 2006
 11.309JSites in Sight: Photography as Inquiry Fall 2003
 11.310JMedia Technology and City Design and Development Fall 2002
 11.310JMedia Technology and City Design and Development Spring 2002
 11.328JUrban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting, and Representing the City Fall 2004
 11.329Social Theory and the City Fall 2005
 11.330JTheory of City FormSpring 2004
 11.332JUrban Design Fall 2003
 11.332JUrban Design Studio: Providence Spring 2005
 11.333Urban Design Seminar Spring 2005
 11.339JDowntownSpring 2005
 11.360Community Growth and Land Use Planning Fall 2003
 11.360Community Growth and Land Use Planning Fall 2006
 11.360Community Growth and Land Use Planning Fall 2005
11.362Environmental Management Practicum: Brownfield Redevelopment Fall 2006
 11.363Civil Society and the Environment Spring 2005
 11.364International Environmental Negotiation Fall 2002
 11.366JPlanning for Sustainable Development Spring 2006
 11.368Environmental Justice Fall 2004
 11.370Brownfields Policy and Practice Fall 2005
 11.371JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 11.371JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 11.373Science, Politics, and Environmental Policy Fall 2004
 11.375Role of Science and Scientists in Collaborative Approaches to Environmental Policymaking Spring 2006
 11.380JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2002
 11.401Introduction to Housing, Community and Economic Development Fall 2003
 11.401Introduction to Housing, Community and Economic Development Fall 2004
 11.414JLabor and Politics Fall 2005
 11.421Housing and Human Services Spring 2005
 11.422Downtown Management Organizations Fall 2006
 11.423Information and Communication Technologies in Community Development Spring 2004
11.431JReal Estate Finance and Investment Fall 2006
11.432JReal Estate Capital Markets Spring 2007
 11.433JReal Estate Economics Spring 2004
11.434JAdvanced Topics in Real Estate Finance Spring 2007
 11.437Financing Economic Development Spring 2006
 11.439Revitalizing Urban Main Streets Spring 2003
 11.439Revitalizing Urban Main Streets Spring 2005
 11.467JProperty Rights in Transition Spring 2005
11.469Urban Sociology in Theory and Practice Spring 2007
 11.471Political Economy of Development Projects: Targeting the Poor Spring 2003
 11.471Targeting the Poor: Small Firms, Workers, and Local Economic Development Fall 2004
 11.479Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Planning in Developing Countries Spring 2005
11.479JWater and Sanitation Infrastructure in Developing Countries Spring 2007
 11.481JAnalyzing & Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2005
 11.481JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2004
 11.481JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2006
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analyses and Modeling Fall 2003
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2005
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2004
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2006
 11.484Project Appraisal in Developing Countries Spring 2005
 11.486JEconomic Institutions and Growth Policy Analysis Fall 2005
 11.487Urban Public Finance in Developing Countries Fall 2004
 11.489The Growth and Spatial Structure of Cities Fall 2005
 11.491JEconomic Development, Policy Analysis, and Industrialization Fall 2004
 11.493Legal Aspects of Property and Land Use Fall 2005
 11.496Law, Social Movements, and Public Policy: Comparative and International Experience Fall 2002
 11.497Human Rights in Theory and Practice Spring 2005
 11.501Introduction to Technology and Cities Fall 2002
 11.520A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems Fall 2005
 11.521Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems Spring 2003
 11.522Research Seminar on Urban Information Systems Fall 2005
 11.523Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems Spring 2003
 11.524Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems Spring 2003
 11.527JTransportation Systems Fall 2004
 11.540JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2006
 11.541JPublic Transportation Service and Operations Planning Spring 2006
 11.542JTransit Management Fall 2006
 11.543JTransportation Policy and Environmental Limits Spring 2004
 11.545JIntroduction to Transportation Systems Fall 2006
 11.601Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning Fall 2005
 11.701Introduction to Planning & Institutional Processes in Developing Countries Fall 2003
 11.701Introduction to Planning and Institutional Processes in Developing Countries Fall 2005
 11.800Doctoral Research Seminar: Knowledge in the Public Arena Spring 2007
 11.914Planning Communication Spring 2007
 11.941Disaster, Vulnerability and Resilience Spring 2005
 11.941Use of Joint Fact Finding in Science Intensive Policy Disputes, Part I Fall 2003
 11.942Use of Joint Fact Finding in Science Intensive Policy Disputes, Part II Spring 2004
 11.943Special Studies in Urban Studies and Planning - The Cardener River Corridor Workshop Fall 2001
 11.943JUrban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment Spring 2002
 11.945Katrina Practicum Spring 2006
 11.945Springfield Studio Spring 2004
 11.945Springfield Studio Fall 2005
 11.946Planning in Transition Economies for Growth and Equity Spring 2004
 11.946JBeijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2004
11.947History and Theory of Historic Preservation Spring 2007
 11.947Imaging the City: The Place of Media in City Design and Development Fall 1998
 11.947New Century Cities: Real Estate, Digital Technology, and Design Fall 2004
 11.947Race, Immigration, and Planning Spring 2005
 11.947Sustainable Economic Development Spring 2004
 11.948Power of Place: Media Technology, Youth, and City Design and Development Spring 2001
 11.948The Politics of Reconstructing Iraq Spring 2005
 11.949Cities in Conflict: Theory and Practice Fall 2003
 11.949City Visions: Past and Future Spring 2004
11.950Citizen Participation, Community Development, and Urban Governance in the Developing World Spring 2007
 11.952Foshan China Workshop Spring 2004
 11.952Gaoming Studio - China Spring 2005
 11.953Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning Spring 2006
 11.954Community-Owned Enterprise and Civic Participation Spring 2005
 11.957Frameworks of Urban Governance January (IAP) 2007
 11.959Reforming Natural Resources Governance: Failings of Scientific Rationalism and Alternatives for Building Common Ground January (IAP) 2007
 11.965Reflective Practice: An Approach for Expanding Your Learning Frontiers January (IAP) 2007
 11.967Special Studies in Urban Studies and Planning: Economic Development Planning Skills January (IAP) 2007
 11.969Workshop on Deliberative Democracy and Dispute Resolution Summer 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 WGS.401Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies Spring 2005
 WGS.406Sexual and Gender Identities Fall 2006
 WGS.412JFeminist Political Thought Fall 2000
 WGS.430Literary Interpretation: Virginia Woolf's Shakespeare Spring 2001
 WGS.454JIdentity and Difference Fall 2002
WGS.454JIdentity and Difference Spring 2007
 WGS.455JGender, Sexuality, and Society Spring 2006
 WGS.456JThe Contemporary American Family Spring 2004
 WGS.457JGender, Power, and International Development Fall 2003
WGS.459JWomen in South Asia from 1800 to Present Fall 2006
 WGS.461JInternational Women's Voices Spring 2004
 WGS.472Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and Autobiography Spring 2003
 WGS.484JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 WGS.492Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
 WGS.512Major Authors: After the Masterpiece: Novels by Melville, Twain, Faulkner, and Morrison Fall 2006
 WGS.512Major Authors: Melville and Morrison Fall 2003
 WGS.514Medieval Literature: Medieval Women Writers Spring 2004
 WGS.517American Authors: American Women Authors Spring 2003
 WGS.518JRace and Identity in American Literature: Keepin' it Real Fake Spring 2007
 WGS.575JWriting About Race Spring 2003
 WGS.576JAdvanced Essay Workshop Spring 2005
 WGS.601JFeminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 WGS.607JGender and the Law in U.S. History Spring 2004
 WGS.608JCultural Performances of Asia Fall 2005
 WGS.610JThe Economic History of Work and Family Spring 2005
 WGS.620JMedicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and the African Diaspora Spring 2005
 WGS.621JViolence, Human Rights, and Justice Fall 2004
 WGS.622JDilemmas in Bio-Medical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good? Spring 2005
 WGS.694Issues of Representation: Women, Representation, and Music in Selected Folk Traditions of the British Isles and North America Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21W.730-1Expository Writing: Exploring Social and Ethical Issues through Film and Print Fall 2002
 21W.730-1Expository Writing: Social and Ethical Issues in Print, Photography and Film Fall 2005
 21W.730-1Imagining the Future Spring 2004
 21W.730-2Expository Writing - Food for Thought: Writing and Reading about Food and Culture Fall 2005
 21W.730-2The Creative Spark Fall 2004
 21W.730-3Consumer Culture Fall 2002
 21W.730-3Expository Writing: Autobiography - Theory and Practice Spring 2001
 21W.730-3Writing and the Environment Spring 2005
 21W.730-4Expository Writing: Analyzing Mass Media Spring 2001
 21W.731-1Writing and Experience: Culture Shock! Writing, Editing, and Publishing in Cyberspace Fall 2005
 21W.731-1Writing and Experience: Exploring Self in Society Spring 2004
 21W.731-4Writing and Experience Spring 2002
 21W.732-1Introduction to Technical Communication: Perspectives on Medicine and Public Health Spring 2007
 21W.732-2Intro to Tech Communication Fall 2002
 21W.732-2Introduction to Technical Communication: Ethics in Science and Technology Fall 2006
 21W.732-5Introduction to Technical Communication: Explorations in Scientific and Technical Writing Fall 2006
 21W.734JWriting About Literature Fall 2006
 21W.735Writing and Reading the Essay Fall 2005
 21W.735Writing and Reading the Essay Fall 2004
 21W.739JDarwin and Design Fall 2003
 21W.739JDarwin and Design Fall 2002
 21W.742JWriting About Race Spring 2003
 21W.745Advanced Essay Workshop Spring 2005
 21W.746Humanistic Perspectives on Medicine: From Ancient Greece to Modern America Spring 2005
 21W.747Rhetoric Spring 2005
 21W.747-1Rhetoric Spring 2006
 21W.747-1Rhetoric Fall 2006
 21W.747-2Rhetoric: Rhetoric of Science Spring 2006
 21W.747-3Classical Rhetoric and Modern Politics Spring 2006
 21W.749Documentary Photography and Photo Journalism: Still Images of A World In Motion Spring 2002
 21W.755Writing and Reading Short Stories Fall 2006
 21W.756Writing and Reading Poems Fall 2006
 21W.765JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2006
 21W.765JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2004
 21W.765JTheory and Practice of Non-linear and Interactive Narrative Spring 2003
 21W.772Digital Poetry Fall 2005
 21W.775Writing about Nature and Environmental Issues Fall 2006
 21W.777The Science Essay Spring 2004
 21W.780Communicating in Technical Organizations Spring 2006
 21W.780Communicating in Technical Organizations Spring 2005
 21W.780Communicating in Technical Organizations Fall 2001
 21W.783Science and Engineering Writing for Phase II Fall 2002
 21W.784Becoming Digital: Writing About Media Change Fall 2005
 21W.785Communicating in Cyberspace Fall 2003
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 16.00Introduction to Aerospace Engineering and Design Spring 2003
 16.01Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.02Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.03Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.04Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV Fall 2005
 16.050Thermal Energy Fall 2002
 16.06Principles of Automatic Control Fall 2003
 16.07DynamicsFall 2004
 16.100Aerodynamics Fall 2005
 16.120Compressible Flow Spring 2003
 16.13Aerodynamics of Viscous Fluids Fall 2003
 16.20Structural Mechanics Fall 2002
 16.21Techniques for Structural Analysis and Design Spring 2005
 16.225Computational Mechanics of Materials Fall 2003
 16.230JPlates and Shells Spring 2006
 16.30Estimation and Control of Aerospace Systems Spring 2004
 16.31Feedback Control Systems Fall 2001
 16.322Stochastic Estimation and Control Fall 2004
 16.323Principles of Optimal Control Spring 2006
 16.333Aircraft Stability and Control Fall 2004
 16.337JDynamics of Nonlinear Systems Fall 2003
 16.355JSoftware Engineering Concepts Fall 2005
 16.358JSystem Safety Spring 2005
 16.36Communication Systems Engineering Spring 2003
 16.37JData Communication Networks Fall 2002
 16.394JInfinite Random Matrix Theory Fall 2004
 16.399Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications Spring 2004
 16.410Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making Fall 2005
 16.412JCognitive Robotics Spring 2005
 16.413Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making Fall 2005
 16.422Human Supervisory Control of Automated Systems Spring 2004
 16.423JAerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering Spring 2006
 16.512Rocket Propulsion Fall 2005
 16.522Space Propulsion Spring 2004
 16.540Internal Flows in Turbomachines Spring 2006
 16.61Aerospace Dynamics Spring 2003
 16.621Experimental Projects I Spring 2003
 16.622Experimental Projects II Fall 2003
 16.652Inventions and Patents Fall 2005
 16.653Management in Engineering Fall 2004
 16.682Prototyping Avionics Spring 2006
16.72Air Traffic Control Fall 2006
 16.75JAirline Management Spring 2006
 16.76JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 16.76JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 16.77JAirline Schedule Planning Spring 2003
 16.810Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping January (IAP) 2005
 16.810Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping January (IAP) 2007
 16.812The Aerospace Industry Spring 2004
 16.83XSpace Systems Engineering Spring 2002
 16.851Satellite Engineering Fall 2003
 16.852JIntegrating the Lean Enterprise Fall 2005
16.862Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 16.863JSystem Safety Spring 2005
 16.881Robust System Design Summer 1998
 16.885JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2004
 16.885JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2005
 16.886Air Transportation Systems Architecting Spring 2004
 16.888Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization Spring 2004
 16.891JSpace Policy Seminar Spring 2003
 16.892JSpace System Architecture and Design Fall 2004
16.895JEngineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System Spring 2007
 16.901Computational Methods in Aerospace Engineering Spring 2005
 16.910JIntroduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211) Fall 2003
 16.920JNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212) Spring 2003
 16.940JComputational Geometry Spring 2003
 16.985JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21A.100Introduction to Anthropology Fall 2004
 21A.110Anthropological Theory Spring 2003
 21A.112Seminar in Ethnography and Fieldwork Fall 2003
 21A.211Magic, Witchcraft, and the Spirit World Fall 2003
 21A.212Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism Spring 2004
 21A.215Medical AnthropologyFall 2004
 21A.216JDilemmas in Bio-Medical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good? Spring 2005
 21A.217Anthropology of War and Peace Fall 2004
 21A.218JIdentity and Difference Fall 2002
21A.218JIdentity and Difference Spring 2007
 21A.219Law and Society Spring 2003
 21A.224JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2005
 21A.225JViolence, Human Rights, and Justice Fall 2004
 21A.226Ethnic and National Identity Spring 2005
 21A.230JThe Contemporary American Family Spring 2004
 21A.231JGender, Sexuality, and Society Spring 2006
21A.235American Dream: Exploring Class in the U.S. Spring 2007
 21A.240Race and ScienceSpring 2004
 21A.245JPower: Interpersonal, Organizational and Global Dimensions Fall 2005
 21A.260Culture, Embodiment and the Senses Fall 2005
 21A.336Marketing, Microchips and McDonalds: Debating Globalization Spring 2004
 21A.337JDocumenting Culture Spring 2004
 21A.338JGender, Power, and International Development Fall 2003
 21A.340JTechnology and Culture Fall 2006
 21A.342Environmental Struggles Fall 2004
 21A.344JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2006
 21A.344JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2003
 21A.348Photography and Truth Spring 2005
 21A.350JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 21A.430JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2006
 21A.441The Conquest of America Spring 2004
 21A.453Anthropology of the Middle East Spring 2004
 21A.460JMedicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and the African Diaspora Spring 2005
 21A.750JSocial Theory and Analysis Fall 2004
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
4.001JCityScope: New Orleans Spring 2007
 4.101Experiencing Architecture Studio Spring 2003
 4.104Architectural Design: Intentions Spring 2004
 4.104Architecture Studio: Intentions Spring 2005
 4.107MArch Portfolio SeminarFall 2003
 4.123Architectural Design, Level I: Perceptions and Processes Fall 2003
 4.125Architecture Studio: Building in Landscapes Fall 2002
 4.125AArchitecture Studio: Building in Landscapes Fall 2005
 4.125BArchitecture Studio: Building in Landscapes Fall 2005
 4.131Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essence: The Glass House Fall 2003
 4.131BArchitectural Design, Level II: Material and Tectonic Transformations: The Herreshoff Museum Fall 2003
 4.132Architecture Design, Level II: Cuba Studio Spring 2004
 4.143Immaterial Limits: Process and Duration Fall 2002
 4.144Architectural Design, Level II: New Orleans Studio Spring 2006
 4.155BArchitectural Design, Level III: A Student Center for MIT Fall 2004
 4.163JUrban Design Studio: Providence Spring 2005
 4.163JUrban Design Fall 2003
 4.166Beijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2006
 4.170Ecuador WorkshopFall 2006
 4.171The Space Between Workshop Fall 2004
 4.171Ecuador WorkshopFall 2006
 4.173Digital Mock-Up WorkshopSpring 2004
 4.175Case Studies in City FormFall 2005
 4.181Architectural Design Workshop - Rethinking Office Development Spring 2003
 4.181Architecture Design Workshop: Researching User Demand for Innovative Offices Fall 2002
 4.183Sustainable Design and Technology Research Workshop Spring 2004
 4.184Architectural Design Workshop: Collage - Method and Form Spring 2004
 4.184Architectural Design Workshops: Computational Design for Housing Spring 2002
 4.185JBeijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2004
 4.191Introduction to Integrated Design Fall 2006
 4.195Special Problems in Architectural Design Spring 2005
 4.196Architecture Design, Level II: Cuba Studio Spring 2004
 4.206Introduction to Design Computing Spring 2004
 4.211JThe Once and Future City Spring 2006
 4.212Design FabricationSpring 2003
 4.213JAdvanced Seminar: Urban Nature and City Design Fall 2005
 4.215JSensing Place: Photography as Inquiry Spring 2006
 4.215JSites in Sight: Photography as Inquiry Fall 2003
 4.220Urban Housing: Paris, London, New York Fall 2004
 4.235JUrban Design Politics Spring 2003
 4.240JUrban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting, and Representing the City Fall 2004
 4.241JTheory of City FormSpring 2004
 4.243JMedia Technology and City Design and Development Spring 2002
 4.250JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Spring 2006
 4.252JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Fall 2006
 4.255JSite and Urban Systems Planning Spring 2006
 4.257JProperty Rights in Transition Spring 2005
 4.273Introduction to Design Inquiry Fall 2001
 4.273Introduction to Design Inquiry Fall 2004
 4.285Research Topics in Architecture: Citizen-Centered Design of Open Governance Systems Fall 2002
 4.285Power of Place: Media Technology, Youth, and City Design and Development Spring 2001
 4.296Furniture MakingSpring 2005
 4.297Special Problems in Architecture Studies Fall 2000
4.301Introduction to the Visual Arts Spring 2007
 4.302BSAD Foundations in the Visual Arts Fall 2003
 4.303Dialogue in Art, Architecture, and Urbanism Fall 2003
 4.303The Production of Space: Art, Architecture and Urbanism in Dialogue Fall 2006
 4.322Introduction to SculptureFall 2003
 4.341Introduction to Photography Fall 2002
 4.343Photography and Related Media Fall 2002
 4.351Introduction to VideoSpring 2004
 4.366Advanced Projects in the Visual Arts: Personal Narrative Spring 2004
 4.367Studio Seminar in Public Art Spring 2006
 4.370Interrogative Design Workshop Fall 2005
4.401Introduction to Building Technology Spring 2006
4.406Ecologies of Construction Spring 2007
 4.411Building Technology Laboratory Spring 2004
 4.42JFundamentals of Energy in Buildings Fall 2003
4.430Daylighting Fall 2006
 4.440Basic Structural Theory Spring 2003
 4.441Building Technologies II: Building Structural Systems I Spring 2003
 4.442Building Technologies III: Building Structural Systems II Fall 2002
 4.448Analysis of Historic Structures Fall 2004
 4.461Building Technology I: Materials and Construction Fall 2004
 4.462Building Technologies II: Building Structural Systems I Spring 2003
 4.463Building Technologies III: Building Structural Systems II Fall 2002
 4.463Building Technology III: Building Structural Systems Fall 2004
 4.491Form-Finding and Structural Optimization: Gaudi Workshop Fall 2004
 4.493Emergent Materials IISpring 2005
 4.493Natural Light in Design January (IAP) 2006
 4.500Introduction to Design Computing Spring 2006
 4.501Architectural Construction and Computation Fall 2005
 4.510Digital Design Fabrication Fall 2005
 4.511Digital Mock-Up Workshop Spring 2006
 4.520Computational Design I: Theory and Applications Fall 2005
 4.521Computational Design I: Theory and Applications Fall 2005
 4.580Inquiry into Computation and Design Fall 2006
 4.602Modern Art and Mass Culture Spring 2004
 4.607Thinking About Architecture: In History and At Present Fall 2002
 4.608JTopics in the Avant-Garde in Literature and Cinema Spring 2003
 4.614Religious Architecture and Islamic Cultures Fall 2002
 4.615The Architecture of Cairo Spring 2002
 4.638Drawings & Numbers: Five Centuries of Digital Design Fall 2002
 4.645Selected Topics in Architecture: Architecture from 1750 to the Present Fall 2004
 4.65120th Century Art Fall 2002
 4.661Theory and Method in the Study of Architecture and Art Fall 2002
 4.665Contemporary Architecture and Critical Debate Spring 2002
 4.A21Stories Without Words: Photographing the First Year Fall 2006
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
PE.210SCUBA Spring 2007
 PE.710Tennis Spring 2007
 PE.720Weight Training Spring 2006
 PE.730Archery Spring 2006
 PE.740Fencing Spring 2007
 PE.810Sailing Spring 2007
 PE.910Physical Intelligence January (IAP) 2002
 PE.920PE for MESpring 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 20.010JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 20.011JStatistical Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems (BE.011J) Spring 2004
 20.102Macroepidemiology (BE.102) Spring 2005
 20.104JChemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health (BE.104J) Spring 2005
20.106JSystems Microbiology Fall 2006
 20.109Laboratory Fundamentals in Biological Engineering Spring 2006
 20.110JThermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems Fall 2005
 20.180Biological Engineering Programming Spring 2006
 20.181Computation for Biological Engineers Fall 2006
 20.201Mechanisms of Drug Actions Fall 2005
 20.309Biological Engineering II: Instrumentation and Measurement Fall 2006
 20.310JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 20.320Biomolecular Kinetics and Cell Dynamics Spring 2006
20.330JFields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems Spring 2007
 20.340JMaterials for Biomedical Applications Spring 2006
 20.342Molecular Structure of Biological Materials (BE.442) Fall 2005
 20.370JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 20.371JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
 20.400JPerspectives in Biological Engineering Spring 2006
 20.410JMolecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 20.411JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
 20.420JBiomolecular Kinetics and Cellular Dynamics (BE.420J) Fall 2004
 20.430JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 20.440Analysis of Biological Networks (BE.440) Fall 2004
 20.441Biomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 20.442Molecular Structure of Biological Materials (BE.442) Fall 2005
 20.450Molecular and Cellular Pathophysiology (BE.450) Spring 2005
20.451JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 20.453JBiomedical Information Technology (BE.453J) Spring 2005
 20.462JMolecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2006
 20.470JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 20.482JFoundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology Spring 2006
 20.483JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 20.490JFoundations of Computational and Systems Biology Spring 2004
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 7.012Introduction to BiologyFall 2004
 7.013Introductory BiologySpring 2006
 7.014Introductory BiologySpring 2005
 7.02Experimental Biology & Communication Spring 2005
 7.02CIExperimental Biology - Communications Intensive Spring 2005
 7.03GeneticsFall 2004
 7.06Cell BiologySpring 2007
 7.08JBiological Chemistry IISpring 2004
 7.13Experimental Microbial GeneticsFall 2003
 7.16Experimental Molecular Biology: Biotechnology II Spring 2005
 7.18Topics in Experimental BiologyFall 2005
 7.22Developmental BiologyFall 2005
 7.24JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 7.27Principles of Human DiseaseSpring 2006
 7.28Molecular BiologySpring 2005
 7.29JCellular Neurobiology Spring 2005
 7.30JFundamentals of Ecology Fall 2003
 7.340Avoiding Genomic Instability: DNA Replication, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer Fall 2006
 7.340Immune Evasion: How Sneaky Pathogens Avoid Host Surveillance Spring 2004
 7.340Nano-life: An Introduction to Virus Structure and Assembly Fall 2005
 7.340Ubiquitination: The Proteasome and Human Disease Fall 2004
 7.340Under the Radar Screen: How Bugs Trick Our Immune Defenses Spring 2007
 7.341Brightening up Life: Harnessing the Power of Fluorescence Imaging to Observe Biology in Action Fall 2006
7.341DNA Damage Checkpoints: The Emergency Brake on the Road to Cancer Fall 2007
 7.342Cancer Biology: From Basic Research to the Clinic Fall 2004
 7.342G-Protein Coupled Receptors: Vision and Disease Spring 2007
 7.342Reading the Blueprint of Life: Transcription, Stem Cells and Differentiation Fall 2006
 7.343Neuron-glial Cell Interactions in Biology and Disease Spring 2007
 7.343Photosynthesis: Life from Light Fall 2006
 7.343Protein Folding, Misfolding and Human Disease Fall 2004
 7.344Antibiotics, Toxins, and Protein Engineering Spring 2007
 7.344RNA Interference: A New Tool for Genetic Analysis and Therapeutics Fall 2004
7.344The Fountain of Life: From Dolly to Customized Embryonic Stem Cells Fall 2007
 7.345Evolution of the Immune System Spring 2005
 7.349Biological Computing: At the Crossroads of Engineering and Science Spring 2005
 7.36JFoundations of Computational and Systems Biology Spring 2004
 7.38JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 7.391Concept-Centered TeachingFall 2005
 7.391Concept-Centered TeachingSpring 2006
 7.51Graduate Biochemistry Fall 2001
 7.547JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
 7.548JPerspectives in Biological Engineering Spring 2006
 7.58Molecular BiologySpring 2005
 7.59JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 7.60Cell Biology: Structure and Functions of the Nucleus Spring 2006
 7.66JCognitive & Behavioral Genetics Spring 2001
 7.67JGenetic Neurobiology Fall 2005
 7.68JCellular and Molecular Neurobiology: The Brain and Cognitive Sciences III Spring 2003
 7.69JDevelopmental Neurobiology Spring 2005
 7.72Developmental BiologyFall 2005
 7.81JSystems BiologyFall 2004
 7.88JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 7.90JComputational Functional Genomics Spring 2005
 7.91JFoundations of Computational and Systems Biology Spring 2004
 7.92JNeurology, Neuropsychology, and Neurobiology of Aging Spring 2005
 7.931Concept-Centered TeachingFall 2005
 7.931Concept-Centered TeachingSpring 2006
 7.98JNeural Plasticity in Learning and Development Spring 2002
 7.A12Freshman Seminar: Structural Basis of Genetic Material: Nucleic Acids Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 9.00Introduction to Psychology Fall 2004
 9.00PIntroduction to Psychology Fall 2001
 9.01Introduction to Neuroscience Fall 2004
 9.01Neuroscience and Behavior Fall 2003
 9.011The Brain and Cognitive Sciences I Fall 2002
 9.012The Brain and Cognitive Sciences II Spring 2006
 9.012The Brain and Cognitive Sciences II Spring 2002
 9.013JCellular and Molecular Neurobiology: The Brain and Cognitive Sciences III Spring 2003
 9.02Brain Laboratory Spring 2002
 9.03Neural Basis of Learning and Memory Fall 2003
 9.031Neural Basis of Learning and Memory Fall 2003
 9.036The Visual System Spring 2005
9.04Neural Basis of Vision and Audition Fall 2006
 9.044JBrain Mechanisms for Hearing and Speech Fall 2005
 9.05Neural Basis of Movement Spring 2003
 9.07Statistical Methods in Brain and Cognitive Science Spring 2004
 9.081Human Memory and Learning Fall 2002
 9.09JCellular Neurobiology Spring 2005
 9.10Cognitive Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.100Cognitive Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.110JNeurology, Neuropsychology, and Neurobiology of Aging Spring 2005
 9.12Experimental Molecular Neurobiology Fall 2006
 9.14Brain Structure and its Origins Spring 2005
 9.15Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission Fall 2003
 9.150Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission Fall 2003
 9.16Cellular Neurophysiology Spring 2002
 9.18Developmental Neurobiology Spring 2005
 9.181JDevelopmental Neurobiology Spring 2005
 9.19JCognitive & Behavioral Genetics Spring 2001
 9.20Animal Behavior Fall 2005
 9.201Advanced Animal Behavior Spring 2000
 9.22JA Clinical Approach to the Human Brain Fall 2006
 9.250Evolutionary Psychology Spring 1999
 9.29JIntroduction to Computational Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.301JNeural Plasticity in Learning and Development Spring 2002
 9.322JGenetic Neurobiology Fall 2005
 9.35Sensation and Perception Spring 2004
 9.357Special Topics in Vision Science Fall 2001
 9.373Somatosensory and Motor Systems Spring 2002
 9.402Language and Thought Fall 2002
 9.458Parkinson's Disease Workshop Summer 2006
 9.459Scene Understanding Symposium Spring 2006
 9.51Affective Priming at Short and Extremely Short Exposures Spring 2003
 9.520Statistical Learning Theory and Applications Spring 2006
 9.520Statistical Learning Theory and Applications Spring 2003
 9.520-ANetworks for Learning: Regression and Classification Spring 2001
 9.52-AInvestigating the Neural Substrates of Remote Memory using fMRI Spring 2003
 9.52-BTopics in Brain and Cognitive Sciences Human Ethology Spring 2001
 9.52-CComputational Cognitive Science Spring 2003
 9.530Cellular and Molecular Computation Spring 2000
 9.531JSystems BiologyFall 2004
 9.56JAbnormal Language Fall 2004
 9.57JLanguage Acquisition Fall 2001
 9.591JLanguage Processing Fall 2004
 9.59JPsycholinguistics Spring 2005
 9.601JLanguage Acquisition I Spring 2002
 9.611JNatural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge Spring 2003
 9.63Laboratory in Cognitive Science Fall 2005
 9.63Laboratory in Cognitive Science Fall 2002
 9.641JIntroduction to Neural Networks Spring 2005
 9.65Cognitive Processes Spring 2004
 9.660JComputational Cognitive Science Fall 2004
 9.66JComputational Cognitive Science Fall 2004
 9.67Object and Face Recognition Spring 2001
 9.675The Development of Object and Face Recognition Spring 2006
 9.68Affect: Biological, Psychological, and Social Aspects of Feelings Spring 2005
 9.69Foundations of Cognition Spring 2003
 9.70Social Psychology Spring 2005
 9.71Functional MRI of High-Level Vision Fall 2004
 9.713JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 9.74Foundations of Human Memory and Learning Spring 2002
 9.75JPsychology of Gender Spring 2003
 9.85Infant and Early Childhood Cognition Fall 2005
 9.911Reasonable Conduct in Science January (IAP) 2002
 9.912Special Topics in Brain and Cognitive Sciences Fall 2001
 9.912JIntroduction to Computational Neuroscience Spring 2004
 9.913Pattern Recognition for Machine Vision Fall 2004
 9.913-AIntensive Neuroanatomy January (IAP) 2002
 9.916Modularity, Domain-specificity, and the Organization of Knowledge Fall 2001
 9.916The Neural Basis of Visual Object Recognition in Monkeys and Humans Spring 2005
 9.916-AProbability and Causality in Human Cognition Spring 2003
 9.93Cognitive Neuroscience of Remembering: Creating and Controlling Memory January (IAP) 2002
 9.93Marathon Moral Reasoning Laboratory January (IAP) 2007
 9.95-AResearch Topics in Neuroscience January (IAP) 2003
 9.96Experimental Methods of Adjustable Tetrode Array Neurophysiology January (IAP) 2001
 9.97Introduction to Neuroanatomy January (IAP) 2003
 9.98Language and Mind January (IAP) 2003
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 10.002JIntroduction to Numerical Analysis for Engineering (13.002J) Spring 2005
 10.010JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 10.302Transport Processes Fall 2004
 10.32Separation Processes Spring 2005
 10.333JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 10.34Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Fall 2005
 10.34Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Fall 2006
10.37Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering Spring 2007
 10.391JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 10.391JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 10.392JFundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 10.40Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Fall 2003
 10.420Molecular Aspects of Chemical Engineering Fall 2004
 10.442Biochemical Engineering Spring 2005
 10.445Separation Processes for Biochemical Products Summer 2005
 10.44JStatistical Thermodynamics of Complex Liquids Spring 2004
 10.450Process Dynamics, Operations, and Control Spring 2006
 10.467Polymer Science Laboratory Fall 2005
 10.490Integrated Chemical Engineering I Fall 2006
 10.491Integrated Chemical Engineering II Spring 2006
 10.492-1Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics I: Process Control by Design Fall 2004
 10.492-2Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics I: Introduction to Biocatalysis Fall 2004
 10.52Mechanics of Fluids Spring 2006
 10.520Molecular Aspects of Chemical Engineering Fall 2004
 10.536JThermal Hydraulics in Power Technology Spring 2007
 10.537Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 10.538JBiomolecular Kinetics and Cellular Dynamics (BE.420J) Fall 2004
 10.539JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 10.542Biochemical Engineering Spring 2005
 10.543JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 10.545Separation Processes for Biochemical Products Summer 2005
 10.547JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
 10.548JTumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena Fall 2005
 10.569Synthesis of Polymers Fall 2006
 10.571JAtmospheric Physics and Chemistry Spring 2006
 10.652JKinetics of Chemical Reactions Spring 2003
 10.675JComputational Quantum Mechanics of Molecular and Extended Systems Fall 2004
 10.702Experimental Biology & Communication Spring 2005
 10.702CIExperimental Biology - Communications Intensive Spring 2005
 10.74JRadiative Transfer Spring 2006
 10.792JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 10.805JTechnology, Law, and the Working Environment Spring 2006
 10.806Management in Engineering Fall 2004
10.816Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 5.04Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II Fall 2004
 5.05Principles of Inorganic Chemistry III Spring 2005
 5.068Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry Spring 2005
 5.08JBiological Chemistry IISpring 2004
 5.111Principles of Chemical Science Fall 2005
 5.112Principles of Chemical Science Fall 2005
 5.12Organic Chemistry ISpring 2005
 5.12Organic Chemistry I Spring 2003
 5.13Organic Chemistry IIFall 2003
 5.13Organic Chemistry II Spring 2003
5.13Organic Chemistry II Fall 2006
 5.301Chemistry Laboratory Techniques January (IAP) 2004
 5.302Introduction to Experimental Chemistry January (IAP) 2005
 5.310Laboratory Chemistry Spring 2003
 5.311Introductory Chemical Experimentation Fall 2005
 5.32Intermediate Chemical Experimentation Spring 2003
 5.33Advanced Chemical Experimentation and Instrumentation Fall 2005
 5.43Advanced Organic ChemistrySpring 2007
 5.44Organometallic ChemistryFall 2004
 5.451Chemistry of Biomolecules IFall 2005
5.46Organic Structure Determination Spring 2007
 5.48JProtein Folding Problem Fall 2003
 5.512Synthetic Organic Chemistry II Spring 2005
5.60Thermodynamics & Kinetics Spring 2007
 5.601JThermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems Fall 2005
 5.61Physical ChemistryFall 2004
 5.62Physical Chemistry IISpring 2004
 5.675JComputational Quantum Mechanics of Molecular and Extended Systems Fall 2004
 5.68JKinetics of Chemical Reactions Spring 2003
 5.73Introductory Quantum Mechanics I Fall 2002
 5.73Introductory Quantum Mechanics I Fall 2005
 5.74Introductory Quantum Mechanics II Spring 2007
 5.74Introductory Quantum Mechanics II Spring 2004
 5.76Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure Spring 1996
 5.841Crystal Structure RefinementFall 2006
5.92Energy, Environment, and Society Spring 2007
 5.95JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 5.S15Kitchen ChemistrySpring 2006
5.S16Advanced Kitchen Chemistry Spring 2002
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 1.00Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving Fall 2005
 1.00Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving Spring 2005
 1.001Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving Fall 2005
 1.010Uncertainty in Engineering Fall 2004
 1.010Computing and Data Analysis for Environmental Applications Fall 2003
 1.011Project Evaluation Spring 2005
 1.012Introduction to Civil Engineering Design Spring 2002
 1.015JDesign of Systems Operating in Random Environments Spring 2006
 1.017Computing and Data Analysis for Environmental Applications Fall 2003
 1.018JFundamentals of Ecology Fall 2003
1.020Ecology II: Engineering for Sustainability Spring 2007
 1.021JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 1.032Advanced Soil Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.033Mechanics of Material Systems: An Energy Approach Fall 2003
 1.040Project Management Spring 2004
1.040Project Management Spring 2007
 1.044JFundamentals of Energy in Buildings Fall 2003
 1.050Solid Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.051Structural Engineering Design Fall 2003
 1.053JDynamics and Control I Spring 2007
 1.053JDynamics and Vibration (13.013J) Fall 2002
 1.054Mechanics and Design of Concrete Structures Spring 2004
 1.060Engineering Mechanics II Spring 2006
 1.061Transport Processes in the Environment Fall 2004
 1.081JChemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health (BE.104J) Spring 2005
1.084JSystems Microbiology Fall 2006
 1.101Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Design I Fall 2006
 1.101Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Design I Fall 2005
 1.103Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory Spring 2004
 1.105Solid Mechanics Laboratory Fall 2003
 1.124JFoundations of Software Engineering Fall 2000
 1.126JPattern Recognition and Analysis Fall 2006
 1.128JComputational Geometry Spring 2003
 1.130Wavelets, Filter Banks and Applications Spring 2003
 1.133M. Eng. Concepts of Engineering Practice Fall 2003
 1.138JWave Propagation Fall 2006
 1.142JSystems Optimization: Models and Computation (SMA 5223) Spring 2004
 1.151Probability and Statistics in Engineering Spring 2005
1.155Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 1.201JIntroduction to Transportation Systems Fall 2006
 1.203JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 1.203JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 1.206JAirline Schedule Planning Spring 2003
 1.212JAn Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems Spring 2005
 1.221JTransportation Systems Fall 2004
 1.223JTransportation Policy, Strategy, and Management Fall 2004
 1.224JCarrier Systems Fall 2003
 1.225JTransportation Flow Systems Fall 2002
 1.234JAirline Management Spring 2006
 1.252JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2002
 1.252JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2006
 1.253JTransportation Policy and Environmental Limits Spring 2004
 1.258JPublic Transportation Service and Operations Planning Spring 2006
 1.259JTransit Management Fall 2006
 1.260JLogistics Systems Fall 2006
 1.264JDatabase, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies Fall 2006
 1.273JSupply Chain Planning (SMA 6305) Spring 2005
 1.274JManufacturing System and Supply Chain Design Spring 2005
 1.284JAnalyzing & Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2005
 1.284JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2004
 1.284JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2006
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analyses and Modeling Fall 2003
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2005
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2004
 1.285JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2006
 1.322Soil Behavior Spring 2005
 1.34Waste Containment and Remediation Technology Spring 2004
 1.361Advanced Soil Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.364Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Fall 2003
 1.366Advanced Soil Mechanics Fall 2004
 1.401JProject Management Spring 2004
1.401JProject Management Spring 2007
 1.432JSystem and Project Management Fall 2003
 1.46Strategic Management in the Design and Construction Value Chain Fall 2003
 1.464E-Commerce and the Internet in Real Estate and Construction Spring 2004
 1.541Mechanics and Design of Concrete Structures Spring 2004
 1.561Motion Based Design Fall 2003
 1.56JStructural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology Fall 2006
 1.57Mechanics of Material Systems: An Energy Approach Fall 2003
 1.571Structural Analysis and Control Spring 2004
 1.573JStructural Mechanics (13.10J) Fall 2002
 1.61Transport Processes in the Environment Fall 2004
 1.63Advanced Fluid Dynamics of the Environment Fall 2002
 1.685JNonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring 2007
 1.72Groundwater Hydrology Fall 2005
 1.725JChemicals in the Environment: Fate and Transport Fall 2004
 1.731Water Resource Systems Fall 2006
 1.76Aquatic Chemistry Fall 2005
 1.77Water Quality Control Spring 2006
 1.782Environmental Engineering MEng Project Fall 2003
 1.814JSystems Perspectives on Industrial Ecology Spring 2006
 1.817JPlanning for Sustainable Development Spring 2006
 1.818JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 1.818JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 1.85Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering Spring 2006
1.851JWater and Sanitation Infrastructure in Developing Countries Spring 2007
 1.89Environmental Microbiology Fall 2004
1.963A Sustainable Transportation Plan for MIT Spring 2007
 1.963Environmental Engineering Applications of Geographic Information Systems Fall 2004
 1.963Globalization of the Engineering and Construction Industry Fall 2006
 1.964Design for Sustainability Fall 2006
 1.978From Nano to Macro January (IAP) 2006
 1.978From Nano to Macro: Introduction to Atomistic Modeling Techniques January (IAP) 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
CMS.600New Media Literacies Spring 2007
 CMS.600Videogame Theory and Analysis Fall 2006
 CMS.602Topics in Comparative Media: American Pro Wrestling Spring 2007
 CMS.610Media Industries and Systems Spring 2006
 CMS.796Major Media Texts Fall 2006
 CMS.801Media in Transition Fall 2004
 CMS.840Shakespeare, Film and Media Fall 2002
 CMS.845Theory and Practice of Non-linear and Interactive Narrative Spring 2003
 CMS.845JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2006
 CMS.845JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2004
CMS.871Media in Cultural Context Spring 2007
CMS.871Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships Fall 2007
 CMS.874Visualizing Cultures Spring 2003
 CMS.876History of Media and Technology Spring 2005
 CMS.876History of Media and Technology: Sound, the Minority Report -- Radical Music of the Past 100 Years Spring 2006
 CMS.880From Print to Digital: Technologies of the Word, 1450-Present Fall 2005
 CMS.910Technologies of Humanism Spring 2003
 CMS.917JDocumenting Culture Spring 2004
 CMS.920Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
 CMS.922Media Industries and Systems Spring 2006
 CMS.930Media, Education, and the Marketplace Fall 2001
 CMS.930Media Education and the Marketplace Fall 2005
 CMS.950Workshop I Fall 2005
 CMS.997Topics in Comparative Media: American Pro Wrestling Spring 2007
CMS.998New Media Literacies Spring 2007
 CMS.998Videogame Theory and Analysis Fall 2006
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 12.000Solving Complex Problems Fall 2003
12.003Physics of Atmospheres and Oceans Fall 2007
 12.005Applications of Continuum Mechanics to Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Spring 2006
 12.006JNonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos Fall 2006
 12.007Geobiology Spring 2003
 12.010Computational Methods of Scientific Programming Fall 2005
 12.085Seminar in Environmental Science Fall 2005
12.090Special Topics in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences: The Environment of the Earth's Surface Spring 2007
 12.091Medical Geology/Geochemistry: An Exposure January (IAP) 2006
 12.091Radon Research in Multidisciplines: A Review January (IAP) 2007
 12.091Trace Element Analysis of Geological, Biological & Environmental Materials by Neutron Activation Analysis: An Exposure January (IAP) 2005
 12.097Chemical Investigations of Boston Harbor January (IAP) 2006
 12.102Environmental Earth Science Fall 2005
 12.103Strange Bedfellows: Science and Environmental Policy Fall 2005
 12.108Structure of Earth Materials Fall 2004
 12.109Petrology Fall 2005
 12.110Sedimentary Geology Fall 2004
12.110Sedimentary Geology Spring 2007
 12.113Structural Geology Fall 2005
 12.114Field Geology I Fall 2005
 12.119Analytical Techniques for Studying Environmental and Geologic Samples Spring 2006
 12.141Electron Microprobe Analysis by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry January (IAP) 2006
 12.163Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution Fall 2004
 12.201Essentials of Geophysics Fall 2004
 12.215Modern Navigation Fall 2006
 12.301Climate Physics and Chemistry Fall 2006
 12.306Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Spring 2006
 12.333Atmospheric and Ocean Circulations Spring 2004
 12.400The Solar System Spring 2006
 12.402JIntroduction to AstronomySpring 2006
 12.409Hands-On Astronomy: Observing Stars and Planets Spring 2002
 12.453Crosby Lectures in Geology: History of Africa Fall 2005
 12.458Molecular Biogeochemistry Fall 2006
 12.463Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution Fall 2004
12.479Trace-Element Geochemistry Fall 2006
12.480Thermodynamics for Geoscientists Fall 2006
 12.490Advanced Igneous Petrology Fall 2005
 12.491Advanced Seminar in Geology and Geochemistry: Organic Geochemistry Fall 2005
12.491Biogeochemistry of Sulfur Fall 2007
 12.501Essentials of Geophysics Fall 2004
 12.510Introduction to Seismology Spring 2005
 12.517Dynamics of Complex Systems: Biological and Environmental Coevolution Preceding the Cambrian Explosion Spring 2005
 12.517Dynamics of Complex Systems: Complexity in Ecology Spring 2000
 12.517Dynamics of Complex Systems: Ecological Theory Spring 2001
 12.520Geodynamics Fall 2006
 12.524Mechanical Properties of Rocks Fall 2005
 12.540Principles of the Global Positioning System Spring 2003
 12.570Seminar in Geophysics: Mantle Convection Spring 1998
 12.570Seminar in Geophysics: Thermal and Chemical Evolution of the Earth Spring 2005
 12.570Structure and Dynamics of the CMB Region Spring 2004
 12.581Phase Transitions in the Earth's Interior Spring 2005
 12.620JClassical Mechanics: A Computational Approach Fall 2002
 12.740Paleoceanography Spring 2006
12.742Marine Chemistry Fall 2006
12.746Marine Organic Geochemistry Spring 2005
12.753Geodynamics Seminar Spring 2001
12.753Geodynamics Seminar Spring 2005
12.753Geodynamics Seminar Spring 2006
 12.757Science and Communication Spring 2005
12.759Marine Chemistry Seminar Spring 2006
 12.800Fluid Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean Fall 2004
 12.802Wave Motions in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2004
 12.804Large-scale Flow Dynamics Lab Fall 2005
 12.806JAtmospheric Physics and Chemistry Spring 2006
 12.808Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography Fall 2004
 12.811Tropical Meteorology Spring 2005
 12.812General Circulation of the Earth's Atmosphere Fall 2005
 12.815Atmospheric Radiation Fall 2006
12.820Turbulence in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2007
12.820Turbulence in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2006
12.822Turbulence in the Ocean and Atmosphere Spring 2006
 12.842Climate Physics and Chemistry Fall 2006
 12.848JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2004
12.848JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2007
 12.864Inference from Data and Models Spring 2005
 12.950Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling Spring 2004
 12.990Prediction and Predictability in the Atmosphere and Oceans Spring 2003
 12.S56GPS: Civilian Tool or Military Weapon? Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 14.02Principles of Macroeconomics Fall 2002
 14.02Principles of MacroeconomicsFall 2004
 14.03Intermediate Applied Microeconomics Fall 2004
14.04Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Fall 2006
 14.05Intermediate Applied Macroeconomics Fall 2005
 14.06Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Spring 2004
 14.06Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Spring 2003
 14.11Putting Social Sciences to the Test: Field Experiments in Economics Spring 2006
14.11Special Topics in Economics: The Challenge of World Poverty Fall 2006
 14.12Economic Applications of Game Theory Fall 2005
 14.121Microeconomic Theory IFall 2005
 14.122Microeconomic Theory II Fall 2002
 14.123Microeconomic Theory IIISpring 2005
 14.124Microeconomic Theory IV Spring 2003
 14.126Game TheoryFall 2004
 14.127Behavioral Economics and Finance Spring 2004
 14.128Dynamic Optimization & Economic Applications (Recursive Methods) Spring 2003
14.129Advanced Contract Theory Spring 2005
 14.13Economics and PsychologySpring 2004
 14.147Topics in Game TheorySpring 2005
 14.20Industrial Organization and Public Policy Spring 2003
 14.23Government Regulation of Industry Spring 2003
 14.27Economics and E-commerce Fall 2000
 14.271Industrial Organization IFall 2005
 14.28Competition in Telecommunications Fall 2003
 14.296JCollective Choice I Fall 2005
 14.30Introduction to Statistical Method in Economics Spring 2006
 14.30Introduction to Statistical Method in Economics Spring 2003
 14.32EconometricsSpring 2007
 14.33Economics Research and Communication Fall 2004
 14.33Economics Research and Communication Spring 2005
 14.381Statistical Method in Economics Fall 2006
 14.382Econometrics ISpring 2005
 14.384Time Series Analysis Fall 2002
14.386New Econometric Methods Spring 2007
 14.41Public EconomicsFall 2004
 14.42Environmental Policy and Economics Spring 2004
 14.420Environmental Policy and Economics Spring 2004
 14.44Energy EconomicsSpring 2007
 14.444Energy EconomicsSpring 2007
 14.451Macroeconomic Theory ISpring 2007
 14.452Macroeconomic Theory IISpring 2007
 14.453Macroeconomic Theory III Fall 2002
 14.453Macroeconomic Theory IIIFall 2006
 14.454Macroeconomic Theory IVFall 2004
14.462Advanced Macroeconomics II Spring 2007
 14.462Advanced Macroeconomics II Spring 2004
 14.471Public Economics I Fall 2003
 14.472Public Economics IISpring 2004
 14.475Environmental Economics and Government Responses to Market Failure Spring 2005
 14.48JEconomics of Education Spring 2007
 14.49Information Technology and the Labor Market Spring 2005
14.54International Trade Fall 2006
14.581International Economics I Spring 2007
 14.64Labor Economics and Public Policy Spring 2006
 14.661Labor Economics IFall 2006
 14.661Labor Economics I Fall 2003
14.662Labor Economics II Spring 2007
 14.70JMedieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective Spring 2006
 14.72Capitalism and Its CriticsFall 2006
 14.731Economic HistoryFall 2006
 14.74Foundations of Development Policy Spring 2004
 14.771Development Economics: Microeconomic Issues and Policy Models Fall 2002
 14.778JEconomic Institutions and Growth Policy Analysis Fall 2005
 14.781JPolitical Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 6.001Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring 2005
6.002Circuits and Electronics Spring 2007
 6.003Signals and Systems Fall 2003
 6.004Computation Structures Fall 2002
 6.011Introduction to Communication, Control, and Signal Processing Spring 2004
 6.012Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Fall 2005
 6.012Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Fall 2003
 6.013Electromagnetics and Applications Fall 2002
 6.013Electromagnetics and Applications Fall 2005
 6.021JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 6.022JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
6.023JFields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems Spring 2007
 6.024JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 6.025JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 6.033Computer System Engineering (SMA 5501) Spring 2005
 6.034Artificial Intelligence Spring 2005
 6.034Artificial Intelligence Fall 2006
 6.035Computer Language Engineering (SMA 5502) Fall 2005
 6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2006
 6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2005
 6.042JMathematics for Computer Science Fall 2005
 6.042JMathematics for Computer Science Spring 2005
 6.042JMathematics for Computer Science (SMA 5512) Fall 2002
 6.045JAutomata, Computability, and Complexity Spring 2005
 6.046JIntroduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) Fall 2005
 6.050JInformation and Entropy Spring 2003
 6.061Introduction to Electric Power Systems Spring 2003
 6.071JIntroduction to Electronics, Signals, and Measurement Spring 2006
6.07JProjects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences Spring 2007
 6.090Building Programming Experience: A Lead-In to 6.001 January (IAP) 2005
 6.092Bioinformatics and Proteomics January (IAP) 2005
 6.092Java Preparation for 6.170 January (IAP) 2006
 6.095JComputational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution Fall 2005
 6.096Algorithms for Computational Biology Spring 2005
 6.097Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum Electronics Spring 2006
 6.101Introductory Analog Electronics Laboratory Fall 2002
 6.111Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Spring 2004
 6.111Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Fall 2002
 6.152JMicro/Nano Processing Technology Fall 2005
 6.161Modern Optics Project Laboratory Fall 2005
 6.163Strobe Project Laboratory Fall 2005
 6.170Laboratory in Software Engineering Fall 2005
 6.171Software Engineering for Web Applications Fall 2003
 6.186Mobile Autonomous Systems Laboratory January (IAP) 2005
 6.231Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control Fall 2002
 6.241Dynamic Systems & Control Fall 2003
 6.243JDynamics of Nonlinear Systems Fall 2003
 6.245Multivariable Control Systems Spring 2004
 6.251JIntroduction to Mathematical Programming Fall 2002
 6.252JNonlinear Programming Spring 2003
 6.252JNonlinear Programming Spring 2004
 6.253Convex Analysis and Optimization Spring 2004
 6.263JData Communication Networks Fall 2002
 6.264JQueues: Theory and Applications Spring 2006
 6.270Autonomous Robot Design Competition January (IAP) 2005
 6.281JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 6.281JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 6.301Solid-State Circuits Spring 2003
 6.302Feedback Systems Fall 2002
 6.331Advanced Circuit Techniques Spring 2002
 6.334Power Electronics Spring 2003
 6.336JIntroduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211) Fall 2003
 6.337JIntroduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2006
 6.338JApplied Parallel Computing (SMA 5505) Spring 2005
 6.339JNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212) Spring 2003
 6.341Discrete-Time Signal Processing Fall 2005
 6.345Automatic Speech Recognition Spring 2003
 6.370Robocraft Programming Competition January (IAP) 2005
 6.374Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits Fall 2003
 6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2006
 6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability Spring 2005
 6.432Stochastic Processes, Detection, and Estimation Spring 2004
 6.435System Identification Spring 2005
 6.436JFundamentals of Probability Fall 2005
 6.441Transmission of Information Spring 2003
 6.443JQuantum Information Science Spring 2006
6.450Principles of Digital Communications I Fall 2006
 6.451Principles of Digital Communication II Spring 2005
 6.452Principles of Wireless Communications Spring 2006
 6.453Quantum Optical Communication Fall 2004
 6.521JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 6.524JMolecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 6.541JSpeech Communication Spring 2004
 6.542JLaboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech Fall 2005
 6.551JAcoustics of Speech and Hearing Fall 2004
 6.561JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 6.581JFoundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology Spring 2006
 6.630Electromagnetics Fall 2006
 6.632Electromagnetic Wave Theory Spring 2003
 6.635Advanced Electromagnetism Spring 2003
 6.637Optical Signals, Devices, and Systems Spring 2003
 6.637Modern Optics Project Laboratory Fall 2005
 6.641Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion Spring 2005
 6.642Continuum Electromechanics Fall 2004
6.651JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2006
 6.651JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2003
 6.661Receivers, Antennas, and Signals Spring 2003
 6.685Electric Machines Fall 2005
 6.691Seminar in Electric Power Systems Spring 2006
 6.720JIntegrated Microelectronic Devices Fall 2002
 6.728Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics Fall 2006
 6.730Physics for Solid-State Applications Spring 2003
 6.763Applied Superconductivity Fall 2005
 6.772Compound Semiconductor Devices Spring 2003
 6.774Physics of Microfabrication: Front End Processing Fall 2004
 6.776High Speed Communication Circuits Spring 2005
 6.780Semiconductor Manufacturing Spring 2003
 6.781JSubmicrometer and Nanometer Technology Spring 2006
 6.801Machine Vision Fall 2004
 6.803The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2002
 6.803The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2006
 6.804JComputational Cognitive Science Fall 2004
 6.805Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier Fall 2005
 6.806Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier Fall 2005
 6.821Programming Languages Fall 2002
 6.823Computer System Architecture Fall 2005
6.824Distributed Computer Systems Engineering Spring 2006
 6.825Techniques in Artificial Intelligence (SMA 5504) Fall 2002
 6.826Principles of Computer Systems Spring 2002
 6.827Multithreaded Parallelism: Languages and Compilers Fall 2002
 6.828Operating System Engineering Fall 2006
 6.829Computer Networks Fall 2002
 6.830Database Systems Fall 2005
 6.831User Interface Design and Implementation Fall 2004
 6.833The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2002
 6.833The Human Intelligence Enterprise Spring 2006
 6.834JCognitive Robotics Spring 2005
 6.837Computer Graphics Fall 2003
 6.838Algorithms for Computer Animation Fall 2002
 6.840JTheory of ComputationFall 2006
 6.841JAdvanced Complexity Theory Fall 2001
 6.844Computability Theory of and with Scheme Spring 2003
 6.852JDistributed Algorithms Fall 2005
 6.854JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2001
 6.854JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2005
 6.855JNetwork Optimization Spring 2003
 6.856JRandomized Algorithms Fall 2002
 6.857Network and Computer Security Fall 2003
 6.859Integer Program Combination Optimization Fall 2004
 6.863JNatural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge Spring 2003
 6.864Advanced Natural Language Processing Fall 2005
 6.866Machine Vision Fall 2004
 6.867Machine Learning Fall 2002
 6.871Knowledge-Based Applications Systems Spring 2005
 6.872JEngineering Biomedical Information: From Bioinformatics to Biosurveillance Fall 2005
 6.872JMedical Computing Spring 2003
 6.873JMedical Decision Support Spring 2003
 6.873JMedical Decision Support Fall 2005
 6.874JComputational Functional Genomics Spring 2005
 6.875Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Spring 2005
 6.876JAdvanced Topics in Cryptography Spring 2003
 6.877JComputational Evolutionary Biology Fall 2005
 6.881Representation and Modeling for Image Analysis Spring 2005
 6.883Pervasive Human Centric Computing (SMA 5508) Spring 2006
 6.883Program Analysis Fall 2005
 6.884Complex Digital Systems Spring 2005
 6.891Computational Evolutionary Biology Fall 2004
 6.892Computational Models of Discourse Spring 2004
 6.895Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution Fall 2005
 6.895Essential Coding Theory Fall 2004
 6.895Theory of Parallel Systems (SMA 5509) Fall 2003
 6.896Theory of Parallel Hardware (SMA 5511) Spring 2004
 6.897Selected Topics in Cryptography Spring 2004
 6.901Inventions and Patents Fall 2005
 6.911Transcribing Prosodic Structure of Spoken Utterances with ToBI January (IAP) 2006
 6.912Introduction to Copyright Law January (IAP) 2006
 6.930Management in Engineering Fall 2004
 6.933JThe Structure of Engineering Revolutions Fall 2001
6.938Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 6.946JClassical Mechanics: A Computational Approach Fall 2002
 6.972Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Optimization Spring 2006
 6.972Game Theory and Mechanism Design Spring 2005
 6.973Organic Optoelectronics Spring 2003
 6.974Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum Electronics Spring 2006
 6.976High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems Spring 2003
 6.977Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Theory and Design Fall 2002
 6.977Ultrafast Optics Spring 2005
 6.978JCommunications and Information Policy Spring 2006
 6.979Introduction to Electric Power Systems Spring 2003
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 ESD.013JElectromagnetics and Applications Fall 2005
 ESD.018JProject Management Spring 2004
ESD.018JProject Management Spring 2007
 ESD.053JChemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health (BE.104J) Spring 2005
 ESD.10Introduction to Technology and Policy Fall 2006
 ESD.123JSystems Perspectives on Industrial Ecology Spring 2006
 ESD.126Energy Systems and Economic Development Spring 2001
 ESD.128JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2004
ESD.128JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2007
 ESD.129Space Policy Seminar Spring 2003
 ESD.136JTechnology, Law, and the Working Environment Spring 2006
 ESD.141Technology Policy Negotiations Spring 2006
 ESD.163JManaging Nuclear Technology Spring 2004
 ESD.166JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 ESD.166JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 ESD.192JAnalyzing & Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2005
 ESD.192JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2006
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analyses and Modeling Fall 2003
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2005
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2004
 ESD.193JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2006
 ESD.201JTransportation Systems Fall 2004
 ESD.203JTransportation Policy, Strategy, and Management Fall 2004
 ESD.204JCarrier Systems Fall 2003
 ESD.205JTransportation Flow Systems Fall 2002
 ESD.210JIntroduction to Transportation Systems Fall 2006
 ESD.215JAirline Schedule Planning Spring 2003
 ESD.216JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 ESD.216JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 ESD.221JAn Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems Spring 2005
 ESD.222JTransportation Policy and Environmental Limits Spring 2004
 ESD.225JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2002
 ESD.225JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2006
 ESD.226JPublic Transportation Service and Operations Planning Spring 2006
 ESD.227JTransit Management Fall 2006
 ESD.260JLogistics Systems Fall 2006
 ESD.264JDatabase, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies Fall 2006
 ESD.267JSupply Chain Planning (SMA 6305) Spring 2005
 ESD.268JManufacturing System and Supply Chain Design Spring 2005
 ESD.284JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2004
 ESD.290Special Topics in Supply Chain Management Spring 2005
ESD.30JEngineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System Spring 2007
 ESD.33Systems Engineering Summer 2004
ESD.34System Architecture January (IAP) 2007
 ESD.342Advanced System Architecture Spring 2006
 ESD.353JSpace System Architecture and Design Fall 2004
 ESD.355JSoftware Engineering Concepts Fall 2005
 ESD.35JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2004
 ESD.35JAircraft Systems Engineering Fall 2005
 ESD.36JSystem and Project Management Fall 2003
 ESD.52JIntroduction to the History of Technology Fall 2006
 ESD.565JIntegrating eSystems & Global Information Systems Spring 2002
 ESD.60Lean/Six Sigma Processes Summer 2004
 ESD.61JIntegrating the Lean Enterprise Fall 2005
 ESD.65JAerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering Spring 2006
 ESD.68JCommunications and Information Policy Spring 2006
ESD.72Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 ESD.77Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization Spring 2004
 ESD.79JQuantum ComputationFall 2003
 ESD.801Leadership Development Fall 2002
 ESD.801Leadership Development Fall 2005
 ESD.84Engineering Systems Doctoral Seminar Fall 2002
 ESD.85JIntegrating Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Technologies Fall 2005
 ESD.86Models, Data and Inference for Socio-Technical Systems Spring 2007
 ESD.932Engineering Ethics Spring 2006
 ESD.932Technology Policy Organizations Spring 2005
 ESD.933Technology Policy Negotiations and Dispute Resolution Spring 2005
ESD.933JOrganizing for Innovative Product Development Spring 2007
 ESD.935Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment Spring 2002
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21F.010Introduction to European and Latin American Fiction Fall 2006
 21F.011Topics in Indian Popular Culture: Spectacle, Masala, and Genre Fall 2006
 21F.013Out of Ground Zero: Catastrophe and Memory Fall 2005
 21F.017Germany and its European Context Fall 2002
 21F.019Communicating Across Cultures Spring 2005
 21F.020JAfter ColumbusFall 2003
 21F.021Communicating Across Cultures Spring 2005
 21F.022JInternational Women's Voices Spring 2004
 21F.024JThe Linguistic Study of Bilingualism Fall 2006
 21F.027JVisualizing Cultures Spring 2003
 21F.030East Asian Cultures: From Zen to Pop Fall 2005
 21F.031JTopics in the Avant-Garde in Literature and Cinema Spring 2003
 21F.034Media Education and the Marketplace Fall 2005
 21F.034Media, Education, and the Marketplace Fall 2001
 21F.035Topics in Culture and Globalization Fall 2003
 21F.037Japanese Popular Culture Spring 2003
 21F.037Topics in Culture and Globalization Fall 2003
 21F.039Japanese Popular Culture Spring 2003
 21F.040A Passage to India: Introduction to Modern Indian Culture and Society Spring 2005
 21F.041Topics in South Asian Literature and Culture Fall 2004
 21F.043JIntroduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience Fall 2005
 21F.044Traditional Chinese Literature: Poetry, Fiction, and Drama Spring 2007
 21F.056Visual Histories: German Cinema 1945 to Present Fall 2003
 21F.059Paradigms of European Thought and Culture Fall 2003
 21F.061Advanced Topics: Plotting Terror in European Culture Spring 2004
 21F.065Japanese Literature and Cinema Spring 2006
 21F.067JCultural Performances of Asia Fall 2005
 21F.069JRace and Gender in Asian America Spring 2006
 21F.084JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2005
 21F.084JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2006
 21F.098JWorking in a Global Economy Fall 2005
 21F.101Chinese I (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.102Chinese II (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.103Chinese III (Regular) Fall 2005
 21F.103Chinese III (Regular) Fall 2003
 21F.104Chinese IV (Regular) Spring 2004
 21F.104Chinese IV (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.105Chinese V (Regular): Chinese Cultures & Society Fall 2003
 21F.106Chinese VI (Regular): Discovering Chinese Cultures and Societies Spring 2003
 21F.107Chinese I (Streamlined) Fall 2005
 21F.108Chinese II (Streamlined) Spring 2006
 21F.109Chinese III (Streamlined) Fall 2005
 21F.110Chinese IV (Streamlined) Spring 2004
 21F.114Chinese VI (Streamlined) Spring 2005
 21F.151Chinese I (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.152Chinese II (Regular) Spring 2006
 21F.157Chinese I (Streamlined) Fall 2005
 21F.158Chinese II (Streamlined) Spring 2006
 21F.191Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia Fall 2004
 21F.213High-Intermediate Academic Communication Spring 2004
 21F.214High-Intermediate Academic Communication Spring 2004
 21F.222Expository Writing for Bilingual Students Fall 2002
 21F.223Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation Fall 2004
 21F.224Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation Fall 2004
21F.225Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering (ELS) Spring 2007
21F.226Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering (ELS) Spring 2007
 21F.227Advanced Workshop in Writing for Social Sciences and Architecture (ELS) Spring 2007
 21F.228Advanced Workshop in Writing for Social Sciences and Architecture (ELS) Spring 2007
21F.232Advanced Speaking and Critical Listening Skills (ELS) Spring 2007
21F.233Advanced Speaking and Critical Listening Skills (ELS) Spring 2007
 21F.301French I Fall 2004
 21F.302French II Fall 2004
 21F.311Introduction to French Culture Fall 2004
 21F.312Introduction to French Culture Fall 2004
 21F.351French I Fall 2004
 21F.352French II Fall 2004
 21F.401German I Fall 2003
 21F.402German II Spring 2005
 21F.403German III Spring 2004
 21F.404German IV Spring 2005
 21F.405Germany Today: Intensive Study of German Language & Culture January (IAP) 2005
 21F.414German Culture, Media, and Society Fall 2006
 21F.452German II Spring 2005
 21F.501Beginning Japanese I Fall 2004
 21F.502Beginning Japanese II Spring 2005
 21F.503Intermediate Japanese I Fall 2004
 21F.505Advanced Japanese I Fall 2005
 21F.506Advanced Japanese II Spring 2005
 21F.593Japanese Literature and Cinema Spring 2006
 21F.701Spanish 1 Fall 2003
 21F.702Spanish 2 Spring 2004
 21F.703Spanish III Spring 2006
 21F.704Spanish 4 Spring 2005
 21F.705Oral Communication in Spanish Spring 2004
 21F.711Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition: Perspectives on Technology and Culture Spring 2005
 21F.712Spanish Conversation and Composition Fall 2003
 21F.714Spanish for Bilingual Students Spring 2003
 21F.716Introduction to Contemporary Hispanic Literature Spring 2005
 21F.717Introduction to Spanish Culture Fall 2004
 21F.730Twentieth and Twentyfirst-Century Spanish American Literature Spring 2003
 21F.740The New Spain: 1977-Present Fall 2005
 21F.751Spanish 1 Fall 2003
 21F.752Spanish 2 Spring 2004
 21F.991Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia Fall 2004
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 HST.021Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology January (IAP) 2006
 HST.035Principle and Practice of Human Pathology Spring 2003
 HST.071Human Reproductive Biology Fall 2005
 HST.121Gastroenterology Fall 2005
 HST.131Introduction to Neuroscience Fall 2005
 HST.151Principles of Pharmacology Spring 2005
 HST.176Cellular and Molecular Immunology Fall 2005
HST.410JProjects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences Spring 2007
 HST.422JA Clinical Approach to the Human Brain Fall 2006
 HST.452JStatistical Physics in Biology Spring 2005
 HST.502Survival Skills for Researchers: The Responsible Conduct of Research Spring 2003
 HST.502Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series: Topics in Medical Ethics and Responsible Conduct in Research Fall 2005
 HST.508Genomics and Computational Biology Fall 2002
 HST.508Quantitative Genomics Fall 2005
 HST.510Genomics, Computing, Economics, and Society Fall 2005
 HST.512Genomic Medicine Spring 2004
 HST.515JAerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering Spring 2006
 HST.522JBiomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 HST.523JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
HST.524JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 HST.525JTumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena Fall 2005
 HST.535Principles and Practice of Tissue Engineering Fall 2004
 HST.541JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 HST.542JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
 HST.544JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 HST.558JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 HST.560JPrinciples of Radiation Interactions Fall 2004
 HST.561JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 HST.569Biomedical Optics Fall 2006
 HST.583Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis Fall 2004
 HST.584JMagnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques Spring 2006
 HST.590Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series: Developing Professional Skills Fall 2006
 HST.590Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series: Topics in Medical Ethics and Responsible Conduct in Research Fall 2005
 HST.710JSpeech Communication Spring 2004
 HST.712JLaboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech Fall 2005
 HST.714JAcoustics of Speech and Hearing Fall 2004
 HST.720Physiology of the Ear Fall 2004
 HST.721The Peripheral Auditory System Fall 2005
 HST.722JBrain Mechanisms for Hearing and Speech Fall 2005
 HST.723Neural Coding and Perception of Sound Spring 2005
 HST.725Music Perception and Cognition Spring 2004
 HST.730Molecular Biology for the Auditory System Fall 2002
 HST.750Modeling Issues in Speech and Hearing Spring 2006
 HST.920JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
HST.921Information Technology in the Health Care System of the Future Spring 2007
HST.922Information Technology in the Health Care System of the Future Spring 2007
 HST.930JSocial Studies of Bioscience and Biotech Fall 2005
 HST.935Narrative Ethics: Literary Texts and Moral Issues in Medicine January (IAP) 2007
 HST.947Medical Artificial Intelligence Spring 2005
 HST.949JComputational Evolutionary Biology Fall 2005
 HST.950JEngineering Biomedical Information: From Bioinformatics to Biosurveillance Fall 2005
 HST.950JMedical Computing Spring 2003
 HST.951JMedical Decision Support Spring 2003
 HST.951JMedical Decision Support Fall 2005
 HST.952Computing for Biomedical Scientists Fall 2002
 HST.958JBiomedical Information Technology (BE.453J) Spring 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21H.101American History to 1865Fall 2005
 21H.102The Emergence of Modern America 1865-Present Spring 2003
 21H.104JRiots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History Fall 2004
 21H.105American Classics Fall 2002
 21H.105American ClassicsSpring 2006
 21H.112The American RevolutionSpring 2006
 21H.116JThe Civil War and Reconstruction Fall 2005
 21H.126America in Depression and War Spring 2003
 21H.131America in the Nuclear Age Fall 2000
 21H.150JIntroduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience Fall 2005
 21H.153JRace and Gender in Asian America Spring 2006
 21H.206American Consumer Culture Fall 2001
 21H.221The Places of Migration in United States History Fall 2006
 21H.223War & American Society Fall 2002
 21H.224Law and Society in US History Spring 2003
 21H.225JGender and the Law in U.S. History Spring 2004
 21H.231JAmerican Urban History I Spring 2005
 21H.232JAmerican Urban History II Fall 2004
 21H.234JDowntownSpring 2005
 21H.301The Ancient World: GreeceFall 2004
 21H.302The Ancient World: RomeSpring 2005
 21H.306The Emergence of Europe: 500-1300 Fall 2003
 21H.311The Renaissance, 1300-1600Fall 2004
 21H.326The Making of Russia in the Worlds of Byzantium, Mongolia, and Europe Spring 1998
 21H.342The Royal FamilyFall 2003
 21H.346France 1660-1815: Enlightenment, Revolution, Napoleon Fall 2005
 21H.402The Making of a Roman Emperor Fall 2005
 21H.405JThe Ancient CitySpring 2005
 21H.411History of Western Thought, 500-1300 Fall 2004
 21H.416JMedieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective Spring 2006
 21H.418From Print to Digital: Technologies of the Word, 1450-Present Fall 2005
 21H.421Introduction to Environmental History Spring 2004
 21H.433The Age of Reason: Europe in the 18th and 19th Centuries Spring 2005
 21H.443European Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries Spring 2006
 21H.447Nazi Germany and the Holocaust Fall 2004
 21H.466Imperial and Revolutionary Russia, 1800-1917 Fall 2002
 21H.467JSoviet Politics and Society, 1917-1991 Spring 2003
 21H.504East Asia in the World Spring 2003
 21H.522Japan in the Age of the Samurai: History and Film Fall 2006
 21H.560Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia Fall 2004
21H.571The Making of Modern South Asia Fall 2006
21H.575JWomen in South Asia from 1800 to Present Fall 2006
 21H.580From the Silk Road to the Great Game: China, Russia, and Central Eurasia Fall 2003
 21H.601Islam, the Middle East, and the West Fall 2006
 21H.615The Middle East in 20th Century Spring 2003
 21H.802Modern Latin America, 1808-Present: Revolution, Dictatorship, Democracy Spring 2005
 21H.907Trials in History Fall 2000
 21H.909People and Other AnimalsFall 2005
 21H.912The World Since 1492Fall 2004
 21H.912The World Since 1492 Spring 2003
21H.914Jewish History from Biblical to Modern Times Fall 2007
 21H.917JVisualizing Cultures Spring 2003
 21H.927JThe Economic History of Work and Family Spring 2005
 21H.931Seminar in Historical Methods Spring 2004
 21H.931Seminar in Historical Methods Spring 2002
 21H.931Seminar in Historical Methods Spring 2003
 21H.952JReadings in American History Since 1877 Fall 2003
 21H.968JNature, Environment, and Empire Spring 2005
 21H.991JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2004
 21H.991JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2003
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 24.00Problems of Philosophy Fall 2005
 24.01Classics in Western Philosophy Spring 2006
 24.02Moral Problems and the Good Life Fall 2006
 24.03Relativism, Reason, and Reality Spring 2005
 24.04JJusticeSpring 2006
 24.06JBioethics Spring 2006
24.09Minds and Machines Spring 2007
 24.111Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics Spring 2005
 24.118Paradox and Infinity Fall 2006
 24.120Moral Psychology Fall 2005
 24.200Ancient Philosophy Fall 2004
 24.201Topics in the History of Philosophy: Kant Fall 2005
 24.209Philosophy In Film and Other Media Spring 2004
 24.211Theory of Knowledge Fall 2003
 24.213Philosophy of Film Fall 2004
 24.221Metaphysics Fall 2005
 24.221Metaphysics: Free Will Fall 2004
 24.237Feminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 24.241Logic IFall 2005
 24.242Logic II Spring 2004
 24.251Introduction to Philosophy of Language Spring 2006
 24.251Introduction to Philosophy of Language Spring 2005
 24.261Philosophy of Love in the Western World Fall 2004
 24.262Feeling and Imagination in Art, Science, and Technology Spring 2004
 24.263The Nature of Creativity Fall 2005
 24.264Film as Visual and Literary Mythmaking Fall 2005
 24.400Proseminar in Philosophy I Fall 2003
 24.500Other Minds Spring 2003
24.500Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Perceptual Experience Spring 2007
 24.500Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Self-Knowledge Spring 2005
 24.611JPolitical Philosophy: Global Justice Spring 2003
 24.729Topics in Philosophy of Language: Vagueness Fall 2005
 24.805Topics in Theory of Knowledge: A Priori Knowledge Spring 2005
 24.810Topics in Philosophy of Science: Social Science Fall 2006
 24.892Classification, Natural Kinds, and Conceptual Change: Race as a Case Study Spring 2004
 24.900Introduction to Linguistics Spring 2005
 24.900Introduction to Linguistics Spring 2004
 24.901Language and its Structure I: Phonology Fall 2002
 24.902Language and its Structure II: Syntax Fall 2003
 24.903Language and its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics Spring 2005
 24.904JLanguage Acquisition Fall 2001
 24.905JPsycholinguistics Spring 2005
 24.906JThe Linguistic Study of Bilingualism Fall 2006
 24.907JAbnormal Language Fall 2004
24.910Topics in Linguistic Theory: Laboratory Phonology Spring 2007
 24.910Topics in Linguistics Theory Spring 2003
 24.919Topics in Linguistics: Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities Spring 2004
24.921Special Topics in Linguistics: Genericity Spring 2007
 24.933Language and its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics Spring 2005
 24.942Grammar of a Less Familiar Language Spring 2003
 24.945JLanguage Processing Fall 2004
 24.946Linguistic Theory and the Japanese Language Fall 2004
 24.949JLanguage Acquisition I Spring 2002
 24.951Introduction to Syntax Fall 2003
24.952Advanced Syntax Spring 2007
 24.953Argument Structure and Syntax Spring 2003
24.954Pragmatics in Linguistic Theory Fall 2006
 24.960Syntactic Models Spring 2006
 24.961Introduction to Phonology Fall 2002
 24.962Advanced Phonology Spring 2005
24.963Linguistic Phonetics Fall 2005
 24.964Topics in Phonology Fall 2004
 24.966JLaboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech Fall 2005
 24.968JSpeech Communication Spring 2004
 24.973Advanced Semantics Spring 2005
 24.979Topics in Semantics Fall 2002
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21L.000JWriting About Literature Fall 2006
 21L.001Foundations of Western Culture I: Homer to Dante Spring 2000
 21L.002Foundations of Western Culture II Fall 2002
 21L.002-2Foundations of Western Culture II: Renaissance to Modernity Spring 2003
 21L.002-3Foundations of Western Culture II: Modernism Spring 2004
 21L.003Introduction to Fiction Spring 2002
 21L.003Introduction to FictionFall 2003
 21L.003-1Reading Fiction: Dysfunctional Families Spring 2007
21L.003-2Reading Fiction Spring 2007
 21L.003-2Reading FictionFall 2006
 21L.004Major PoetsFall 2005
 21L.004Major PoetsFall 2001
 21L.005Introduction to DramaFall 2004
 21L.006American Literature Fall 2002
21L.007World Literatures: Contact Zone Fall 2006
 21L.007JAfter ColumbusFall 2003
 21L.009ShakespeareSpring 2004
 21L.010Writing About Literature Fall 2006
 21L.011The Film ExperienceFall 2006
 21L.012Forms of Western Narrative Spring 2004
 21L.015Introduction to Media Studies Fall 2005
 21L.015Introduction to Media Studies Fall 2003
21L.016Learning from the Past: Drama, Science, Performance Spring 2007
 21L.310Bestsellers: Detective Fiction Fall 2006
21L.315Prizewinners Spring 2007
 21L.325Small Wonders: Staying Alive Spring 2007
 21L.420Literary Studies: The Legacy of England Spring 2006
 21L.421ComedyFall 2001
 21L.421ComedySpring 2001
 21L.422TragedyFall 2002
 21L.423JIntroduction to Anglo-American Folk Music Fall 2005
 21L.430Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
 21L.432Understanding Television Spring 2003
 21L.435Shakespeare, Film and Media Fall 2002
 21L.448Darwin and Design Fall 2002
 21L.448JDarwin and Design Fall 2003
 21L.449End of Nature Spring 2002
 21L.450Literature and Ethical Values Fall 2002
 21L.451Introduction to Literary Theory Spring 2004
 21L.455Classical Literature: The Golden Age of Augustan Rome Fall 2004
21L.458The Bible Spring 2007
 21L.460Medieval Literature: Dante, Boccaccio, Chaucer Spring 2005
 21L.460Medieval Literature: Medieval Women Writers Spring 2004
 21L.470Eighteenth-Century Literature: Versions of the Self in 18th-C Britain Spring 2003
 21L.471Major English NovelsSpring 2007
 21L.471Major English NovelsSpring 2004
 21L.471Major English Novels: Reading Romantic Fiction Spring 2002
 21L.472Major European Novels Fall 2001
 21L.476Romantic PoetrySpring 2005
 21L.481Victorian Literature and Culture Spring 2003
 21L.48520th-Century Fiction Fall 2002
 21L.486Modern DramaSpring 2006
 21L.487Modern PoetrySpring 2002
 21L.488Contemporary Literature Spring 2003
 21L.488Contemporary Literature: British Novels Now Spring 2007
 21L.489JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2006
 21L.489JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2004
 21L.489JTheory and Practice of Non-linear and Interactive Narrative Spring 2003
 21L.501The American Novel Fall 2002
 21L.501The American NovelFall 2006
 21L.504JRace and Identity in American Literature: Keepin' it Real Fake Spring 2007
 21L.512American Authors: American Women Authors Spring 2003
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Beyond the Limits of the Lyric Fall 2006
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Interpreting Poetry Fall 2003
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Literature and Photography: The Image Fall 2005
 21L.701Literary Interpretation: Virginia Woolf's Shakespeare Spring 2001
 21L.702Studies in Fiction: Stowe, Twain, and the Transformation of 19th-Century America Fall 2004
 21L.703English Renaissance Drama: Theatre and Society in the Age of Shakespeare Fall 2003
 21L.703Studies in Drama: Stoppard and Churchill Spring 2004
 21L.703Studies in Drama: Theater and Science in a Time of War Spring 2005
 21L.704Studies in Poetry - British Poetry and the Sciences of the Mind Fall 2004
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: "Does Poetry Matter" Fall 2002
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: "What's the Use of Beauty?" Fall 2005
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: From the Sonneteers to the Metaphysicals Spring 2006
 21L.704Studies in Poetry: Gender and Lyric -- Renaissance Men and Women Writing about Love Spring 2003
 21L.705Major Authors: After the Masterpiece: Novels by Melville, Twain, Faulkner, and Morrison Fall 2006
 21L.705Major Authors: Melville and Morrison Fall 2003
 21L.705Major Authors: Oscar Wilde and the '90's Spring 2003
 21L.705Masterworks in American Short Fiction Fall 2005
 21L.706Studies in FilmFall 2005
 21L.707Arthurian Literature and Celtic Colonization Spring 2005
 21L.707Writing Early American Lives: Gender, Race, Nation, Faith Fall 2005
 21L.708Technologies of Humanism Spring 2003
21L.715Media in Cultural Context Spring 2007
21L.715Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships Fall 2007
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 3.00Thermodynamics of Materials Fall 2002
 3.012Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2005
3.014Materials Laboratory Fall 2006
 3.016Mathematics for Materials Scientists and Engineers Fall 2005
 3.021JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 3.034Organic & Biomaterials Chemistry Fall 2005
 3.044Materials Processing Spring 2005
 3.051JMaterials for Biomedical Applications Spring 2006
3.052Nanomechanics of Materials and Biomaterials Spring 2007
 3.053JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 3.064Polymer Engineering Fall 2003
 3.080Economic & Environmental Issues in Materials Selection Fall 2005
 3.082Materials Processing Laboratory Spring 2003
 3.091Introduction to Solid State Chemistry Fall 2004
 3.093Information Exploration: Becoming a Savvy Scholar Fall 2006
 3.094Materials in Human Experience Spring 2004
 3.11Mechanics of Materials Fall 1999
 3.14Physical Metallurgy Fall 2003
 3.15Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials and Devices Fall 2006
 3.155JMicro/Nano Processing Technology Fall 2005
 3.172Inventions and Patents Fall 2005
 3.185Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering Fall 2003
 3.20Materials at Equilibrium (SMA 5111) Fall 2003
 3.205Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials Fall 2006
 3.21Kinetic Processes in Materials Spring 2006
 3.22Mechanical Properties of Materials Spring 2004
 3.225Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Summer 2002
 3.320Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials (SMA 5107) Spring 2005
 3.35Fracture and Fatigue Fall 2003
 3.37Welding and Joining Processes Fall 2002
 3.40JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2004
 3.40JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2003
 3.43JIntegrated Microelectronic Devices Fall 2002
 3.45Magnetic Materials Spring 2004
 3.46Photonic Materials and Devices Spring 2006
 3.53Electrochemical Processing of Materials Spring 2001
 3.560JSystems Perspectives on Industrial Ecology Spring 2006
 3.564JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
3.577Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 3.60Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials Fall 2005
 3.80JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 3.83JSystem Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Summer 2003
3.91Mechanical Behavior of Plastics Spring 2007
3.961JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 3.962JMolecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2006
 3.96JBiomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 3.97JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
 3.986The Human Past: Introduction to Archaeology Fall 2006
 3.987Human Origins and Evolution Spring 2006
 3.A08Attraction and Repulsion: The Magic of Magnets Fall 2005
 3.A26Freshman Seminar: The Nature of Engineering Fall 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 18.01Single Variable CalculusFall 2006
 18.01Single Variable CalculusFall 2005
 18.013ACalculus with Applications Spring 2005
 18.014Calculus with Theory I Fall 2002
 18.02Multivariable CalculusSpring 2006
 18.022CalculusFall 2005
 18.024Calculus with Theory II Spring 2003
 18.03Differential EquationsSpring 2006
 18.034Honors Differential Equations Spring 2004
 18.034Honors Differential Equations Spring 2007
 18.04Complex Variables with Applications Fall 2003
 18.04Complex Variables with Applications Fall 1999
 18.05Introduction to Probability and Statistics Spring 2005
 18.06Linear AlgebraSpring 2005
 18.062JMathematics for Computer Science Fall 2005
 18.062JMathematics for Computer Science Spring 2005
 18.062JMathematics for Computer Science (SMA 5512) Fall 2002
 18.06CILinear Algebra - Communications Intensive Spring 2004
 18.075Advanced Calculus for Engineers Fall 2004
18.085Computational Science and Engineering I Fall 2007
 18.086Mathematical Methods for Engineers II Spring 2006
 18.091Mathematical Exposition Spring 2005
 18.094JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 18.100BAnalysis IFall 2006
 18.100CAnalysis ISpring 2006
 18.101Analysis IIFall 2005
 18.103Fourier Analysis - Theory and Applications Spring 2004
 18.104Seminar in Analysis: Applications to Number Theory Fall 2006
 18.112Functions of a Complex Variable Fall 2006
 18.117Topics in Several Complex Variables Spring 2005
 18.125Measure and IntegrationFall 2003
 18.152Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Fall 2005
 18.152Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Fall 2004
 18.155Differential AnalysisFall 2004
 18.156Differential AnalysisSpring 2004
 18.175Theory of ProbabilitySpring 2007
 18.238Geometry and Quantum Field Theory Fall 2002
 18.303Linear Partial Differential Equations Fall 2006
 18.304Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics Spring 2006
 18.305Advanced Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering Fall 2004
 18.306Advanced Partial Differential Equations with Applications Spring 2004
 18.307Integral EquationsSpring 2006
 18.310Principles of Applied Mathematics Fall 2004
 18.311Principles of Applied Mathematics Spring 2006
 18.312Algebraic Combinatorics Spring 2005
 18.314Combinatorial AnalysisFall 2005
 18.315Combinatorial Theory: Hyperplane Arrangements Fall 2004
 18.315Combinatorial Theory: Introduction to Graph Theory, Extremal and Enumerative Combinatorics Spring 2005
 18.318Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics Spring 2006
 18.319Geometric CombinatoricsFall 2005
 18.325Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Methods in Nanophotonics Fall 2005
 18.327Wavelets, Filter Banks and Applications Spring 2003
 18.330Introduction to Numerical Analysis Spring 2004
 18.335JIntroduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2004
 18.335JIntroduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2006
 18.336Numerical Methods of Applied Mathematics II Spring 2005
 18.337JApplied Parallel Computing (SMA 5505) Spring 2005
 18.338JInfinite Random Matrix Theory Fall 2004
 18.353JNonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos Fall 2006
 18.361JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 18.366Random Walks and Diffusion Fall 2006
 18.376JWave Propagation Fall 2006
 18.377JNonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring 2007
 18.385JNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Fall 2004
 18.400JAutomata, Computability, and Complexity Spring 2005
 18.404JTheory of ComputationFall 2006
 18.405JAdvanced Complexity Theory Fall 2001
 18.409Behavior of AlgorithmsSpring 2002
 18.410JIntroduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) Fall 2005
 18.413Error-Correcting Codes Laboratory Spring 2004
 18.415JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2001
 18.415JAdvanced Algorithms Fall 2005
 18.416JRandomized Algorithms Fall 2002
 18.417Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology Fall 2004
 18.426JAdvanced Topics in Cryptography Spring 2003
 18.433Combinatorial Optimization Fall 2003
 18.435JQuantum ComputationFall 2003
 18.437JDistributed Algorithms Fall 2005
 18.440Probability and Random Variables Fall 2005
 18.441Statistical Inference Spring 2002
 18.443Statistics for Applications Fall 2006
 18.443Statistics for Applications Fall 2003
 18.465Topics in Statistics: Nonparametrics and Robustness Spring 2005
 18.465Topics in Statistics: Statistical Learning Theory Spring 2007
 18.466Mathematical Statistics Spring 2003
 18.700Linear AlgebraFall 2005
 18.701Algebra IFall 2003
 18.702Algebra IISpring 2003
 18.704Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory: Rational Points on Elliptic Curves Fall 2004
 18.725Algebraic GeometryFall 2003
 18.727Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces Spring 2006
 18.755Introduction to Lie Groups Fall 2004
 18.781Theory of NumbersSpring 2003
 18.785Analytic Number TheorySpring 2007
 18.786Topics in Algebraic Number Theory Spring 2006
 18.901Introduction to TopologyFall 2004
 18.904Seminar in TopologyFall 2005
 18.905Algebraic TopologyFall 2006
 18.906Algebraic Topology IISpring 2006
 18.950Differential GeometrySpring 2005
 18.965Geometry of ManifoldsFall 2004
18.966Geometry of Manifolds Spring 2007
 18.969Topics in GeometryFall 2006
 18.994Seminar in GeometryFall 2004
 18.996Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications Spring 2004
 18.996Topics in Theoretical Computer Science : Internet Research Problems Spring 2002
 18.996ASimplicity TheorySpring 2004
 18.996VPGeneral Relativity and Gravitational Radiation Fall 2002
 18.997Topics in Combinatorial Optimization Spring 2004
18.S34Problem Solving Seminar Fall 2007
 18.S66The Art of Counting Spring 2003
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 2.000How and Why Machines Work Spring 2002
 2.001Mechanics & Materials I Fall 2006
 2.002Mechanics and Materials II Spring 2004
 2.003Modeling Dynamics and Control I Spring 2005
 2.003JDynamics and Control I Spring 2007
 2.003JDynamics and Vibration (13.013J) Fall 2002
 2.004Modeling Dynamics and Control II Spring 2003
 2.007Design and Manufacturing I Spring 2005
 2.008Design and Manufacturing II Spring 2003
 2.008Design and Manufacturing II Spring 2004
 2.011Introduction to Ocean Science and Engineering Spring 2006
 2.016Hydrodynamics (13.012) Fall 2005
 2.017JDesign of Systems Operating in Random Environments Spring 2006
 2.019Design of Ocean Systems Fall 2005
 2.030JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 2.032DynamicsFall 2004
 2.034JNonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring 2007
 2.035Special Topics in Mathematics with Applications: Linear Algebra and the Calculus of Variations Spring 2007
 2.036JNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Fall 2004
 2.050JNonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos Fall 2006
 2.062JWave Propagation Fall 2006
 2.067Advanced Structural Dynamics and Acoustics (13.811) Spring 2004
 2.068Computational Ocean Acoustics (13.853) Spring 2003
 2.080JStructural Mechanics (13.10J) Fall 2002
 2.081JPlates and Shells Spring 2006
 2.082Ship Structural Analysis & Design (13.122) Spring 2003
 2.084JStructural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology Fall 2006
 2.093Computer Methods in Dynamics Fall 2002
 2.094Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids Spring 2002
 2.096JIntroduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211) Fall 2003
 2.097JNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212) Spring 2003
 2.098Optimization Methods (SMA 5213) Fall 2004
 2.110JInformation and Entropy Spring 2003
 2.111JQuantum ComputationFall 2003
 2.12Introduction to Robotics Fall 2005
2.14Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems Spring 2007
2.140Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems Spring 2007
 2.141Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems Fall 2006
 2.154Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles (13.49) Fall 2004
 2.156JDynamics of Nonlinear Systems Fall 2003
 2.158JComputational Geometry Spring 2003
 2.159JFoundations of Software Engineering Fall 2000
 2.160Identification, Estimation, and Learning Spring 2006
 2.171Analysis and Design of Digital Control Systems Fall 2006
 2.20Marine Hydrodynamics (13.021) Spring 2005
 2.22Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles (13.42) Spring 2005
2.23Hydrofoils and Propellers Spring 2007
 2.24Ocean Wave Interaction with Ships and Offshore Energy Systems (13.022) Spring 2002
 2.25Advanced Fluid Mechanics Fall 2005
 2.26Compressible Fluid Dynamics Spring 2004
 2.27Turbulent Flow and Transport Spring 2002
2.29Numerical Fluid Mechanics Spring 2007
 2.29Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics (13.024) Spring 2003
 2.391JSubmicrometer and Nanometer Technology Spring 2006
 2.51Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer Fall 2001
 2.57Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes Fall 2004
 2.58JRadiative Transfer Spring 2006
 2.59JThermal Hydraulics in Power Technology Spring 2007
 2.60Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 2.61Internal Combustion Engines Spring 2004
2.611Marine Power and Propulsion Fall 2006
2.612Marine Power and Propulsion Fall 2006
 2.62JFundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 2.64JSuperconducting Magnets Spring 2003
 2.65JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 2.65JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 2.66JFundamentals of Energy in Buildings Fall 2003
 2.670Mechanical Engineering Tools January (IAP) 2004
 2.672Projects Laboratory Spring 2004
 2.673JBiological Engineering II: Instrumentation and Measurement Fall 2006
 2.693Principles of Oceanographic Instrument Systems -- Sensors and Measurements (13.998) Spring 2004
 2.701Introduction to Naval Architecture (13.400) Fall 2004
 2.71OpticsFall 2004
 2.710OpticsFall 2004
 2.717JOptical Engineering Spring 2002
 2.72Elements of Mechanical Design Spring 2006
 2.737MechatronicsSpring 1999
 2.739JProduct Design and Development Spring 2006
 2.75Precision Machine Design Fall 2001
 2.76Multi-Scale System Design Fall 2004
 2.760Multi-Scale System Design Fall 2004
 2.761JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
 2.771JBiomedical Information Technology (BE.453J) Spring 2005
 2.772JStatistical Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems (BE.011J) Spring 2004
 2.772JThermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems Fall 2005
2.782JDesign of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
 2.785JCell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
 2.790JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J) Spring 2006
 2.791JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 2.792JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems Spring 2004
2.793JFields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems Spring 2007
 2.794JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues Fall 2004
 2.795JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J) Fall 2004
 2.797JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
 2.798JMolecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J) Spring 2003
 2.79JBiomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
 2.800TribologyFall 2004
 2.830JControl of Manufacturing Processes (SMA 6303) Spring 2004
 2.851JSystem Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Summer 2003
 2.852Manufacturing Systems Analysis Spring 2004
 2.854Manufacturing Systems I (SMA 6304) Fall 2004
 2.875Mechanical Assembly and Its Role in Product Development Fall 2004
 2.882System Design and Analysis based on AD and Complexity Theories Spring 2005
 2.890JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 2.96Management in Engineering Fall 2004
2.963Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 2.964Economics of Marine Transportation Industries Fall 2006
 2.9712nd Summer Introduction to Design January (IAP) 2003
 2.993Designing Paths to Peace Fall 2002
 2.993Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: The Art and Science of Boat Design January (IAP) 2007
 2.993JIntroduction to Numerical Analysis for Engineering (13.002J) Spring 2005
 2.994MADM with Applications in Material Selection and Optimal Design January (IAP) 2007
 2.996Sailing Yacht Design (13.734) Fall 2003
 2.996Designing Paths to Peace Fall 2002
 2.997Decision Making in Large Scale Systems Spring 2004
 2.THAUndergraduate Thesis for Course 2-A January (IAP) 2007
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 MAS.110Fundamentals of Computational Media Design Spring 2003
 MAS.160Signals, Systems, and Information for Media Technology Fall 2001
 MAS.450Holographic Imaging Spring 2003
 MAS.478Special Topics in Multimedia Production: Experiences in Interactive Art Fall 2003
 MAS.622JPattern Recognition and Analysis Fall 2006
 MAS.630Affective Computing Spring 2002
 MAS.666Developmental Entrepreneurship Fall 2003
 MAS.712How to Learn (Almost) Anything Spring 2001
 MAS.714JTechnologies for Creative Learning Fall 2004
 MAS.742Industrial Design Intelligence: A Cognitive Approach to Engineering Fall 2003
 MAS.845Special Topics in Cinematic Storytelling Spring 2004
 MAS.857JOptical Engineering Spring 2002
 MAS.863How to Make (Almost) Anything Fall 2002
 MAS.865JQuantum Information Science Spring 2006
 MAS.878Special Topics in Multimedia Production: Experiences in Interactive Art Fall 2003
 MAS.961Ambient Intelligence Spring 2005
 MAS.961Designing Sociable Media Spring 2001
 MAS.961Numeric Photography Fall 1998
 MAS.961Seminar on Deep Engagement Fall 2004
 MAS.962Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications Fall 2006
 MAS.962Digital Typography Fall 1997
 MAS.962Special Topics in Media Technology: Computational Semantics Fall 2002
 MAS.962The Nature of Constructionist Learning Spring 2003
 MAS.963Ambient Intelligence Spring 2004
 MAS.963Out of Context: A Course on Computer Systems That Adapt To, and Learn From, Context Fall 2001
 MAS.963Techno-identity: Who we are and how we perceive ourselves and others Spring 2002
 MAS.963Technological Tools for School Reform Fall 2005
 MAS.964Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications Fall 2002
 MAS.964Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications Fall 2006
 MAS.965Relational Machines Spring 2005
 MAS.965Social Visualization Fall 2004
 MAS.965Special Topics in Media Technology: Cooperative Machines Fall 2003
 MAS.966Digital Anthropology Spring 2003
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21M.011Introduction to Western Music Spring 2006
 21M.030Introduction to World Music Fall 2006
21M.051Fundamentals of Music Spring 2007
 21M.065Introduction to Musical Composition Fall 2005
 21M.113Developing Musical Structures Fall 2002
21M.220Early Music Spring 2007
 21M.223JIntroduction to Anglo-American Folk Music Fall 2005
 21M.250Schubert to Debussy Fall 2006
 21M.262Modern Music: 1900-1960 Fall 2006
 21M.263Music Since 1960 Spring 2006
21M.271Symphony and Concerto Spring 2007
 21M.291Music of India Spring 2007
 21M.293Music of Africa Fall 2005
 21M.294Popular Musics of the World Spring 2005
 21M.301Harmony and Counterpoint I Spring 2005
 21M.302Harmony and Counterpoint II Spring 2005
 21M.361Composing with Computers Spring 2003
21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance Spring 2007
 21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance Spring 2005
21M.515Vocal Repertoire and Performance Spring 2007
 21M.603Principles of Design Fall 2005
 21M.604Playwriting I Spring 2005
 21M.606Introduction to Stagecraft Spring 2003
21M.616Learning from the Past: Drama, Science, Performance Spring 2007
 21M.621Theater and Cultural Diversity in the U.S. Spring 2004
 21M.670Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and Autobiography Spring 2003
 21M.675Dance Theory and Composition Fall 2003
 21M.710Script Analysis Fall 2005
 21M.714Studies in Drama: Theater and Science in a Time of War Spring 2005
 21M.732Costume Design for the Theater Fall 2004
 21M.733Design for the Theater: Scenery Spring 2005
 21M.734Design for the Theater: Scenery Spring 2005
 21M.734Lighting Design for the Theatre Fall 2003
 21M.735Technical Design: Scenery, Mechanisms, and Special Effects Spring 2004
21M.775Hip Hop Fall 2007
21M.785Playwrights' Workshop Spring 2007
 21M.873Theater Arts Topics Fall 2004
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 22.002Management in Engineering Fall 2004
 22.00JIntroduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2006
 22.01Introduction to Ionizing Radiation Fall 2006
 22.012Seminar: Fusion and Plasma Physics Spring 2006
 22.02Introduction to Applied Nuclear Physics Spring 2003
 22.033Nuclear Systems Design Project Fall 2002
22.05Neutron Science and Reactor Physics Fall 2006
 22.058Principles of Medical Imaging Fall 2002
 22.071JIntroduction to Electronics, Signals, and Measurement Spring 2006
 22.101Applied Nuclear Physics Fall 2006
 22.101Applied Nuclear Physics Fall 2003
 22.103Microscopic Theory of Transport Fall 2003
 22.105Electromagnetic Interactions Fall 2005
 22.106Neutron Interactions and Applications Spring 2005
 22.251Systems Analysis of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Fall 2005
 22.312Engineering of Nuclear Reactors Fall 2004
 22.313JThermal Hydraulics in Power Technology Spring 2007
 22.314JStructural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology Fall 2006
 22.33Nuclear Systems Design Project Fall 2002
 22.351Systems Analysis of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Fall 2005
 22.38Probability And Its Applications To Reliability, Quality Control, And Risk Assessment Fall 2005
 22.39Integration of Reactor Design, Operations, and Safety Fall 2006
 22.40JFundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion Spring 2004
 22.51Interaction of Radiation with Matter Spring 2003
 22.52JStatistical Thermodynamics of Complex Liquids Spring 2004
 22.55JPrinciples of Radiation Interactions Fall 2004
 22.561JMagnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques Spring 2006
 22.56JNoninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine Fall 2005
22.611JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2006
 22.611JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2003
22.615MHD Theory of Fusion Systems Spring 2007
 22.616Plasma Transport Theory Fall 2003
 22.68JSuperconducting Magnets Spring 2003
 22.71JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2004
 22.71JPhysical Metallurgy Spring 2003
 22.811JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 22.811JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 22.812JManaging Nuclear Technology Spring 2004
22.82Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
 22.903Photon and Neutron Scattering Spectroscopy and Its Applications in Condensed Matter Spring 2005
 22.920A Hands-On Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance January (IAP) 1997
 22.921Nuclear Power Plant Dynamics and Control January (IAP) 2006
22.A09Career Options for Biomedical Research Fall 2006
 22.S27Seminar: Fusion and Plasma Physics Spring 2006
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 8.01Physics IFall 2003
 8.01Physics I: Classical Mechanics Fall 1999
 8.012Physics I: Classical MechanicsFall 2005
 8.01LPhysics I: Classical MechanicsFall 2005
 8.01TPhysics IFall 2004
 8.01XPhysics I: Classical Mechanics with an Experimental Focus Fall 2002
 8.02Electricity and Magnetism Spring 2002
8.02Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Spring 2007
 8.022Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Fall 2004
 8.022Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Fall 2002
 8.022Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Fall 2006
 8.02TElectricity and MagnetismSpring 2005
 8.02XPhysics II: Electricity & Magnetism with an Experimental Focus Spring 2005
 8.03Physics IIISpring 2003
 8.03Physics III: Vibrations and Waves Fall 2004
 8.033RelativityFall 2006
 8.04Quantum Physics ISpring 2006
 8.044Statistical Physics ISpring 2004
 8.05Quantum Physics IIFall 2004
 8.06Quantum Physics IIISpring 2005
 8.07Electromagnetism IIFall 2005
 8.08Statistical Physics IISpring 2005
 8.09Classical MechanicsFall 2006
 8.13-14Experimental Physics I & II "Junior Lab" Fall 2004
 8.20Introduction to Special Relativity January (IAP) 2005
 8.224Exploring Black Holes: General Relativity & Astrophysics Spring 2003
 8.225JEinstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century Spring 2006
8.231Physics of Solids I Fall 2006
 8.251String Theory for Undergraduates Spring 2007
 8.261JIntroduction to Computational Neuroscience Spring 2004
 8.282JIntroduction to AstronomySpring 2006
 8.284Modern AstrophysicsSpring 2006
 8.286The Early UniverseSpring 2004
 8.311Electromagnetic TheorySpring 2004
 8.321Quantum Theory I Fall 2002
 8.322Quantum Theory II Spring 2003
 8.323Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I Spring 2003
 8.324Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II Fall 2005
8.325Relativistic Quantum Field Theory III Spring 2007
 8.325Relativistic Quantum Field Theory III Spring 2003
 8.333Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles Fall 2005
 8.334Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Mechanics of Fields Spring 2004
 8.351JClassical Mechanics: A Computational Approach Fall 2002
 8.371JQuantum Information Science Spring 2006
 8.395JTeaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
 8.422Atomic and Optical Physics II Spring 2005
 8.511Theory of Solids IFall 2004
 8.512Theory of Solids IISpring 2004
 8.513Many-Body Theory for Condensed Matter Systems Fall 2004
 8.514Strongly Correlated Systems in Condensed Matter Physics Fall 2003
 8.575JStatistical Thermodynamics of Complex Liquids Spring 2004
 8.591JSystems BiologyFall 2004
 8.592JStatistical Physics in Biology Spring 2005
 8.594JIntroduction to Neural Networks Spring 2005
8.613JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2006
 8.613JIntroduction to Plasma Physics I Fall 2003
 8.701Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics Spring 2004
 8.811Particle Physics IIFall 2005
 8.851Strong Interactions: Effective Field Theories of QCD Spring 2006
 8.871Selected Topics in Theoretical Particle Physics: Branes and Gauge Theory Dynamics Fall 2004
 8.901Astrophysics ISpring 2006
 8.902Astrophysics IIFall 2004
 8.942CosmologyFall 2001
 8.952Particle Physics of the Early Universe Fall 2004
 8.962General RelativitySpring 2006
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 17.000JPolitical Philosophy: Global Justice Spring 2003
 17.006Feminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 17.007JFeminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 17.01JJusticeSpring 2006
 17.03Introduction to Political Thought Spring 2004
 17.037American Political Thought Spring 2004
 17.038American Political Thought Spring 2004
 17.042Citizenship and Pluralism Fall 2003
 17.045JPower: Interpersonal, Organizational and Global Dimensions Fall 2005
 17.100JPolitical Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy Fall 2005
 17.118JFeminist Political Thought Fall 2000
 17.125The Politics of Global Financial Relations Fall 2007
 17.148Political Economy of Globalization Spring 2006
 17.158Political Economy of Western Europe Spring 2003
 17.176JEconomic Development, Policy Analysis, and Industrialization Fall 2004
 17.181Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy Spring 2006
 17.182Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy Spring 2006
 17.184JEconomic Institutions and Growth Policy Analysis Fall 2005
 17.188JLabor and Politics Fall 2005
 17.195GlobalizationFall 2005
 17.196GlobalizationFall 2005
 17.199JWorking in a Global Economy Fall 2005
 17.20Introduction to the American Political Process Spring 2004
 17.20Introduction to the American Political Process Fall 2006
 17.245The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights Fall 2006
 17.249JLaw and Society Spring 2003
 17.251Congress and the American Political System I Fall 2004
 17.261Congress and the American Political System II Fall 2005
 17.262Congress and the American Political System II Fall 2005
 17.265Public Opinion and American Democracy Spring 2007
 17.30JFundamentals of Public Policy Fall 2004
 17.312JIntegrating Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Technologies Fall 2005
 17.315Comparative Health Policy Fall 2004
 17.317U.S. Social Policy Spring 2006
 17.32Environmental Politics and Policy Spring 2003
 17.40American Foreign Policy: Past, Present, and Future Fall 2004
 17.405Seminar on Politics and Conflict in the Middle East Fall 2003
 17.406Seminar on Politics and Conflict in the Middle East Fall 2003
 17.407Chinese Foreign Policy Fall 2005
 17.408Chinese Foreign Policy Fall 2005
 17.410Globalization, Migration, and International Relations Spring 2006
 17.411Globalization, Migration, and International Relations Spring 2006
 17.418Field Seminar in International Relations Theory Fall 2005
 17.42Causes and Prevention of War Spring 2005
 17.420Advances in International Relations Theory Spring 2003
 17.422Field Seminar in International Political Economy Fall 2003
 17.424International Political Economy of Advanced Industrial Societies Spring 2007
 17.428American Foreign Policy: Theory and Method Fall 2004
 17.432Causes of War: Theory and Method Fall 2003
 17.433International Relations of East Asia Spring 2005
 17.434International Relations of East Asia Spring 2005
 17.436Territorial Conflict Fall 2004
 17.460Defense PoliticsSpring 2006
 17.462Innovation in Military Organizations Spring 2001
 17.466Organization Theory and the Military Spring 2003
 17.471American National Security Policy Fall 2002
 17.484Comparative Grand Strategy and Military Doctrine Fall 2004
 17.50Introduction to Comparative Politics Fall 2006
 17.504Ethnic Politics IFall 2003
 17.506Ethnic Politics II Spring 2007
 17.508The Rise and Fall of Democracy/ Regime Change Spring 2002
 17.509Social Movements in Comparative Perspective Spring 2005
 17.522Politics and Religion Fall 2006
 17.523Ethnicity and Race in World Politics Fall 2005
 17.524NationalismFall 2004
 17.53Democratization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Fall 2001
 17.537Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan Spring 2003
 17.538Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan Spring 2003
 17.544Comparative Politics and China Fall 2002
 17.547Government and Politics of China Fall 2002
 17.55Introduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2005
 17.550JProperty Rights in Transition Spring 2005
 17.551Political Economy of Chinese Reform Spring 2003
 17.552Political Economy of Chinese Reform Spring 2003
 17.554Political Economy of Latin America Fall 2002
 17.556Political Economy of Development Spring 2003
 17.559Comparative Security and Sustainability Fall 2004
 17.55JIntroduction to Latin American Studies Fall 2006
 17.560Comparative Security and Sustainability Fall 2004
 17.57JSoviet Politics and Society, 1917-1991 Spring 2003
 17.582Civil WarSpring 2005
 17.584Civil-Military Relations Spring 2003
 17.869Political Science Scope and Methods Fall 2003
 17.871Political Science Laboratory Spring 2004
 17.872Quantitative Research in Political Science and Public Policy Spring 2004
 17.874Quantitative Research Methods: Multivariate Spring 2004
17.878Qualitative Research: Design and Methods Fall 2007
 17.878Qualitative Research: Design and Methods Spring 2005
 17.881Game Theory and Political Theory Fall 2004
 17.882Game Theory and Political Theory Fall 2004
 17.884JCollective Choice I Fall 2005
 17.905Forms of Political Participation: Old and New Spring 2005
17.906Reading Seminar in Social Science: The Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of Global Energy Spring 2007
 17.908Reading Seminar in Social Science: Intelligence and National Security Fall 2005
 17.908Reading Seminar in Social Science: Race, Crime, and Citizenship in American Law Spring 2007
 17.910Reading Seminar in Social Science: International Political Economy Fall 2006
 17.914International Politics in the New Century - via Simulation, Interactive Gaming, and 'Edutainment' January (IAP) 2005
 17.918New Global Agenda: Exploring 21st Century Challenges through Innovations in Information Technologies January (IAP) 2006
 17.950Understanding Modern Military Operations Spring 2005
 17.951Intelligence: Practice, Problems and Prospects Spring 2005
 17.951Special Graduate Topic in Political Science: Political Behavior Fall 2005
 17.951Special Graduate Topic in Political Science: Public Opinion Spring 2004
17.951Reading Seminar in Social Science: The Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of Global Energy Spring 2007
 17.952Great Power Military Intervention Spring 2004
 17.953U.S. Military Budget and Force Planning Fall 2004
 17.955Civil Society, Social Capital, and the State in Comparative Perspective Fall 2004
 17.959Organizational Analysis Fall 2005
 17.960Foundations of Political Science Fall 2004
 17.960Foundations of Political Science Spring 2005
 17.THTThesis Research Design Seminar Fall 2004
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 STS.001Technology in American History Spring 2006
 STS.002Toward the Scientific Revolution Fall 2003
 STS.003The Rise of Modern Science Spring 2005
 STS.005Disease and Society in America Fall 2005
 STS.006JBioethics Spring 2006
 STS.011American Science: Ethical Conflicts and Political Choices Fall 2004
 STS.014Principles and Practice of Science Communication Spring 2006
 STS.029JThe Civil War and Reconstruction Fall 2005
 STS.035The History of Computing Spring 2004
 STS.036Industrial Landscapes Fall 2004
 STS.038Energy and Environment in American History: 1705-2005 Fall 2006
 STS.042JEinstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century Spring 2006
 STS.049JTechnology and Gender in American History Spring 2004
 STS.062JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2006
 STS.062JDrugs, Politics, and Culture Spring 2003
 STS.066Brains and Culture: Love, Lies & Neurotransmitters Fall 2002
 STS.067Scientific Visualization across Disciplines: A Critical Introduction Spring 2005
 STS.069Technology in a Dangerous World Fall 2002
 STS.075JTechnology and Culture Fall 2006
 STS.085Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier Fall 2005
 STS.086JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 STS.210JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2004
 STS.210JTheories and Methods in the Study of History Fall 2003
 STS.250JSocial Theory and Analysis Fall 2004
 STS.310History of Science Fall 2005
 STS.320Environmental Conflict and Social Change Fall 2005
 STS.330History and Anthropology of Medicine and Biology Fall 2006
 STS.340JIntroduction to the History of Technology Fall 2006
 STS.350Social Study of Science and Technology Spring 2004
 STS.360Ethnography Spring 2003
 STS.410JReadings in American History Since 1877 Fall 2003
 STS.415JNature, Environment, and Empire Spring 2005
 STS.420JThe Structure of Engineering Revolutions Fall 2001
 STS.428Technology and Change in Rural America Fall 2004
 STS.429Food and Power in the Twentieth Century Spring 2005
 STS.436Cold War Science Spring 2004
 STS.445JTechnologies for Creative Learning Fall 2004
 STS.449JSocial Studies of Bioscience and Biotech Fall 2005
 STS.461JIntegrating Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Technologies Fall 2005
 STS.462Social and Political Implications of Technology Spring 2006
 STS.464Cultural History of Technology Spring 2005
 STS.467Research Seminar in Deep Sea Archaeology Spring 2002
STS.471JEngineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System Spring 2007
 STS.S28Godzilla and the Bullet Train: Technology and Culture in Modern Japan Fall 2005
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 15.010Economic Analysis for Business Decisions Fall 2004
 15.011Economic Analysis for Business Decisions Fall 2004
 15.012Applied Macro- and International Economics Spring 2002
 15.014Applied Macro- and International Economics Spring 2004
 15.020Competition in Telecommunications Fall 2003
 15.021JReal Estate Economics Spring 2004
 15.023JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2004
15.023JGlobal Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy Spring 2007
 15.024Applied Economics for Managers Summer 2004
 15.040Game Theory for Managers Spring 2004
 15.053Optimization Methods in Management Science Spring 2007
 15.057Systems Optimization Spring 2003
 15.060Data, Models, and Decisions Fall 2002
 15.062Data Mining Spring 2003
 15.063Communicating With Data Summer 2003
 15.066JSystem Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Summer 2003
 15.067Competitive Decision-Making and Negotiation Spring 2003
 15.070Advanced Stochastic Processes Fall 2005
 15.072JQueues: Theory and Applications Spring 2006
 15.073JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2004
 15.073JLogistical and Transportation Planning Methods Fall 2006
 15.075Applied Statistics Spring 2003
 15.081JIntroduction to Mathematical Programming Fall 2002
 15.082JNetwork Optimization Spring 2003
 15.083JInteger Program Combination Optimization Fall 2004
 15.084JNonlinear Programming Spring 2004
 15.084JNonlinear Programming Spring 2003
 15.085JFundamentals of Probability Fall 2005
 15.093Optimization Methods (SMA 5213) Fall 2004
 15.094JSystems Optimization: Models and Computation (SMA 5223) Spring 2004
 15.098Special Seminar in Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes Spring 2006
 15.099Readings in Optimization Fall 2003
 15.136JPrinciples and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2005
 15.220International Management Spring 2002
15.223Global Markets, National Policies, and the Competitive Advantages of Firms Fall 2007
 15.224Global Markets, National Politics and the Competitive Advantage of Firms Spring 2003
 15.269Literature, Ethics and Authority Fall 2005
 15.269BLiterature, Ethics and Authority Fall 2002
 15.279Management Communication for Undergraduates Spring 2005
 15.280Communication for Managers Fall 2002
 15.281Advanced Managerial Communication Spring 2004
 15.289Communication Skills for Academics Spring 2002
15.301Managerial Psychology Fall 2006
 15.301Managerial Psychology Laboratory Fall 2004
 15.301Managerial Psychology Laboratory Spring 2003
 15.310Managerial Psychology Laboratory Spring 2003
15.310Managerial Psychology Fall 2006
 15.310Managerial Psychology Laboratory Fall 2004
 15.311Organizational Processes Fall 2003
 15.316Building and Leading Effective Teams Summer 2005
 15.322Leading Organizations II Fall 2003
 15.328Team Project Fall 2003
 15.341Individuals, Groups, and Organizations Fall 2006
 15.342JOrganizations and Environments Fall 2004
 15.343Managing Transformations in Work, Organizations, and Society Spring 2002
 15.347Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods I Fall 2004
 15.348Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods II Spring 2004
 15.351Managing the Innovation Process Fall 2002
 15.352Managing Innovation: Emerging Trends Spring 2005
 15.356How to Develop "Breakthrough" Products and Services Spring 2004
 15.358The Software Business Fall 2005
15.389Global Entrepreneurship Lab Fall 2007
 15.391Early Stage Capital Fall 2003
 15.394Designing and Leading the Entrepreneurial Organization Spring 2003
 15.402Finance Theory II Spring 2003
 15.414Financial Management Summer 2003
15.426JReal Estate Finance and Investment Fall 2006
15.427JReal Estate Capital Markets Spring 2007
15.428JAdvanced Topics in Real Estate Finance Spring 2007
 15.431Entrepreneurial Finance Spring 2002
 15.433Investments Spring 2003
 15.501Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting Spring 2004
 15.511Financial Accounting Summer 2004
 15.514Financial and Managerial Accounting Summer 2003
 15.515Financial Accounting Fall 2003
 15.516Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting Spring 2004
 15.518Taxes and Business Strategy Fall 2002
 15.521Management Accounting and Control Spring 2003
 15.535Business Analysis Using Financial Statements Spring 2003
 15.561Information Technology Essentials Spring 2005
 15.564Information Technology I Spring 2003
 15.565JIntegrating eSystems & Global Information Systems Spring 2002
 15.566Information Technology as an Integrating Force in Manufacturing Spring 2003
 15.568APractical Information Technology Management Spring 2005
 15.568BManagement Information Systems: Generating Business Value from Information Technology Spring 2003
 15.575Research Seminar in IT and Organizations: Economic Perspectives Spring 2004
 15.578JIntegrating eSystems & Global Information Systems Spring 2002
 15.598IT and Business Transformation Spring 2003
 15.615Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager Spring 2003
 15.616Innovative Businesses and Breakthrough Technologies - The Legal Issues Fall 2004
 15.617The Law of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets Spring 2004
 15.628Patents, Copyrights, and the Law of Intellectual Property Spring 2003
 15.647Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager Spring 2003
 15.649The Law of Mergers and Acquisitions Spring 2003
 15.660Strategic HR Management Spring 2003
 15.665BPower and Negotiation Fall 2002
 15.667Negotiation and Conflict Management Spring 2001
 15.668People and Organizations Fall 2005
 15.677JUrban Labor Markets and Employment Policy Spring 2005
 15.678JPolitical Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy Fall 2005
 15.760AOperations Management Spring 2002
 15.760BIntroduction to Operations Management Spring 2004
 15.761Operations Management Summer 2002
 15.762JSupply Chain Planning (SMA 6305) Spring 2005
 15.763JManufacturing System and Supply Chain Design Spring 2005
 15.764The Theory of Operations Management Spring 2004
 15.769Operations Strategy Spring 2003
 15.769Operations Strategy Fall 2005
 15.770JLogistics Systems Fall 2006
 15.778Management of Supply Networks for Products and Services Summer 2004
 15.783JProduct Design and Development Spring 2006
 15.792JProseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
 15.795Seminar in Operations Management Fall 2002
 15.810Introduction to Marketing Spring 2005
 15.810Marketing Management Fall 2004
 15.812Marketing Management Fall 2002
 15.818PricingSpring 2005
 15.821Listening to the Customer Fall 2002
 15.822Strategic Marketing Measurement Fall 2002
 15.834Marketing Strategy Spring 2003
 15.835Entrepreneurial Marketing Spring 2002
 15.840Special Seminar in Marketing: Marketing Management Spring 2004
 15.871System Dynamics for Business Policy Fall 2003
 15.874System Dynamics for Business Policy Fall 2003
 15.875Applications of System Dynamics Spring 2004
 15.902Strategic Management I Fall 2006
 15.904Strategic Management II Fall 2005
15.905Technology Strategy Spring 2007
 15.912Technology Strategy Spring 2005
 15.928Strategic Management and Consulting Proseminar: Theoretical Foundations Spring 2003
 15.963Organizations as Enacted Systems: Learning, Knowing and Change Fall 2002
 15.965Ethical Practice: Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and the Purpose of the Corporation Spring 2007
 15.967Managing and Volunteering In the Non-Profit Sector Spring 2005
 15.968The Sociology of Strategy Spring 2005
 15.969Dynamic Leadership: Using Improvisation in Business Fall 2004
 15.970Digital Anthropology Spring 2003
 15.971Developmental Entrepreneurship Fall 2003
 15.974Leadership Lab Spring 2003
 15.974Practical Leadership Fall 2004
 15.975Special Seminar in Management The Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans January (IAP) 2005
15.978Leadership Tools and Teams: A Product Development Lab Spring 2007
15.980JOrganizing for Innovative Product Development Spring 2007
 15.990Architecture and Communication in Organizations Fall 2003
 15.996Cross-Cultural Leadership Fall 2004
 15.997Advanced Corporate Risk Management Spring 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
SP.235Chemistry of Sports Spring 2007
 SP.240Composing Your Life: Exploration of Self through Visual Arts and Writing Spring 2006
 SP.242Gender Issues in Academics and Academia Spring 2004
 SP.246Current Events and Social Issues Fall 2004
 SP.251PE for MESpring 2005
 SP.253AIDS and Poverty in Africa Spring 2005
 SP.255Physics of Rock Climbing Spring 2006
SP.258Gödel, Escher, Bach Spring 2007
 SP.259Information and Communication Technology in Africa Spring 2006
 SP.260Women's Novels: A Weekly Book Club Spring 2006
 SP.261Poetry in Translation Spring 2006
 SP.287Kitchen ChemistrySpring 2006
 SP.298Art of ColorSpring 2005
 SP.2H3Ancient Philosophy and Mathematics Fall 2006
 SP.322Prohibition and Permission Spring 2007
SP.401Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies Fall 2007
 SP.401Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies Spring 2005
 SP.406Sexual and Gender Identities Fall 2006
 SP.412JFeminist Political Thought Fall 2000
 SP.430Literary Interpretation: Virginia Woolf's Shakespeare Spring 2001
 SP.454JIdentity and Difference Fall 2002
SP.454JIdentity and Difference Spring 2007
 SP.455JGender, Sexuality, and Society Spring 2006
 SP.456JThe Contemporary American Family Spring 2004
 SP.457JGender, Power, and International Development Fall 2003
SP.459JWomen in South Asia from 1800 to Present Fall 2006
 SP.461JInternational Women's Voices Spring 2004
 SP.472Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and Autobiography Spring 2003
 SP.484JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 SP.492Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
SP.493Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships Fall 2007
 SP.512Major Authors: After the Masterpiece: Novels by Melville, Twain, Faulkner, and Morrison Fall 2006
 SP.512Major Authors: Melville and Morrison Fall 2003
 SP.514Medieval Literature: Medieval Women Writers Spring 2004
 SP.517American Authors: American Women Authors Spring 2003
 SP.518JRace and Identity in American Literature: Keepin' it Real Fake Spring 2007
 SP.575JWriting About Race Spring 2003
 SP.576JAdvanced Essay Workshop Spring 2005
 SP.601JFeminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 SP.603JRace and Gender in Asian America Spring 2006
 SP.607JGender and the Law in U.S. History Spring 2004
 SP.608JCultural Performances of Asia Fall 2005
 SP.610JThe Economic History of Work and Family Spring 2005
 SP.620JMedicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and the African Diaspora Spring 2005
 SP.621JViolence, Human Rights, and Justice Fall 2004
 SP.622JDilemmas in Bio-Medical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good? Spring 2005
 SP.660Gender and Race, Work, and Public Policy Spring 2005
 SP.694Issues of Representation: Women, Representation, and Music in Selected Folk Traditions of the British Isles and North America Fall 2005
 SP.721D-Lab: Development, Dialogue and Delivery Fall 2004
 SP.722D-Lab: Development, Design and Dissemination Spring 2005
 SP.724Prototypes to Products Fall 2005
 SP.764Practical Electronics Fall 2004
 SP.765Practical Electronics Fall 2004
 SP.769Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Fall 2004
 SP.772Internet Technology in Local and Global Communities Spring 2005
SP.776Design for Demining Spring 2007
 SP.777Water Jet Technologies Spring 2005
SP.778Toy Product Design Spring 2007
 SP.783Engineering Capacity in Community-Based Healthcare Fall 2005
SP.784Wheelchair Design in Developing Countries Spring 2007
^ Back to top
 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 11.001JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Spring 2006
 11.002JFundamentals of Public Policy Fall 2004
11.004JCityScope: New Orleans Spring 2007
 11.007Resolving Public Disputes Spring 2005
 11.011The Art and Science of Negotiation Spring 2006
 11.013JAmerican Urban History I Spring 2005
 11.014JAmerican Urban History II Fall 2004
 11.015JRiots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History Fall 2004
 11.016JThe Once and Future City Spring 2006
 11.020Poverty, Public Policy and Controversy Fall 2003
 11.021JThe Ancient CitySpring 2005
 11.026JDowntownSpring 2005
 11.027City to City: Comparing, Researching and Writing about Cities Spring 2006
 11.122Environment and Society Fall 2002
 11.123Big Plans Spring 2003
 11.124Introduction to Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science Fall 2004
 11.125Exploring K-12 Classroom Teaching Spring 2005
 11.126JEconomics of Education Spring 2007
 11.127Computer Games and Simulations for Investigation and Education Spring 2005
 11.128Information Technology and the Labor Market Spring 2005
 11.129Educational Theory and Practice I Fall 2006
 11.131Educational Theory and Practice III Spring 2007
 11.163JLaw and Society Spring 2003
 11.164Human Rights in Theory and Practice Spring 2005
 11.166Law, Social Movements, and Public Policy: Comparative and International Experience Fall 2002
 11.167Economic Development & Technical Capabilities Spring 2004
 11.188A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems Fall 2005
 11.201Gateway: Planning Action Fall 2002
 11.201Gateway: Planning Action Fall 2005
 11.202Gateway: Planning Economics Fall 2004
 11.203Microeconomics for Planners Fall 2004
 11.204Planning, Communications, and Digital Media Fall 2004
 11.208Introduction to Computers in Public Management II January (IAP) 2002
 11.220Quantitative Reasoning and Statistical Method for Planning I Spring 2006
 11.225Argumentation and Communication Fall 2006
 11.229Advanced Writing Seminar Spring 2004
 11.233Crafting Research Questions and Qualitative Methodology Fall 2005
11.233Research Design for Policy Analysis and Planning Fall 2007
 11.235Analyzing Projects and Organizations: How Organizations Behave Fall 2006
 11.237Gender and Race, Work, and Public Policy Spring 2005
 11.248Information Technology and the Labor Market Spring 2005
 11.249Economics of Education Spring 2007
 11.252Computer Games and Simulations for Investigation and Education Spring 2005
 11.255Negotiation and Dispute Resolution in the Public Sector Spring 2005
 11.262JOrganizations and Environments Fall 2004
 11.301JIntroduction to Urban Design and Development Fall 2006
 11.302JUrban Design Politics Spring 2003
 11.304JSite and Urban Systems Planning Spring 2006
 11.307Beijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2006
 11.308JAdvanced Seminar: Urban Nature and City Design Fall 2005
 11.309JSensing Place: Photography as Inquiry Spring 2006
 11.309JSites in Sight: Photography as Inquiry Fall 2003
 11.310JMedia Technology and City Design and Development Fall 2002
 11.310JMedia Technology and City Design and Development Spring 2002
 11.328JUrban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting, and Representing the City Fall 2004
 11.329Social Theory and the City Fall 2005
 11.330JTheory of City FormSpring 2004
 11.332JUrban Design Fall 2003
 11.332JUrban Design Studio: Providence Spring 2005
 11.333Urban Design Seminar Spring 2005
 11.339JDowntownSpring 2005
 11.360Community Growth and Land Use Planning Fall 2003
 11.360Community Growth and Land Use Planning Fall 2006
 11.360Community Growth and Land Use Planning Fall 2005
11.362Environmental Management Practicum: Brownfield Redevelopment Fall 2006
 11.363Civil Society and the Environment Spring 2005
 11.364International Environmental Negotiation Fall 2002
 11.366JPlanning for Sustainable Development Spring 2006
 11.368Environmental Justice Fall 2004
 11.370Brownfields Policy and Practice Fall 2005
 11.371JSustainable Energy January (IAP) 2007
 11.371JSustainable Energy Spring 2005
 11.373Science, Politics, and Environmental Policy Fall 2004
 11.375Role of Science and Scientists in Collaborative Approaches to Environmental Policymaking Spring 2006
 11.380JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2002
 11.401Introduction to Housing, Community and Economic Development Fall 2003
 11.401Introduction to Housing, Community and Economic Development Fall 2004
 11.414JLabor and Politics Fall 2005
 11.421Housing and Human Services Spring 2005
 11.422Downtown Management Organizations Fall 2006
 11.423Information and Communication Technologies in Community Development Spring 2004
11.431JReal Estate Finance and Investment Fall 2006
11.432JReal Estate Capital Markets Spring 2007
 11.433JReal Estate Economics Spring 2004
11.434JAdvanced Topics in Real Estate Finance Spring 2007
 11.437Financing Economic Development Spring 2006
 11.439Revitalizing Urban Main Streets Spring 2003
 11.439Revitalizing Urban Main Streets Spring 2005
 11.467JProperty Rights in Transition Spring 2005
11.469Urban Sociology in Theory and Practice Spring 2007
 11.471Political Economy of Development Projects: Targeting the Poor Spring 2003
 11.471Targeting the Poor: Small Firms, Workers, and Local Economic Development Fall 2004
 11.479Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Planning in Developing Countries Spring 2005
11.479JWater and Sanitation Infrastructure in Developing Countries Spring 2007
 11.481JAnalyzing & Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2005
 11.481JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2004
 11.481JAnalyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change Spring 2006
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analyses and Modeling Fall 2003
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2005
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2004
 11.482JRegional Socioeconomic Impact Analysis and Modeling Fall 2006
 11.484Project Appraisal in Developing Countries Spring 2005
 11.486JEconomic Institutions and Growth Policy Analysis Fall 2005
 11.487Urban Public Finance in Developing Countries Fall 2004
 11.489The Growth and Spatial Structure of Cities Fall 2005
 11.491JEconomic Development, Policy Analysis, and Industrialization Fall 2004
 11.493Legal Aspects of Property and Land Use Fall 2005
 11.496Law, Social Movements, and Public Policy: Comparative and International Experience Fall 2002
 11.497Human Rights in Theory and Practice Spring 2005
 11.501Introduction to Technology and Cities Fall 2002
 11.520A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems Fall 2005
 11.521Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems Spring 2003
 11.522Research Seminar on Urban Information Systems Fall 2005
 11.523Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems Spring 2003
 11.524Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems Spring 2003
 11.527JTransportation Systems Fall 2004
 11.540JUrban Transportation Planning Fall 2006
 11.541JPublic Transportation Service and Operations Planning Spring 2006
 11.542JTransit Management Fall 2006
 11.543JTransportation Policy and Environmental Limits Spring 2004
 11.545JIntroduction to Transportation Systems Fall 2006
 11.601Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning Fall 2005
 11.701Introduction to Planning & Institutional Processes in Developing Countries Fall 2003
 11.701Introduction to Planning and Institutional Processes in Developing Countries Fall 2005
 11.800Doctoral Research Seminar: Knowledge in the Public Arena Spring 2007
 11.914Planning Communication Spring 2007
 11.941Disaster, Vulnerability and Resilience Spring 2005
 11.941Use of Joint Fact Finding in Science Intensive Policy Disputes, Part I Fall 2003
 11.942Use of Joint Fact Finding in Science Intensive Policy Disputes, Part II Spring 2004
 11.943Special Studies in Urban Studies and Planning - The Cardener River Corridor Workshop Fall 2001
 11.943JUrban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment Spring 2002
 11.945Katrina Practicum Spring 2006
 11.945Springfield Studio Spring 2004
 11.945Springfield Studio Fall 2005
 11.946Planning in Transition Economies for Growth and Equity Spring 2004
 11.946JBeijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2004
11.947History and Theory of Historic Preservation Spring 2007
 11.947Imaging the City: The Place of Media in City Design and Development Fall 1998
 11.947New Century Cities: Real Estate, Digital Technology, and Design Fall 2004
 11.947Race, Immigration, and Planning Spring 2005
 11.947Sustainable Economic Development Spring 2004
 11.948Power of Place: Media Technology, Youth, and City Design and Development Spring 2001
 11.948The Politics of Reconstructing Iraq Spring 2005
 11.949Cities in Conflict: Theory and Practice Fall 2003
 11.949City Visions: Past and Future Spring 2004
11.950Citizen Participation, Community Development, and Urban Governance in the Developing World Spring 2007
 11.952Foshan China Workshop Spring 2004
 11.952Gaoming Studio - China Spring 2005
 11.953Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning Spring 2006
 11.954Community-Owned Enterprise and Civic Participation Spring 2005
 11.957Frameworks of Urban Governance January (IAP) 2007
 11.959Reforming Natural Resources Governance: Failings of Scientific Rationalism and Alternatives for Building Common Ground January (IAP) 2007
 11.965Reflective Practice: An Approach for Expanding Your Learning Frontiers January (IAP) 2007
 11.967Special Studies in Urban Studies and Planning: Economic Development Planning Skills January (IAP) 2007
 11.969Workshop on Deliberative Democracy and Dispute Resolution Summer 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 WGS.401Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies Spring 2005
 WGS.406Sexual and Gender Identities Fall 2006
 WGS.412JFeminist Political Thought Fall 2000
 WGS.430Literary Interpretation: Virginia Woolf's Shakespeare Spring 2001
 WGS.454JIdentity and Difference Fall 2002
WGS.454JIdentity and Difference Spring 2007
 WGS.455JGender, Sexuality, and Society Spring 2006
 WGS.456JThe Contemporary American Family Spring 2004
 WGS.457JGender, Power, and International Development Fall 2003
WGS.459JWomen in South Asia from 1800 to Present Fall 2006
 WGS.461JInternational Women's Voices Spring 2004
 WGS.472Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and Autobiography Spring 2003
 WGS.484JThe Anthropology of Computing Fall 2004
 WGS.492Popular Narrative: Masterminds Fall 2004
 WGS.512Major Authors: After the Masterpiece: Novels by Melville, Twain, Faulkner, and Morrison Fall 2006
 WGS.512Major Authors: Melville and Morrison Fall 2003
 WGS.514Medieval Literature: Medieval Women Writers Spring 2004
 WGS.517American Authors: American Women Authors Spring 2003
 WGS.518JRace and Identity in American Literature: Keepin' it Real Fake Spring 2007
 WGS.575JWriting About Race Spring 2003
 WGS.576JAdvanced Essay Workshop Spring 2005
 WGS.601JFeminist Political Thought Spring 2006
 WGS.607JGender and the Law in U.S. History Spring 2004
 WGS.608JCultural Performances of Asia Fall 2005
 WGS.610JThe Economic History of Work and Family Spring 2005
 WGS.620JMedicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and the African Diaspora Spring 2005
 WGS.621JViolence, Human Rights, and Justice Fall 2004
 WGS.622JDilemmas in Bio-Medical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good? Spring 2005
 WGS.694Issues of Representation: Women, Representation, and Music in Selected Folk Traditions of the British Isles and North America Fall 2005
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 MIT Course #Course Title Term
 21W.730-1Expository Writing: Exploring Social and Ethical Issues through Film and Print Fall 2002
 21W.730-1Expository Writing: Social and Ethical Issues in Print, Photography and Film Fall 2005
 21W.730-1Imagining the Future Spring 2004
 21W.730-2Expository Writing - Food for Thought: Writing and Reading about Food and Culture Fall 2005
 21W.730-2The Creative Spark Fall 2004
 21W.730-3Consumer Culture Fall 2002
 21W.730-3Expository Writing: Autobiography - Theory and Practice Spring 2001
 21W.730-3Writing and the Environment Spring 2005
 21W.730-4Expository Writing: Analyzing Mass Media Spring 2001
 21W.731-1Writing and Experience: Culture Shock! Writing, Editing, and Publishing in Cyberspace Fall 2005
 21W.731-1Writing and Experience: Exploring Self in Society Spring 2004
 21W.731-4Writing and Experience Spring 2002
 21W.732-1Introduction to Technical Communication: Perspectives on Medicine and Public Health Spring 2007
 21W.732-2Intro to Tech Communication Fall 2002
 21W.732-2Introduction to Technical Communication: Ethics in Science and Technology Fall 2006
 21W.732-5Introduction to Technical Communication: Explorations in Scientific and Technical Writing Fall 2006
 21W.734JWriting About Literature Fall 2006
 21W.735Writing and Reading the Essay Fall 2005
 21W.735Writing and Reading the Essay Fall 2004
 21W.739JDarwin and Design Fall 2003
 21W.739JDarwin and Design Fall 2002
 21W.742JWriting About Race Spring 2003
 21W.745Advanced Essay Workshop Spring 2005
 21W.746Humanistic Perspectives on Medicine: From Ancient Greece to Modern America Spring 2005
 21W.747Rhetoric Spring 2005
 21W.747-1Rhetoric Spring 2006
 21W.747-1Rhetoric Fall 2006
 21W.747-2Rhetoric: Rhetoric of Science Spring 2006
 21W.747-3Classical Rhetoric and Modern Politics Spring 2006
 21W.749Documentary Photography and Photo Journalism: Still Images of A World In Motion Spring 2002
 21W.755Writing and Reading Short Stories Fall 2006
 21W.756Writing and Reading Poems Fall 2006
 21W.765JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2006
 21W.765JInteractive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice Spring 2004
 21W.765JTheory and Practice of Non-linear and Interactive Narrative Spring 2003
 21W.772Digital Poetry Fall 2005
 21W.775Writing about Nature and Environmental Issues Fall 2006
 21W.777The Science Essay Spring 2004
 21W.780Communicating in Technical Organizations Spring 2006
 21W.780Communicating in Technical Organizations Spring 2005
 21W.780Communicating in Technical Organizations Fall 2001
 21W.783Science and Engineering Writing for Phase II Fall 2002
 21W.784Becoming Digital: Writing About Media Change Fall 2005
 21W.785Communicating in Cyberspace Fall 2003
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