berkeley List RSS (feed) PODCAST Spring 2008 - Fall 2001 ( ALL AVAILABLE ON THE WBSITE )

Spring 2008

Anthro 2AC Introduction to Archaeology
Bio 1A General Biology Lecture
Bio 1AL General Biology Labratory
Bio 1B General Biology
Chem 1A General Chemistry
CS 162 Operating Systems and System Programming (Three Day Delay)
CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS 61BL Data Structures and Programming Methodology (Three Day Delay)
CS 61C Machine Structures
Econ 100A Economic Analysis--Micro
Econ 100B Economic Analysis--Macro
EE 105 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits (Three Day Delay)
EE 141 Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuits
EE 141 Discussion Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuits - Discussion
EE 20 Structure and Interpretation of Systems and Signals (Three Day Delay)
EE 240 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits
EE 246/ME219 Microelectromechanical Systems
EE 40 Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits
EE 42/EE 100 Introduction to Digital Electronics
Eng 110 Introduction to Computers-Interdepartmental Studies
Eng 45 Properties of Materials
English 117S Shakespeare
ESPM 114 Wildlife Ecology
Geog 130 Natural Resources and Population
Geog 20 Globalization
History 106B The Roman Empire (Lectures available as audio podcasts only)
History 181B Modern Physics: From The Atom to Big Science (Two Day Delay)
History 5 The Making of Modern Europe, 1453 to the Present
IB 31 Animal Behavior Biology: An Evolutionary Perspective Behavioral View
IEOR 131 Discrete Event Simulation
IEOR 171 Organizational Leadership and Teamwork (Three Day Delay)
Info 205 Information Law and Policy (Three Day Delay)
MCB 130 Cell Biology
NS 10 Introduction to Human Nutrition
Philosophy 189 Heideggers Being and Time, Division II (Three Day Delay)
Philosophy 7 Existentialism in Literature and Film (Lectures are available as audio podcasts only)
Physics 10/LS C70V Descriptive Introduction to Physics
Physics 111 Modern Physics and Advanced Electrical Laboratory
Physics 8A Introductory Physics
Physics 8B Introductory Physics
PoliSci 106A American Politics: Campaign Strategy - Media
PoliSci 179 Election 2008
Psych 130 Clinical Psychology (Lectures available as audio podcasts only
Psych 131 Developmental Psychopathology
Psych 140 Developmental Psychology
Psych 160 Social Psychology
Rhetoric 10 Introduction to Practical Reasoning and Critical Analysis of Argument

Fall 2007

Art 23AC Foundations of American Cyber-Culture
Astro 10P Introduction to General Astronomy
Astro C10 / LS C70U Introduction to General Astronomy
Bio 1A General Biology Lecture
Bio 1AL Genral Biology Laboratory
Bio 1B General Biology
Chem 1A General Chemistry
CS 162 Operating Systems and System Programming (Three Day Delay)
CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS 61B Data Structures (three day delay)
CS 61C Machine Structures
EE 20 Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems
Engin 110 Introduction to Computers-Interdepartmental Studies
Engin 115 Engineering Thermodynamics
Engin 24 Time, Money, and Love in the Age of Technology (three day delay)
EPS 170 Crossroads of Earth Resources and Society
EPS 20 Earthquakes in Your Backyard (three day delay)
Geog 10 World Regions, Peoples, and States
Geog 110 Economic Geography of the Industrial World
History 167B The Rise and Fall of the Second Reich (three day delay)
History 4A The Ancient Mediterranean World
History 5 European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present
IAS 180 Issues in Foreign Policy after 911
IB 131 General Human Anatomy
INFO 141 Search Engines: Technology, Society, and Business
Legal Studies 163 Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
Math 55 Discrete Mathematics
MCB 110 General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (three day delay)
MCB 140 General Genetics
NE 175 Methods of Risk Analysis
NS 10 Introduction to Human Nutrition
NS 103 Nutrient Function and Metabolism
Philosophy 185 Heidegger
Physics 10 Descriptive Introduction to Physics
Physics 137A Quantum Mechanics
Physics 8A Introductory Physics
PolySci 179 Undergraduate Colloquium on Political Science
Psych 1 General Psychology
Psych 140 Developmental Psychology
Psych 156 Human Emotion
Public Health 250A Epidemiologic Methods I
Stats 2 Introduction to Statistics

Spring 2007

Bio 1A General Biology Lecture
Bio 1AL General Biology Laboratory
Bioeng/ME C117 Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
Chem 1A Introduction to Chemistry
CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS 61BL Data Structures and Programming Methodology
CS 61C Machine Structures
Econ 100B Economic Analysis--Macro
EE 120 Signals and Systems
EE 20 Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems
EE 240 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits
EE 290F Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Science Applications
ESPM 114 Wildlife Ecology
Geog 110 Economic Geography of the Industrial World
History 5 The Making of Modern Europe, 1453 to the Presen
IDS 110 Introduction to Computers
Ind Eng 131 Discrete Event Simulation
Ind Eng 171 Organizational Leadership and Teamwork
Legal Studies 103 Theories of Law and Society
LS 180 Social and Behavioral Sciences
LS 70B Physical Science
MCB 130 Cell Biology
ME 106 Fluid Mechanics
NS 10 Introduction to Human Nutrition
PACS 164B Nonviolence Today
Philosophy 6 Man, God, and Society in Western Literature
Physics 10 Descriptive Introduction to Physics
Physics 7A 1 Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Physics 7A 2 Physics for Scientists and Engineers
PolySci 179 Undergraduate Colloquium on Political Science
Psych 101 Research and Data Analysis in Psychology
Psych 160 Social Psychology

Fall 2006

Art 23 Foundations of American Cyberculture
Astro 10P Introduction to General Astronomy
Astro C10 / LS C70U Introduction to General Astronomy
Bio 1A General Biology
Bio 1AL General Biology Lab
Chem 1A Introduction to Chemistry
CS 162 Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS 61C Machine Structures
Econ 100B Macroeconomic Analysis
Eng 45 Properties of Materials
EPS 20 Earthquakes in Your Backyard
ESPM 160AC American Environmental and Cultural History
Geo 10 World Regions, Peoples, and States
History 5 European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present
IB 131 General Human Anatomy
IDS 110 Introduction to Computers
InfoSys 296A-2 / Law276.8 Open Source Development and Distribution of Digital Information: Technical, Economic, Social, and Legal Perspectives
InfoSys C103 History of Information
MCB 102 Survey of the Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
MCB 110 General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
ME 102 Mechanical Engineering Design
ME 109 Heat Transfer
NS 10 Introduction to Human Nutrition
PACS 164A Introduction to Nonviolence
Physics 10 Physics for Future Presidents
Physics 8B Introductory Physics
PolySci 179 Undergraduate Colloquium on Political Science
Psych 1 General Psychology
Psych 119 Drugs and Behavior
Psych 130 Clinical Psychology
Psych 156 Human Emotion
Psych 160 Social Psychology
Stat 2 Introduction to Statistics
VisSci 203A Geometric Optics

Spring 2006

Art 23 Foundations of American Cyberculture
Bio 1B General Biology
Bioeng/ME C117 Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
Bioeng/ME C117D Structural Aspects of Biomaterials (Discussion)
Chem 1A Introduction to Chemistry
CS 162 Operating Systems and System Programming
CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS 61B Data Structures
CS 61C Machine Structures
Econ 100A Microeconomic Analysis
EE 225B Digital Image Processing
EE 231 Solid State Devices
EE 231D Solid State Devices (Discussion)
EE 240 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits
EE 241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits
EE 40 Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits
EPS/LS 170AC Crossroads of Earth Resources and Society
ESPM 114 Wildlife Ecology
Geo 130 Natural Resources and Population
History 5 European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present
History 7B US History: from Civil War to Present
IAS 180 US Foreign Policy After 9/11
IB 31 Animal Behavior
IDS 110 Introduction to Computers
NS 10 Introduction to Human Nutrition
Phil 7 Existentialism in Literature and Film
Physics 10 Descriptive Introduction to Physics
Physics 8A 001 Introductory Physics
Physics 8A 002 Introductory Physics
PolySci 179 Undergraduate Colloquium on Political Science
Psych 130 Clinical Psychology

Fall 2005

Astro C10 / LS C70U Introduction to General Astronomy
IDS 110 Introduction to Computers


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